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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

Lack of tourism is hurting us up here quite a bit. The Gov King allows State Parks to have camping now, which is where our tourists come from, but the little shops and bars and diners can only open under draconian rules most can't meet, no shops are large enough to accommodate social distancing for inside shopping, Bars can't serve inside, must serve food to serve drinks, and you can't drink outside or you get arrested and the bar loses it's licence. Diners are so small they can only have three tables at which to serve.

The farms struggle still. Dairy's are dying across the country in this still, and the family owned ones here are so small as to be especially vulnerable. Tourism also hurts the private campgrounds around here, which can't open though the State Parks can, so trickle down happens and the horse boarding stables, atv rentals, hardware store, etc. all hurt.

The village still struggles..

Myself, I'm OK. Kinda pissed when I hear how we're in a new "phase" of opening, and I still see businesses struggling up here when there ain't been a single case up here, but I'm OK..



12 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

and I still see businesses struggling up here

Do you think the businesses that survive will become stronger once people flock to them after the whole Covid19 passes over? Some restaurants near my house have closed but the ones open are getting quite a lot of take-out/delivery orders 


On 8/4/2020 at 6:41 AM, silverwolf1 said:

Kinda pissed when I hear how we're in a new "phase" of opening, and I still see businesses struggling up here when there ain't been a single case up here,

Hope that continues for you.  Here, the hospital that serves the 4-corners area had zero, nada, none, in March, April, May, June, phase 2.

Now they have 62 in with Covid.  None within 10 miles or so, but wherever they've opened up crowds, parties, bars, teams, attractions, it's back worse than it was the first round.  


On 8/4/2020 at 8:26 PM, HeartBeatOfTheBeast said:

Do you think the businesses that survive will become stronger once people flock to them after the whole Covid19 passes over? Some restaurants near my house have closed but the ones open are getting quite a lot of take-out/delivery orders 

Not with-out the tourism. It's a different situation here. The two restaurants only exist for the tourists, like the camps, rentals and such. The diner gets take-out, but most folks up here don't use a lot of that unless they live right in the village (pop. ~45). There simply won't be businesses surviving in the village after this. We'll all be going to the city for everything from now on, and some corporate shitheads will move in and build up business for the tourism market, in this and several other small Adirondak villages. They already own the "hot" areas, now they'll own the rest..and ruin the mountains.



yah springfield is losing restaurants like crazy...mostly because the old folks that own them are deciding to just retire....and be done with it...capitalism is a brutal system however...clearly this administration decided that the large employers needed to stay open and the smaller folks were sacrificable...if that's a word...me stay home...



On 7/13/2020 at 3:33 AM, silverwolf1 said:

No, only Scientific Data are "Hard Data"

Not how i was taught it, but you could be right.  My science teacher told me a lot of BS.

Just checkin' in.  I have found work, but not love.  So yeah, business as usual I guess?


9 hours ago, cervids said:

Not how i was taught it, but you could be right.  My science teacher told me a lot of BS.

Just checkin' in.  I have found work, but not love.  So yeah, business as usual I guess?

The 'like' was for you checking in. You have been missed my friend.



More oddness:

My equipment special order was supposed to be here last Mon.  It's next Sat now.  Customer is waiting...

We haven't gotten a paper on time for weeks.  None most days, then a bunch from a week ago.  The campaign ads are the only mail about half the time.  

The local home-owned pharmacy is taken over by walgreens.  Walgreens sucks rotten roadkill, repeatedly cited for charging more than the posted prices.  Can't get them to release my prescrip info so I can go elsewhere.  

Haven't seen the sun for a week.  The sky is never blue anymore.  Some kind of weird eddy in the smoke from out west.  Glad I'm here and they're there; we're in a stage 3 drought but still the woods don't burn like that.  

Armadillos.  Didn't have them when I was growing up.  Their range is moving north.  No match for 9mm but traps don't work; they have ruined the garden.  No fresh fruit or veg this year.  They carry leprosy btw...   



On 7/20/2020 at 3:54 PM, heavyhorse said:

You can't buy pork-n-beans.  Any brand, any size.

Locally it was chili, or anything resembling chili beans. Couldn't find a can of ANY brand of chili for the longest time. Also Campbell's Chunky soups. All that's back now.

Pro tip: If you've got an Aldi store nearby, they have a co-branded copy of the Campbell's Chunky soups at about half the price. Contents of the can are identical, and the label itself is almost identical.

While you're there, check out the candy department. They have German chocolate in all sorts of varieties at very low prices. It's far superior to Nestle. They have peanut-butter cups which are way beyond Reese's, and don't have the little paper cups to dispose of.

There are some things I will no longer buy at Aldi: their low-priced chicken/turkey sausage is awful, as is their instant coffee. OTOH, they have things that are wonderful that I've never seen the like of anywhere else.


I'm not keen on their produce.  There's always a few rotten ones in the bag--  


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