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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

as a guy who has a family member who has serious depression - a niece whose mom died of a drug overdose when she was 10 - i urge people to get exercise...it is amazing how much that can change your life...go for a walk and think how beautiful the world is...try meditation it can have a powerful effect....and yes meds are important but so is talking...please find a therapist or a friend and just talk things out....never give and never step back...

best pandemic joke so far is from chappelle and saturday night live...people say have you notice a difference since the pandemic hit...why yes i have noticed a difference...before the pandemic we had weekly mass shootings...since march not one...that shows the values of keeping all those crazy white dudes with guns locked up at home....


8 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Well at least one fat lady has sung.


AKA:  Super spreader event.  

It ain't near over.  There's a new mutation at the mink farms that the vaccine won't cover.  


It won't be over until there's a pill you can take if you get it and it's cured in 24 hours...... 

Even then you know there are types that won't take it.

I've said it before.  I think we'd all either get used to this, it's gonna be the new normal.  At least until people get responsible...  which like that'll ever happen.


8 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

It ain't near over.  There's a new mutation at the mink farms that the vaccine won't cover.  

At least Denmark acted quickly killing every single mink in their herd...  Sad, but hopefully it worked.


22 minutes ago, cervids said:

At least Denmark acted quickly killing every single mink in their herd...  Sad, but hopefully it worked.

Yes, but did they kill the workers? 

Mmm-- Just saying.  One stupid person and here we go again..... 


1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

Yes, but did they kill the workers? 

Mmm-- Just saying.  One stupid person and here we go again..... 

Minks have workers?

Just kidding.  Though a Mink Hive does sound kind of awesome.

I did say I hope it worked, not I know or expect.


Are we ready for the next hoarder crisis?   Because guess what has been found effective in the prevention of covid,   Ivermectin.    At least I'm sure none of the livestock are at risk.


Say Whaaaaaaat ??

Well maybe, but before we start chugging down the horse wormer--


"However, these results should be interpreted with caution. Firstly, it is important to note that the drug was only tested in vitro using a single line of monkey kidney cells engineered to express human signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM), also known as CDw150, which is a receptor for the measles virus [10]. Also, ivermectin has not been tested in any pulmonary cell lines, which are critical for SARS-CoV-2 in humans [11]. Furthermore, these authors did not show whether the reduction seen in RNA levels of SARS-CoV-2 following treatment with ivermectin would indeed lead to decreased infectious virus titers. Importantly, the drug concentration used in the study (5 μM) to block SARS-CoV-2 was 35-fold higher than the one approved by the FDA for treatment of parasitic diseases, which raises concerns about its efficacy in humans using the FDA approved dose in clinical trials [12]."

US National Library of Medicine 

National Institutes of Health


But maybe better than injecting bleach....... 


I'm not expecting it to cure anything, I'm expecting idiots to buy out Tractor Supply and put it on EBay to get rich off of even bigger idiots.


Might cure people's kids scooting across the carpet on their asses..... 


Looking back on 2020 - I feel I've been pretty lucky.  I've been able to do some traveling, meet up with a bunch of new folks and am overall healthy-ish.  Also still employed.  I know lots of people that had a pretty crappy 2020 - loss of jobs, loss of loved ones.   Hope others here have been coping OK.  If you can walk away from 2020, consider it a win.  Anything else gained this year is icing on the cake!



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