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Welp, another black eye for us it seems..

I'm not posting this to really start serious discourse or anything, but more as a 'vent' / 'bringing attention' sort of post. Is it really THIS hard NOT to do stupid shit? That ultimately reflects on those of us who are decent folks? If this dude is caught, it's not going to be nice for him either in MA.


IMO, dude outright raped SOMEONE ELSE'S horse. I'd agree that this dude is likely a sexual predator..


"The animal was healthy and uninjured"   "The individual seemed comfortable and knowledgeable with horses"

  "we will find this individual and bring him to justice.”   "lot of people feel extremely violated and rightfully so"

I'm I the only one that sees a little over reaction here?


4 hours ago, caikgoch said:

"The animal was healthy and uninjured"   "The individual seemed comfortable and knowledgeable with horses"

  "we will find this individual and bring him to justice.”   "lot of people feel extremely violated and rightfully so"

I'm I the only one that sees a little over reaction here?

More than just a little, yeah. I mean, someone can be healthy, but, still be raped.. In this cast for instance. I'm not for restraint of any sort, even with 'large animals'.

But yeah, more than a LITTLE over-reaction, more focus on lording over the abuser and 'victim', instead of ensuring the victim in the case is definitely alright, and that she's all well, set-up, and prevent future 'encounters' like this dude.



6 minutes ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

More than just a little, yeah. I mean, someone can be healthy, but, still be raped.. In this cast for instance. I'm not for restraint of any sort, even with 'large animals'.

But yeah, more than a LITTLE over-reaction, more focus on lording over the abuser and 'victim', instead of ensuring the victim in the case is definitely alright, and that she's all well, set-up, and prevent future 'encounters' like this dude.


If you look at the photo, he's on the second step of a step ladder.    That is a big mare.   If she wanted to say "no", cross ties wouldn't mean shit.   


But sex or no sex, wouldn't he get in trouble for trespassing?


11 hours ago, caikgoch said:

"lot of people feel extremely violated and rightfully so"

How? I mean except the owner if it was not the guy's horse, how can anyone else feel violated? It is not like he had sex with a half of the town.


23 hours ago, caikgoch said:

If you look at the photo, he's on the second step of a step ladder.    That is a big mare.   If she wanted to say "no", cross ties wouldn't mean shit.   

Having been around horses, I give you that one. I'm somewhat-experienced there. Never been hurt, kicked, or had a horse angry, but I've respected them from the beginning. This still doesn't absolve my opinion though: restraint = BAD, even in cases like this.

20 hours ago, HeartBeatOfTheBeast said:

But sex or no sex, wouldn't he get in trouble for trespassing?

Oh yeah, especially since he was there after hours. Plus tampering with the property to get in.

16 hours ago, dog said:

How? I mean except the owner if it was not the guy's horse, how can anyone else feel violated? It is not like he had sex with a half of the town.

Yeah, I never understood the whole 'taking offense on others behalf' thing.. guess that's a more modern cultural trait. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

Yeah, I can understand the property owner, and the 'owner' (caretaker) of the horse, but fuck, the whole town?


It's the whole Righteous Indignation thing.  Plus a good dose of media sensationalism.  

Fuck a non-human?  How dare you!


No harm, no damage.  Get over it....  


7 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

It's the whole Righteous Indignation thing.  Plus a good dose of media sensationalism.  

Fuck a non-human?  How dare you!


No harm, no damage.  Get over it....  

Yep, charge the dude for actual tresspass, let it go at that.



20 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

This still doesn't absolve my opinion though: restraint = BAD, even in cases like this.

For tall critters mild restraint is just a matter of not repeatedly falling off your bucket.



I mean seriously-- you can look pretty casual around a horse/cow with a bucket.  But carrying a ladder?  


How many cowboys does it take to change a lightbulb?  Just one if you have a tall horse...... 


OK I think I'm done here-- 


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