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Secure hardware

14 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Quantum Computing

Yeah that would cause chaos since it would make attacks many orders of magnitudes faster. But the benefits would greatly outweigh the costs.


18 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

 A drive about the size of your finger, safely hidden away in some architectural crevice of your home, can remain hidden even after you die and after the structure is torn down and the debris buried.  Unlike someone finding your phone or laptop.  

What is something like this good for? If it contains data like porn that you want to be able to access, then it can not be hidden too well, since accessing it frequently would be annoying for you. If it contains something you do not need, then you may just as well not have it. The only use I see for such a device is a backup for passwords. Otherwise it is better to not have any porn at all on your disks and not make any porn yourself. Since porn and yiff is easily found on the internet.


Stuff on the internet has an amazing way of disappearing.  Zoo sites in particular; the list of sites that are no more is long as your arm, the few that still exist depend on several fragile factors.  Any/ all of them could disappear at any time.  Yes even here; we had a bit of a scare a week or so ago.  Cabron's site went away before that.  Mating videos on Youtube vanish for no good reason.  I have copies of several stories that I like to re-read, from this site and others that are no more.  Anything you like, you better save; it may be gone tomorrow.

Something doesn't have to be buried on Oak Island to be hidden.  Air vents and outlet plates are a bit obvious, but a bit of door trim or baseboard, a corner of panelling,  the slot between headers, any little space that isn't frequented by maintenance or repair people.  So, like, don't put it in the battery slot of your smoke alarm-- .


7 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Stuff on the internet has an amazing way of disappearing.  Zoo sites in particular; the list of sites that are no more is long as your arm, the few that still exist depend on several fragile factors.  Any/ all of them could disappear at any time.  Yes even here; we had a bit of a scare a week or so ago.  Cabron's site went away before that.  Mating videos on Youtube vanish for no good reason.  I have copies of several stories that I like to re-read, from this site and others that are no more.  Anything you like, you better save; it may be gone tomorrow.

Something doesn't have to be buried on Oak Island to be hidden.  Air vents and outlet plates are a bit obvious, but a bit of door trim or baseboard, a corner of panelling,  the slot between headers, any little space that isn't frequented by maintenance or repair people.  So, like, don't put it in the battery slot of your smoke alarm-- .

Plus one about the disappearing mating videos. I've got quite a lot of those that are either gone completely or only accessible on Youtube/Google--and they ask you to sign in and verify your age, as if they didn't already know who you were. And then it's impossible to download copies.


11 hours ago, threelegs said:

Plus one about the disappearing mating videos. I've got quite a lot of those that are either gone completely or only accessible on Youtube/Google--and they ask you to sign in and verify your age, as if they didn't already know who you were. And then it's impossible to download copies.

It helps to have an "alternate" persona that you have groomed on various platforms as well as a prepaid cellphone to for the "verification" call.  (So not your real phone.  Also invaluable for replying to ads for re-homing dogs.  One guy had to move to Canada after replying to a dog ad with the same phone he used to muck around on BF, and the person with the dog googled his phone number.)   An account "might" be in the name of a dog that lived a couple of decades ago?  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="B|" width="20" />

Firefox Download Helper seems to be able to get files that sites don't really want you to download.  It always worked on youtube for me.

Screenshot has a video capture mode that works even on video embedded in a page, just frame the video window and click Record.  

Of course I'm talking about using an actual computer-- .


13 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

It helps to have an "alternate" persona that you have groomed on various platforms as well as a prepaid cellphone to for the "verification" call.  (So not your real phone.  Also invaluable for replying to ads for re-homing dogs.  One guy had to move to Canada after replying to a dog ad with the same phone he used to muck around on BF, and the person with the dog googled his phone number.)   An account "might" be in the name of a dog that lived a couple of decades ago?  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="B|" width="20" />

Firefox Download Helper seems to be able to get files that sites don't really want you to download.  It always worked on youtube for me.

Screenshot has a video capture mode that works even on video embedded in a page, just frame the video window and click Record.  

Of course I'm talking about using an actual computer-- .

Phone doesn't apply to me (at least that I know of) since my only phone is a dumb cheap flip phone and I don't use it for anything but voice calls. Not saying that google wouldn't make the connection, though.

I use Download Helper in FF; it didn't work for me when I tried to D/L Youtube vids. I think at one point I even installed a D/L app that claimed it would do youtube vids, and it  didn't work either.

Didn't know about the screenshot trick; I'll have to try it.


1 hour ago, threelegs said:

Phone doesn't apply to me (at least that I know of) since my only phone is a dumb cheap flip phone and I don't use it for anything but voice calls. Not saying that google wouldn't make the connection, though.

I use Download Helper in FF; it didn't work for me when I tried to D/L Youtube vids. I think at one point I even installed a D/L app that claimed it would do youtube vids, and it  didn't work either.

Didn't know about the screenshot trick; I'll have to try it.

Is your computer as old as your phone?    Because if it is, you aren't going to be able to watch anything shortly.   Firefox, your OS, and lots of other apps are changing how they render web content to "enhance security".    I have several computers that won't download or display most web content without an update and there is no update offered for the old hardware.


Yes.  You have to buy new stuff.

Isn't that convenient?

For them, I mean--    

[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/angry.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=">:(" width="20" />


14 hours ago, threelegs said:

I use Download Helper in FF; it didn't work for me when I tried to D/L Youtube vids.

I just tried it; it still works.  You have to let it update automatically; every time Youtube (or wherever) tries something clever they have to update Download Helper.

And for some damn obscure reason Download Helper creates it's own folder called "dwhelper" some freakin' where on your machine; you may have to look for it; downloaded vids go there rather than "downloads" or Desktop


Quote:  "Phone doesn't apply to me (at least that I know of) since my only phone is a dumb cheap flip phone and I don't use it for anything but voice calls. Not saying that google wouldn't make the connection, though."

Main thing there is your name being tied to your phone number.  If you ever gave your name, address, number on a form or something.  You call someone about a dog, they find out your name and address by googling the phone number.  They get drugged up, come by a couple of weeks later to take the dog back, threaten harm to your other animals if you don't comply.  Had that happen.  One time.  From then on only use a prepaid flip phone, bought with cash, minutes bought with cash, for such calls.  Also use that phone to sign up for accounts that you don't want in your real name-- 



There are disposable phone numbers that you can use from any phone.  I've used them, though not for dog- or zoo-related activity.  I paid for it with a gift card bought with cash, a fake name and a real address (an apartment complex a few towns away that I never lived at.)  I also have a well established fake identity with a residence address in another part of the state.  It even comes up on a Google search but does not connect to the real me.


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