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Alpha Endari Husky

Preface Captains Logs

LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: It has been 300 years since our crew left for the excellent trade agreement with the distant star system. Inadvertently, we veered off course due to a malfunctioning hyperdrive core. Unfortunately, sacrifices had to be made, and only the essential crew were allowed to stay onboard the ship. Hundreds of us were locked up in stasis pods. All the others were sent to a planet that could support a colony with enough food and equipment. Despite breaking every protocol, this was the lesser of two evils. END CAPTAINS LOG

LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: There appears to be extensive damage to the ship's lower half. At the same time, it is essential to repair this as fast as possible to prevent further damage. The crew needs time to mourn the loss of their loved ones. They are safe, we hope; however, the realization is setting in that we may never be able to see them again. Today that realization came when we broke past the point of transponder communication. The planet, our friends, and our loved ones are on their own from this point out. Alpha Endari One, is it our greatest sacrifice or our greatest mistake. END CAPTAINS LOG

LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: Executive Technician Bury B. Bones believes that we can start repairs on the lower decks. In doing so, we will have access to food stores and lost living quarters. The drop pod evacuations were a quick decision that had to be made. Seeing if there are any lost Dog Soldiers below is horrifying for the crew and me. The damage from the warp drive detonation was massive, and since power was lost to the lower decks, we can only hope that most everyone escaped. Our knowledge of what pods were ejected and the number of pods ejected is limited. Due to the loss of power in that quadrant of the ship, we don't have enough information. These pods were designed for low atmospheric ejection in the event of a launch catastrophe. They were not intended for a plunge into space through dense layers of atmospheric pressure. Let's hope we can get this handled as quickly as possible.. Alpha save us all. END CAPTAINS LOG

LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: Executive Technician Bones has figured a way to restore the damaged systems by rerouting power. Repair crews cleared the way to open up the lower decks finally. It was a long process as wires and conduits threw sparks at random intervals. After some time, Bones was able to shut down power to the damaged systems. We had to carefully redistribute life support from the main deck to these lower decks. This is a short-term solution. Repairs are going to require more material. Materials that we don't have. Bone's team is working round the clock to figure out an answer to this issue. So far, it seems that we can cobble together a makeshift mining barge by welding two escape pods together and using redundant backup systems in the vessel. We have enough scrap and parts to make the small ship. Ironically, we will have to use the last of the repair parts from Storage Deck B to create the mining ship. Most of the repair parts were in maintenance when the hyperdrive detonated. This led to the jettisoning of repair parts through space. The only way to fix the ship is to build another. Like I said, a small mining vessel. Sadly this isn't the only thing we have to do. Engineering is working with the Science Department to create extrusion machines. Without these machines, large quadrants of the ship will never be able to function. The parts on this ship need to be precise and just winging it won't cut it. We are in the process of turning old living quarters into extrusion rooms. This has yielded benefits as well. The old computers and screens that are present in these rooms can be used on the mining vessel. END CAPTAINS LOG

LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: Well, we have finally made our way deeper into the wreckage that used to be our lower decks. The science crew and the engineering crew have had to split resources between carving into the room that holds all our food stores and building the mining vessel. The trek was long and dangerous as many sectors were covered by sparking wires and haphazard lengths of exposed conduits. With power rerouted and diverted to emergency lighting, this made things safer and more bearable. END CAPTAINS LOG

LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: Fantastic progress and even better news! We were able to breach the food stores and rescue a few survivors that were locked in. It would have been impossible for them to survive if it had been any longer due to the lack of oxygen and toxic carbon dioxide building in the room. With this success, we can now divert the extra dog power to building the mining vessel. END CAPTAINS LOG

No More Logs Found In The Codex

Chapter One The Saga Begins

Meteorium, which allows for reaching remote star systems in an instant, is an integral part of any hyperdrive system. Humans have just recently discovered this phenomenon. As far as we can tell the humans do not know of our existence; however, we know of their existence. Unfortunately, they are a warmongering population, and we believe that they are not ready to know of our existence.

 The Meteorium Phenomenon was the name of a research paper that changed everything. Quantum entanglement seems to be built into certain atoms of this almost perfect substance. There is a funny thing about quantum entanglement in that what happens in one place will occur in any unrelated area at the same time. The paper posited that if we could take individual atoms from this mineral, then theoretically, we would be able to teleport to any connected region. Everything changed after the paper was published.

 This research allowed for massive industries to form in that these linked atoms and this space in which the counterpart resided would be explored and charted. Unfortunately, what most people don't realize is that not all of the Meteorium is quantumly entangled. You would think that 300lb of the mineral is a lot especially considering that you only need atoms of the substance. It's actually not a lot at all. Coupled with the fast grab for this highly scarce resource, all of it was used up in months. The use of the mineral was banned, and most of it was recollected by the government. It gave way to a new industry, NavCodecs These were essentially one-way endpoints that would link to the quantum entanglement of the discovered meteorium. These were highly sought after, however, primarily useless unless you had both NavCodecs, that is, unless you wanted never to return.

 The process of applying for NavCodecs was lengthy and primarily shelled out to those who worked for the government. Over a length of time, almost ironically, this led to a different industry emerging of NavDiscs. This was essentially a disc copy of a NavCodec with both endpoints attached and was available on the open market. Not all NavCodecs have been copied, as some are safeguarded to only the highest government and military ranks. It is also always recommended if, for whatever reason, if you go freelance to make sure you get a NavDisc from a reliable resaler as a NavDisc is essentially two NavCodecs to allow for ease of use and round trip capabilities, you would not want to get a corrupted unit.

 This presentation droned on until I was woken up by the sound of applause. The speaker in dramatic attire paw outstretched and motioned backstage.

 "Let's put it together for one of the most enlightened minds of our time," he said, "Elon Bones!"

The lights dimmed, and a Shiba walked out. He was about average height but incredibly thin. He wore a long coat that was open, revealing a shiny red jumpsuit.  A wide-brimmed hat covered his forehead. He smiled and waved at the crowd finally stopping to speak.

"Where do I begin?" he asked grinning. "I have to say that we are the perfect species with all that we have accomplished."

As he spoke, several screens lit up, showing a 3D image of a ringed planet.  

"However it has become public knowledge that we are not alone. We find ourselves in a system of at least four planets. A race of humans inhabits one," Bones explained.

A 3D image of a planet appeared and began to rotate.

"Their planet's name is New Terra II. It's similar to Earth in many ways, though larger and with more gravity. Its days are longer than ours, and as I speak, they have just over four and a half billion citizens."

The planet continued to rotate, now showing an image of a single city sprawled across the planet's surface.

"This is the capital. The city's name is New Terra City. It's where the humans seem to live, work, play and fight," Bones continued. "So why is this at all important?" Bones asked, "Well, you see, it appears that these humans have found something on a planet that is much closer to them than us, Meteorium! We thought its existence scarce if not gone entirely. I propose a trade agreement with these humans."

Someone in the crowd shouted. "So these tiny little humans found something we couldn't?"

The crowd laughed along with Bones.

After a moment of silence, Bones said, "Well, let's just say that we are all fortunate to be in the position that we are right now."



Otherwise please continue!


9 hours ago, heavyhorse said:


Otherwise please continue!

It should be okay with the spelling. I ran it through Grammarly not sure what was spelled wrong if you see something let me know though so I can fix it. Also, does the edit button time out?


The mechanics of it (spelling, punctuation, etc.) look pretty good, except for the first half of it all being centered for no reason I can think of. I spotted only one error: 4th paragraph, 4th line down, you have "Bone's team" which should be "Bones' team". Also, it should be "CAPTAIN'S LOG".

I'll leave it to others to comment on the content.


21 hours ago, QuantumHusky said:


3rd paragraph, "Chapter one"

Which I suppose doesn't appear in the system dictionary.  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

.....aaaand you don't get a lot of time to edit.  5 or 10 minutes?  Guessing?


Just now, heavyhorse said:

3rd paragraph, "Chapter one"

Which I suppose doesn't appear in the system dictionary.  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

.....aaaand you don't get a lot of time to edit.  5 or 10 minutes?  Guessing?

I think the admin fixed the editing issue (we can edit without having to post new topics to continue!!) so I'm really happy about that! Metiorium is just a mythical ore so its spelling is right maybe? This story is a work in progress. Any suggestions as to how it should go or what characters should be introduced are also cool.


8 hours ago, QuantumHusky said:

I think the admin fixed the editing issue (we can edit without having to post new topics to continue!!) so I'm really happy about that! Metiorium is just a mythical ore so its spelling is right maybe? This story is a work in progress. Any suggestions as to how it should go or what characters should be introduced are also cool.

Agreed.  Spell it any way you like.  But you spelled it Meteorium twice elsewhere.  Which makes more sense anyway--


Updated, made some minor fixes, and added a bit more story as well as changed the plot just a tiny amount.


"Their planet's name is New Terra II.

The planet's name is New Terra City.

...... or the city's name is....   


On 9/12/2021 at 0:25 AM, heavyhorse said:

"Their planet's name is New Terra II.

The planet's name is New Terra City.

...... or the city's name is....   

Yeah, when I logged off and was thinking about what I had written I realized my accident. I'll fix it up sorry for the confusion.


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