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Hello From a Quantum Anomaly

Just saying hello. I am going to paste an introduction that I have made elsewhere because I do believe it applies.

- Are you a Zoo? Zoo-ally? Maybe you're just curious or feel conflicted? (Who are you in regards to Zoosexuality?)

I am QuantumHusky. I believe that I have a decent reputation in the community. I went by different names in the past on other forum boards. Those have come and gone so that no longer matters. I am working on pushing the boundaries of the community to break the unwarranted stigma that plagues our everyday lives. I am doing this through writing guides as well as working on the ZooWiki. There are a lot of things to come and an entire collection of articles that need to be written. The main focus is a guide for those who are curious as well as propper techniques and general populous information. My goal is to make the general public more aware of the issues we face and the other stuff that can be searched for by zoos that need help. I have worked to restore articles of dead wikis and translated many other wikis in order to make information widespread. The current version is just icing on the cake. The true vision is soon to come.

- For how long have you experienced an attraction to non-human animals? Or, if you're an ally, for how long have you considered yourself an ally?

Over a decade. I have loved, lost, felt the pain, and pushed on. I love my girl and I know what true love feels like.

- What are some of your views on ZooSexuality and how are or were you impacted by society's stigma on this sexual orientation?

Its a normal thing it has happened throughout all of history through every species. The stigma makes me feel trapped. In a metaphorical box. I believe that some of my health has declined because of this to be honest. However, I am ZooExclusive and have no other desires or feelings for other humans so its not an option to just give up the lifestyle.

- Do you have or have you had an animal partner, companion, or friend in your life?

Yes, she is beautiful, she means the world to me, and it's another reason why I stress. I would not want anything to ever happen to her.

- What do you expect to find at ZooCommunity? What is your main motivation for joining?

I am digging for valuable information, history, the struggle. I want to be able to collect these pieces to try and form a full picture for others within the wiki in hopes of completing it someday.

Please feel free to share anything you'd like as long as it doesn't give away your offline identity.

I love dogs [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

- Have you read and do you agree with the Zeta principles? Please comment on at least one of the principles, just lightly sharing your opinion about it and why you believe it is important.

Yeah I live by these rules they are in my blood. They have always been and always will be.

1. Bestow upon animals the same kindness one would wish bestowed upon oneself.

This is important to us as zoos and the Zoophilia culture mainly because we are some of the few individuals that actually realize that animals are not below us. We are one and the same. Animals are our loved ones and we love them. Though we value them more than the average human. It is important to note that animals are not below us they are with us and deserve the same respect that you would impart to any other living being.

2. Consider the well-being of an animal companion as important as one's own.

This is essentially the same statement as above however it doesn't just go into detail about caring for an animal as you would yourself it is stating that you should care for the animal the same as you would another living being. It's important to note that I am saying any other living being. Not any human being. Being a zoo we realize that there is no animal scale or human scale. We are all equal and should be treated with the same rights and respect.

3. Place the animal’s will and well-being ahead of one’s desires for sexual gratification.

This is extremely important and I have talked about this in length before. This lifestyle is not about sex. It is about loving and caring for your loved one. I had a perfectly happy loving relationship with a spayed dog. She was my first but we never had sex and it was one of the happiest relationships I have ever had. Though it is also important that this covers many other things as well. For example, people will talk about picking up strays and go into detail about the happenings with them. I have to say that I disagree with this type of mindset. Stray is fine if you are giving them a forever home but to use someone like that is not okay. They more than likely need help and are looking for love I an affectionate way. As well as they more than likely need medical attention.

4. Teach those who seek knowledge about zoophilia and bestiality without promoting it.

We have a hard life. You all know this. It's important to promote the lifestyle safely without intentionally trying to convert people. The struggle is real but we were born this way and trying to convert people is just bad. Not only are they going to be into it for the wrong reason and it will be a fetish to them most likely and that's not what we want.

5. Discourage the practice of bestiality in the presence of fetish seekers.

This rolls up into the above answer. It is not cool that people will practice our beliefs and interests for the sexual thrill or fetish of it. There is so much more to being a Zoo than that. Not only does it make us look bad it exacerbates the negative stigma that we are working to remove.

6. Censure sexual exploitation of animals for the purpose of financial gain.

This is important as well. As we have to make sure that these people are punished. Our loved ones are not sex toys they are our other half. It is disgusting that this happens, though rarer these days.

7. Censure those who practice and promote animal sexual abuse.

This is important as well. All of these really are really important. Unfortunately, I have to say that once more this rolls up into the above. One of the worst things for the community is commercial animal sex companies. They are in it for the money and this means that sometimes that money comes before the animals well being. This results in improper actions and abuse. There are others in other communities apart from our own that we also don't agree with however these are small and still are something that if you find you should attempt to shut down. Animal abuse is not okay. It's not cool. Zoophilia is not animal abuse it is the total unconditional love between us and our loved ones.


Howdy!  Enjoy!

Just a note:  Before going and publishing treatises to make the "general public more aware", please be darn sure that's actually going to be beneficial.  Since the general result of efforts and events increasing "public awareness" has been a world-class clusterfuck disaster.  

Thank You very much. 



Hi Husky, welcome!

I'm actually curious about the ZooWiki thing and what plans you have with it. Even though being a historian is a noble cause, I think it would not be wise to openly cite things like current-running zoo sites. Though it is an interesting concept.


Maybe you can explain what's up with that husky.  He's shaking his head like he has ear mites?

Ivermectin will fix that--  .



Um, sorry.  It's been really slow around here..... 


Its just a gif I found online lol.


wow you had me at hello....that MAY qualify as the single longest intro on this site....oh hello and welcome...


On 9/8/2021 at 2:44 PM, heavyhorse said:

Um, sorry.  It's been really slow around here..... 

I thought it was just you and me until like 5 minutes ago.


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