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In a perfect world, this is what my barn would look like....  


6 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

In a perfect world, this is what my barn would look like....  

Yeah, I counted eleven doggos in that picture, and I might have missed one.

By the way, do you suppose there was a particular reason for the printing of that little heart symbol just where it was? ;-)


Nope.  Just a random cellphone emoji malfunction.

Have to say, the darker dog's expression seems rather, um, nonconsensual.  

"Oh gawd, not again!  It's only been 10 minutes!"


5 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Nope.  Just a random cellphone emoji malfunction.

So it's just coincidence that it may have concealed a bit of lipstick ... well, coincidences do happen.


[Image: pigincart.jpg.b8d283d8e7f4bebca3ae308dc8d4d880.jpg]

This not-so-little piggy, on his way to the market ...


10 hours ago, threelegs said:

This not-so-little piggy, on his way to the market ...

Or to a breeding job.  He will stay in that cart about as long as he WANTS to stay in that cart, so I'm guessing he is used to this and ready to go.  


[Image: 61e8db207deee_Toescurl.jpg.ff37dc30f5950...3ea029.jpg]

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2022_01/61e8db2a27840_Heytherestud.jpg.81077ede334f3348983ebaf7cf9db65e.jpg" data-fileid="4619">[Image: 61e8db2a7cd73_Heytherestud.thumb.jpg.118...e3813b.jpg]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2022_01/61e8db304163e_Droolinggoat01.jpg.228aa515434fd4aea7bbfb25ff495bba.jpg" data-fileid="4620">[Image: 61e8db308e55b_Droolinggoat01.thumb.jpg.1...b57d67.jpg]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2022_01/Narnia.jpg.afb16220eb8840a7269224800fbc8dcb.jpg" data-fileid="4621">[Image: Narnia.thumb.jpg.82369c6fffe0c2259908797186cfdc90.jpg]</a>

[Image: 61e8db42b5516_Fuckensteams.jpg.5d9245725...10068a.jpg]

[Image: 61e8db54a87ba_Toblow.jpg.96e1f48aa18ee15...d46685.jpg]

[Image: 61e8db65502d3_Givemyself.jpg.06df695cc0e...992c29.jpg]

[Image: 61e8db72a477e_Supplierforlube.jpg.72e1bb...ba2692.jpg]




I used to be really into sadism, necrophilia, and beastiality, but then i realized I was just beating a dead horse...


<div style="color:#1A1A1B;">

Farmers say they like to place a sheep's two hind legs down the front of his boots and throw the sheep's two front legs over a fence. While I think it's fine to put the sheep's two hind legs in your boots, I believe you're better off throwing the sheep's front legs over your shoulders. Otherwise you're going to miss out on all the kissing...



i gotta million of them...



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