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getting treated for cancer

i am getting treated for cancer...and i thought i would see if there were others here getting treated here as well...sometimes it feels so alone...


Well crap! That doesn't sound nice at all, mate! Would it be too personal to enquire as to the type or location?

I've had no immediate family experiencing this but a distant cousin had bone cancer in his 20's and needed a bone marrow transplant!

He was in hospital for weeks and on crutches for months!

...and then I've experienced several giant breed dogs succumb to the C word. The last was a 3 year old St Bernard bitch with Lyphosarcoma (sp). She spiraled down in less than ten days! That was the hardest for me to bear.



Just noticed your earlier post...


On 5/3/2022 at 10:44 AM, shortleash said:  "i start treatment for larynx cancer friday so i have stopped caring so much....sigh..."


i do not know which is worse....having cancer or loved ones having it....


On 5/10/2022 at 10:35 AM, shortleash said:

i do not know which is worse....having cancer or loved ones having it....

I'd say either are just as bad. I've had at least three family members go through it, and recently my father having FINALLY got a kidney transplant after ~3 years. I can relate to the hardships.

Two of my family passed from cancer (an aunt, and my grandfather), one survived (my mother, Metastatic Breast Cancer).  Your fear is completely justified, as is feeling alone. Thr chemo wasn't the worst part for my mom, it was the radiation. Constant tiredness, skin burns akin to sunburn.. Luckily after it all, she's been cancer free. I do think the chemo messed with her brain a bit, but she's still more than functional.

All the best my comrade, I wish you a speedy, and as painless as possible recovery.

(Yes, I know I don't post here much: life gets in the way a lot for me these days, but I sure as hell ain't dead. I try to offer my support when I can).


thanks wgw...send me a pm let me know how life goes...will i ever see you again...i had hoped people like you would chime in...but also hoping for animal partners stories too...did anyones "pet" get them through cancer....


On 5/13/2022 at 11:54 AM, shortleash said:

thanks wgw...send me a pm let me know how life goes...will i ever see you again...i had hoped people like you would chime in...but also hoping for animal partners stories too...did anyones "pet" get them through cancer....

I replied to your DM. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> And yes, when my father was ill and mother too, Loki and the crew here on the farm helped me greatly. Gave me motivation to get up and out of bed. Gave me something to focus on and attempt to clear my head without being destructive.

It's a miracle what a non human partner / 'pet' can do for you.

- Of course, feel free to shoot me a DM at any time, about anything. I do check this forum on the regular, and I've posted stuff like my Discord and Telegram here if someone wants a more 'live chat' type thing.

I really do need to start trying to be more active here, this is one of my fav. Zoo hangout spots.



How's it going Shortleash?  I've a friend going through treatment (again) after being in remission for about 9 years.  


17 hours ago, ferritlove said:

How's it going Shortleash?  I've a friend going through treatment (again) after being in remission for about 9 years.  

Best of luck to them as well. Cancer is a REAL bitch, and not the good kind...


still going through treatment until around the end of june...missed chemo last week because i had a fainting spell but that is another issue...gonna do chemo tomorrow no matter what...


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