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getting treated for cancer

Hang in there! Seems like you're making it through so far so good at least, no?


You got this. You can kick cancers ass. just keep fighting


Hey! How are you holding up Shortleash?  I'm guessing you've made your next treatment since your last message.


i am holding up ok..got chemo tomorrow...not looking forward to that...but getting through...suprised no one else really chimed in...i had thought...well there would be more than just me...sigh...


1 hour ago, shortleash said:

i am holding up ok..got chemo tomorrow...not looking forward to that...but getting through...suprised no one else really chimed in...i had thought...well there would be more than just me...sigh...

I'm glad you're pulling through OK, you got this man!


Not sure there are many folks still here.  Are you comnected anywhere else?  Zooville chat, telegram?

7 hours ago, shortleash said:

i am holding up ok..got chemo tomorrow...not looking forward to that...but getting through...suprised no one else really chimed in...i had thought...well there would be more than just me...sigh...



there quite a few telegram chats if you need them. I'm glad that you are pulling through. Just keep fighting.


I'm on TG (@wintergreenwolf), and I've thought about making a personal ZooVille account. I actually have my podcast account on ZV. We'll see how it goes.

I do like TG quite a bit. Well, for 'live chatting' anyways.



I'm @ferritlove over at TG.


this biggest cancer i am worried about right now is donnie trump and his attempted coup BUT THANKs FOR ALL THE WELL WISHES...it makes feel all warm inside...


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