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Movies with a hint of zoo

Quote:..and then, after making love with his wife in bed, the next morning they're talking about last night's sex:
She say's It was great and he responds It was even better the second time!
She looks at him and queries... Second time?
Camera cuts to a very contented look on the Shepherds face [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]
Right that was my favorite part of the movie [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]


There are two scenes in "Ladyhawke," a 1985 medieval fantasy film starring Rutger Hauer, Matthew Broderick, and Michelle Pfeiffer, that are unintentionally zooish. For those who haven't seen the film, Hauer plays Etienne of Navarre, a former Captain of the Guard, and Pfeiffer plays his lover, Isabeau d'Anjou. Broderick plays Phillipe Gaston, a young thief who becomes Navarre's sidekick. A jealous bishop's curse forces Navarre to become a wolf at night, and Isabeau to become a hawk during the day, thus keeping the lovers apart except for cruelly fleeting moments at dawn and dusk.
One evening, just before dark, Navarre ties Gaston to a tree to keep him from running away. That night, when Isabeau appears in human form, Gaston convinces her to cut his bonds. As Gaston escapes, he says to Isabeau, "Tell the Captain he ties a wicked knot!" : ) I'm sure it wasn't intended as a sexual reference, but the phrasing makes me smile. : )
There's another scene where Navarre asks Gaston to take care of his horse. "What's her name?" Gaston asks. With emphasis, Navarre replies, "HIS name is Goliath." "HIS name," Gaston repeats, bending down for a moment to look underneath the horse (presumably to confirm that Goliath is indeed male). "Pretty name," Gaston then adds. ; )


Quote:<div><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_07/ThanksgivingFamilyReunion.jpg.03fbe6da679c01750ec578cbcc84981b.jpg">[Image: ThanksgivingFamilyReunion.thumb.jpg.0872...ab16a1.jpg]</a>
When the German Shepherd kept grabbing his crotch thru his pants...
...and then, after making love with his wife in bed, the next morning they're talking about last night's sex:
She say's It was great and he responds It was even better the second time!
She looks at him and queries... Second time?
Camera cuts to a very contented look on the Shepherds face [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]
</div>​damn.  ok, i might have to see that... shame the thread from zf with all of the clips that got uploaded wasn't still around.  could add more clips from the ones mentioned above, too.


Quote:​damn.  ok, i might have to see that... shame the thread from zf with all of the clips that got uploaded wasn't still around.  could add more clips from the ones mentioned above, too.
Welp...  skip thru to 1:15.00 to catch that really funny part ,;)
<iframe width="459" height="344" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ml3_f2pfU-g?feature=oembed" frameborder="0"></iframe> 


Ignore the silly intro advertising bit!


In the Dirty Harry film, the Enforcer,
Harry is reviewing candidates for Inspector position (against his wishes) and offers a hypothetical situation:
guy: "Are you finished with the questioning, Callahan?"
Callahan: "Hypothetical situation, huh?... Alright, I'm standing on the street corner and Mrs. Gray there, comes up and propositions me... If  I come home with her , for five dollars she'll put on a show with a Shetland Pony!"
Mrs. Gray: "If this is your idea of humor, Inspector...?"
- (everyone's grinning - LOL)
guy: "Alright, what are you trying to do here, Callahan?"
Callahan: "I'm just trying to find out if anybody in this room knows what-the-hell laws being broken... besides cruelty to animals!" 
LOL   [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


Passion in the Desert
It does a bit more than hint.


Quote:Passion in the Desert
​A very interesting movie, to say the least...based on a short story by Honoré de Balzac.
However, I recommend stopping the film when Augustin ties Simoom to a pole: things darken shortly thereafter. :'(

[Image: lick-a-leopard.thumb.jpg.911e5ad2be9440d...d1fbca.jpg]

wow.  i forgot that i had a desktop pic for the longest time of a freeze-frame of them on the ground together .. he has his hand on her face, staring into her eyes.  very romantic.. very much my sort of thing.


There is a movie (forgot the title) where Danny de Vito is a director who's wife is hell on earth, and has an idiotic poodle. She gets kidnapped, and he refuses to pay the ransom. But he still has the poodle. He asks his secretary to get a big male dog. "A return gift for her?" the secretaty asks. "No, he is for me" Danny replies in a tone that is meant to be misunderstood. He hopes the great dog will eat the poodle, but it will not work. 


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