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Zoos who are missing from the community

Post here Zoos whose status is uncertain. If you know the status of any Zoo listed here, an update would be much appreciated.


Tuskyn, from MD
Dolphin from Middle East / Africa  (red sea)
Polecat from West coast 
The Phoenix, USA
Sniper, USA 
RooZoo, USA 
Tyger Cowboy, USA
Kishor Wolf, USA
Shuunka  / DogRose.
Wolfheart. west
Malichi. Alaska
Justin Wolf,  Missouri


I saw RooZoo in early July and got e-mail from Polecat in May. I haven't heard from Shuunka in nearly 20 years, but "The Phoenix" rings a bell. It could be an old nickname for someone I know by another handle. As for Dolphin, good luck: lots of people use that nickname. : )
It's always possible that more than one person uses these nicknames, so if you're concerned, you can PM me specific questions or details (e.g., tattoos, birthmarks, fencing scars ; ), and I can tell you if we're thinking of the same folks. Best not to do that in the open thread here, though.


Some-one told me recently (via ZF) that they were in regular contact with Wolfheart and that he was well, but I've not verified that through any other source, and I can't remember who told me.
There are just too many I lost touch with when I took my 15 year hiatus for me to list any. Some appeared on ZF, but so many more have not appeared anywhere I know of.


These people *appear* to be missing.
Name - Legacy - Nation
Pongo Z Dog - Pongo's Place - USA
Dobbin - Dobbin's Zoo Station - Australia
Dingo Jay - Zoo story writer - Australia
Bushtail - creator of Lintilla Multiple Worlds - unknown
Manawolf - Manawolf's Lair -  Unknown
Breath - Breath's Pasture - unknown
Old Horse - Zoo story writer - unknown
Raczoon - Raczoon;s Home Page - USA
Kumba - The Zoo Ring, The Dog House - unknown
Barnside - Barnside's Equiphile Web Page - USA
Wolfsong - creator of the Zeta Symbol - unknown
Les Tigress - domain host(ess) for numerous Zoo and Furry webpages - unknown
White Shadow - founder of Pet Lovers Forum, etc. - unknown
Ian - Ian's ZooLinks - unknown
Muse - Muse's Zoo Research - Unknown
Bird Lover - Another Ornithophile - USA
Bushrat - Ostrich experience! - USA
Bird_Peace - Ornithophile & other species - unknown
Gatorvent - Alligator experience! - USA
I am still trying to contact Ren Houk and Hawk, so I won't call them missing.  Yet.
Resident Hyaena ^..^


Raczoon is alive and well on FurAffinity.


Good to know. Thanks for the update Actaeon.


Quote:Dobbin - Dobbin's Zoo Station - Australia
Retired because of some stalking within the community. Confirmed alive and well in 2007, prefers not to be contacted. 


Dingo Jay - Zoo story writer - Australia
Dingo Jay was a frequent poster on ZF, he last said he had joined a Yahoo's zoo writers group from many years ago.


Quote:Tuskyn, from MD
​He's still around and active on InkBunny.


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