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Start a pro-zoo blog?
Is it a good idea to start a pro-zoo blog, on a blogging platform such as Tumblr? What would be the pros and cons of undertaking such a project? Would it be too risky? If it were done anonymously on Tor and within an anonymous operating system (such as Tails), would that be safe?

To what end?


Expousing what exactly?

Being entirely anonymous would defeat the idea of a blog, no? 

[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wacko.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":S" width="20" />


Zoo bloggin on Tumblr is alright.


No rules against it as long as you aren't posting photos/videos/hyper-explicit stories.

Relatively anonymous, no expectations/requirements to share identifying info.

There's already a few of us there.


Unless you designate otherwise, it will be public and you will get hate mail if you leave your ask box and messages open.

If you want to actually use the site, use separate emails for zoo stuff and for normal use because your zoo account will get blocked.

The zoo side has been pretty dead lately.


Pardon me for asking, but what exactly are you expecting from this "pro zoo" blog?

We all know how little chance of changing someone´s perspective such actions have and it´s much more likely you´ll alienate a hundered times more folks from us zoos than actually changing a hostile into a friendly. For me, those "pro zoo" bloggers are just pampering their egos, the effect on society they have in mind is minimal at best, if not completely detrimental to our cause. What you all don´t seem to get is , it´s not a feasible way to make change happen if zoos are just displaying themselves to the public. 

Sometimes I really wonder whether this entire "zoo rights" stuff is just a reliably working option for attention seekers....."Hey , look at me, I am horny for animals!".

As we all should have learned by now, openly displaying sexual attraction towards animals won´t get us anywhere.

Why is it so hard for some "zoos" to just do what they want and remain silent about it? There´s an old saying: "Learn to dare, learn to want, learn to know, learn to remain silent", offering the best advice for zoophiles. Do what you want, develop some sort of "pride" , develop expertise and keep your goddamn mouth shut about it.

Silence indeed IS golden when it comes to zoophilia. And for those chatter afficionados, there´s always forums like this...so, no need to try yet another invasion of the public that undoubetdly will backfire one day or another.


In my opinion forced attention only gathers ire. I think public attention should be gained slowly if at all, and in a different genre than advocacy. Artistically we have more power to change hearts and minds than with in your face demands of acceptance at this stage, and I sometimes wonder if even the artistic genre is too much at this stage. Unfortunately even there we are outnumbered by the thrill seeking porn imagery and written porn. All we've done so far on the web is make matters worse IMO with over-sharing our lives with 'normal' folks. Even our stories of loving relationships offend right now. 

On "Zoo Rights": I've been asking since I came online exactly WHAT those "Rights" were and have yet to get a cognitive answer, or two answers that were the same. I've gotten no answer that has persuaded me that the life I already have or had with my lovers need change or become publicly open to pursue them. Such action only threatens my non-human partners and companions, which is unacceptable. 

BTW, no action online is totally anonymous and untraceable IMO, and the law has experts that prove that every day.



Agreed that the zoo side of tumblr is pretty dead lately, if socializing with other zoo folks is one of the things you'd want a blog for.  If that's not a concern though tumblr is a pretty easy format to publish posts with.  Personally I don't post in tags or anything searchable anymore because the anti-zoo side is bonkers, lots of witch hunts, nasty messages, and attempted doxxing (though that seems par for the course for tumblr in general).  I do genuinely like the site though, reblogging is a fun concept to share pictures.  I'm not that active anymore since the zoo community on there has died down but I keep my blog up as a host for my survey results and I have a tag of resources, which is links to zoo-related articles, essays, and similar.


On 11/12/2017 at 6:03 AM, Hiway said:

Being entirely anonymous would defeat the idea of a blog, no?

One could blog about zoo-related ideas -- aspects of zoo which have nothing to do with one's personal life. One could also state opinions, such as "these [anti-zoo] laws are wrong and need to be repealed".

Anti-zoos do this (state their opinions) all the time online, but pro-zoo content seems to be far less common.

Does anyone know why zoo blogging has been inactive recently? Is it because of the chilling effect caused by new laws?

The question is, how safe / risky is it to write a pro-zoo blog?


My impression as far as tumblr goes is that it's died down because of anti-zoo crusades on that site, nothing to do with new laws.  A few times recently anti folks have ganged up on prominent zoo users who got into debates with them, reported the zoo blog to tumblr's staff, and had it deleted.  But if you keep your head down it's fine.  I just communicate with other zoos on there, make my own posts, and in general don't interact with antis.  The folks who are still active there usually just don't post in public tags, so their posts aren't found by antis.  I've had an anonymous zoo tumblr for three years now and I'm fine, no one has been able to gather any significant information on me from my blog.  So as long as you use common sense and don't reveal any personal information, it's safe.  Doesn't hurt to use IP protection like Tor as well.  The worst that'll happen is your blog might get deleted by site admins if it's reported by other users, so just back up your posts if you don't want to lose them.  Tor also comes in handy with tumblr because tumblr bans are IP bans, so if you get reported and deleted without a false IP,  you can't ever make another blog on the site.


3 hours ago, battlecrops said:

My impression as far as tumblr goes is that it's died down because of anti-zoo crusades on that site, nothing to do with new laws.

What about Wordpress, Wix, and other blogging platforms?


2 hours ago, Mfkfznfp said:

What about Wordpress, Wix, and other blogging platforms?

No experience with those personally, I went with tumblr for the community/social aspect since I don't actually type out long blog-style posts most of the time.  I know of a couple zoo blogs that were on Wordpress but aren't active currently.


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