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Quotes with zoo references

[Image: 10268677_526189840823712_844044489706537...6aae68.jpg]

[Image: AIDs.jpg.9a6f080f41f929f838ff6a05b6d0c806.jpg]

[Image: Bone.jpg.ee0c62d854e89369b020dd814ddd3ea0.jpg]

[Image: Chewbacca.thumb.jpg.2848b0df3c21fb2fe766...df181d.jpg]

[Image: 59ec1df949237_dragonslayer.thumb.jpg.107...b4f255.jpg]

[Image: pasiphae-pasiphae-greek-mythology-beasti...200158.jpg]

[Image: denmarks-ban-on-bestiality-141856.jpg]

[Image: DQmSyrQjk7mAGhouVhwippS7SinY3ZXPrNsJSGeo..._1680x8400]

[Image: HRSenfG.png]



Lol that last one


On 8/9/2017 at 9:17 PM, onewhoistwo said:

incorrect. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


Exactly, I saw the horse first, then the subliminal image made me lose my boner.


On 10/21/2017 at 9:11 PM, Hiway said:

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="2650" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_10/59ec1a58cdebd_2015-04-1819_23_23.png.ad8e520bda9acd903ef984abc8114791.png">[Image: 59ec1a5a0b342_2015-04-1819_23_23.thumb.p...a9a095.png]</a>

I've seen more people ask that question than there ever should be. Mostly brazilians and other non-americans. Not a racist thing; just what I've seen, they literally wear condoms in some videos...


Farellfoxx,  this is a question that´s raised by a multitude of people regardless of where they hail from....if you browse Beastforum, you can see this being asked every month at least once, mostly by people who self identify as US citizens. I also believe this isn´t a matter of good or bad education, even if you are attending a top notch school, I can hardly imagine that the impossibility to create offspring with non humans is a thing teachers will explain widely. Maybe as a detail when you´re taught basic genetics and how chromosomes function...

One mistake you should never make is falling for the idea that "videos" of bestial acts actually show real zoophilia. These videos are predominantly made to earn money and/or reputation within the various fetish communities. Most humans wearing condoms in bestiality videos don´t wear them because they are afraid to create a chimera, they are wearing condoms because they think animals are filthy and disgusting.  It´s more than anything else a matter of hygiene for them, not a matter of preventing unwanted and impossible pregnancies. Most real zoos wouldn´t mind it if they actually could create offspring with their animal partners, at least that´s what I conclude from reading many threads and replies dealing with this topic. Hell, if it was possible, I´d even choose a testicle transplant so I can have foals with my mare...

There is only one incident in my long life as a "mare guy" where using a condom would have been not a bad idea...I once slept with a large Haflinger mix mare a couple of times and her urine was so acidic that everytime I slept with her, the skin of my dick literally started to peel off the day after. I was able to rip off large slabs of skin and of course the burning sensation wasn´t a pleasant one. But that was the only one in almost 30 years of being a practicing zoo, sleeping with at least 10 - 12 different mares altogether.  

PS: The picture of the horse with the pin up silhouette is definitely photoshopped. I´m a riding instructor and have seen quite a bunch of horses in my life, among them many palominos and other multicoloured horse breeds...the sharp edges between the brown and white are totally unnatural and a strong hint at photoshop being used for this picture.  


Don't know, but I think with Brazilians it's a cultural thing. As I know, there is no law to force condoms in porn, but still 80% of all brazilian porn is done with condoms.

I don't think it has anything to do regarding especially to bestiality. Condoms seem to be just far more accepted in Brazil than anywhere else.

"Most humans wearing condoms in bestiality videos don´t wear them because they are afraid to create a chimera, they are wearing condoms because they think animals are filthy and disgusting." A bit hyperbolic I think... Someone who believes animals are filthy and disgusting wouldn't try to have sex with them. Also lets not forget that there IS the risk in getting a nasty zoonosis, especially in tropical regions.


On 10/21/2017 at 11:26 PM, Hiway said:


<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_10/59ec1df93e3c4_dragonslayer.jpg.5c07b8c8fd4caf2851a187e3f92e3e66.jpg" data-fileid="2655">[Image: 59ec1df949237_dragonslayer.thumb.jpg.107...b4f255.jpg]</a>

anybody who knows me well enough would expect me to like this little comic.  a LOT.  (and i do.)


On 10/24/2017 at 9:31 AM, Vermilion said:


[Image: denmarks-ban-on-bestiality-141856.jpg]


i like all 4 of the ones from this post, but this one is my favorite.  the fact that people can't see this hypocrisy, however, is depressing.


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