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Sex deprivation

Before I start talking about this personal problem, I wanna point out the fact that everyone has a sex drive, and repressing it can cause various issues to your well being, furthermore that I love animals, but I do have sexual needs, please don't get the wrong idea about this..

With that being said, I haven't had sex in well over a year, and I feel like im going crazy, I feel alone and depressed, it doesn't help that my health took a turn for the worst; I keep finding myself wanting one last time with an animal, to feel some sort of physical bond again, but I don't see it happening as my current dog isnt sexually attracted to me... 

Ive been finding ever since I started being abstinet, I don't find enjoyment in much of anything anymore, (feeling sick all the time doesn't help either) I've lost interest in all my old hobby's, life seems completely dull and I feel unloved, it doesn't help that my dog won't even show simple affection..

On top of my suppressed feelings for my friends dog, which I may add I've been having several dreams about him lately, some sexual some not, I dont know what to do, this lack of love from my own dog, and lack of sex for so long, combined with my longing to be with my soulmate, when I know my time is running to short to have that chance is making my life feel pointless.. I guess the positive side is this will all come to an end as soon as I take my last breath.. 


With all due respect, but you don´t sound like a healthy person to me, you´re more sounding like an addict suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I´ve experienced similar things when I was recovering from my 15 years of permanent (and I really mean PERMANENT) weed/hash phase...nothing seemed to matter anymore, nothing was fun in any way without my hourly "fix". If I were you, I´d try to change my attitude towards sex in general, don´t see it as a necessary thing, but as a gift, a plus in life rather than a given/needed thing. Exactly that was what kept me sane after all my cannabis sources dried out when I was in my mid 30´s...rethinking the whole thing, regathering a healthy attitude towards it, getting rid of the mental addiction, that craving feeling you seem to experience now. I found out I could live without cannabis and I´m pretty convinced you´ll find out that sex isn´t necessary to survive, it isn´t even necessary to be happy. If you depend your personal happiness/wellbeing on external stimuli like drugs and sex, you´re basically fooling yourself because you´re not happy, you just numb your problems with sex and drugs...at least that´s what I found out.

And let me tell you a story about "forced celibacy": When my mare gave me a blowjob, I became too enthusiastic and shoved my penis too far into her mouth, resulting in a "crunchy" noise and a decent fleshwound on my praeputium...she accidentally got my dick between her molar teeth. Blood was gushing, I immediately ran to the next sink, flushing my dick frantically with cold water, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. (Btw, it wasn´t her fault, she gave me head on a weekly basis before that accident without any injuries for years). Well, there I was, with a massively swollen dick, sitting in my urologist´s waiting room....the doc quickly inspected the damage and scheduled a circumcision for me a couple of days later. During these days waiting for the swelling to go for the surgery, my praeputium grew together with my glans and the actual circumcision surgery took roughly one hour instead of the usual 10 - 15 minutes...well, after the surgery, my doc said I would have to cease any sexual activities for about 6 weeks, until the flesh healed up enough and the self dissolving threads would be gone. So there I was, a guy who was used to sleep with his mare every single morning... having to keep total celibacy for more than a month. Every erection hurted like hell, my mare also got very pissed because she couldn´t figure why I was refusing her the usual "good morning sex". In addition to the immense pain I had to go through everytime I had to take a leak (urine, even just one single drip of it on the fresh wound....my gosh, I´d choose full blown waterboarding over this pain anytime...I wouldn´t wish this to my worst enemy, it´s like your dick gets electrocuted), I felt emotional distress from my forced celibacy. But...and this is a HUGE but....after the six weeks ended and I finally got the okay from my doc, I slept with my mare the next morning...finally again. I was absolutely used to having sex with her, maybe even a little desentitised because I usually lasted for about 45 minutes before I reached climax. But not this time, I could roughly last 15 minutes and the actual climax....oh my god, that one was of a special quality. Usually, nothing except a really hot summer morning made me fade out reaching orgasm, but that one after 6 weeks of "no sex at all" , that one really took me out. Yeah , literally...I passed out and found myself lying in the straw, the plastic pedestal I used to equalise the height difference at my feet. Not even my first time back in the 80´s was of comparable impact. I took quite a while to regain my senses, I must have been passed out for about a minute or so...I know that because my mare usually kept standing in the saw rack position after intercourse until she peed , usually about one minute or so after ...but I woke up with her nozzle in my face, she must have turned around after peeing, trying to figure out why I wa laying on the ground in her box. Anyway, what I want to express is that celibacy CAN be a good thing....just like staying abstinent from pot for some time to regain the mindshattering effects it can have when you´re not smoking 24/7. Just relax, nobody ever died because he/she was undefucked...a pause can actually have positive effects, even when it is a longer phase of celibacy.

 Just take it easy. Try all you can with your dog and if it doesn´t work out , maybe you should be thinking of buying another one, one that is more open for your advances. Keeping herd/pack animals on their own isn´t exactly animal friendly already, so buying another one may even be beneficial to the dog you already have...I don´t want to pull you down, but I´ve read in another thread that this dog is showing definite signs of discontent (growling when you try to cuddle) and I really think you should be looking out for another one you hopefully don´t make the same mistakes with (letting him be the dominant one, that´s where the growling comes from...but I´m not a dog expert so you might listen to others who have more profound knowledge about dogs then me). Anyway, I don´t recommend "starting something" with your friend´s pet....too much risk and also a big chance that you´re only transferring your unfulfilled desires onto the next best "target" rather than feeling actual love for that dog. Just take it easy, stay calm and rational and you´ll be fine...don´t let your dick do the thinking. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


1 hour ago, 30-30 said:

With all due respect, but you don´t sound like a healthy person to me, you´re more sounding like an addict suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I´ve experienced similar things when I was recovering from my 15 years of permanent (and I really mean PERMANENT) weed/hash phase...nothing seemed to matter anymore, nothing was fun in any way without my hourly "fix". If I were you, I´d try to change my attitude towards sex in general, don´t see it as a necessary thing, but as a gift, a plus in life rather than a given/needed thing. Exactly that was what kept me sane after all my cannabis sources dried out when I was in my mid 30´s...rethinking the whole thing, regathering a healthy attitude towards it, getting rid of the mental addiction, that craving feeling you seem to experience now. I found out I could live without cannabis and I´m pretty convinced you´ll find out that sex isn´t necessary to survive, it isn´t even necessary to be happy. If you depend your personal happiness/wellbeing on external stimuli like drugs and sex, you´re basically fooling yourself because you´re not happy, you just numb your problems with sex and drugs...at least that´s what I found out.

And let me tell you a story about "forced celibacy": When my mare gave me a blowjob, I became too enthusiastic and shoved my penis too far into her mouth, resulting in a "crunchy" noise and a decent fleshwound on my praeputium...she accidentally got my dick between her molar teeth. Blood was gushing, I immediately ran to the next sink, flushing my dick frantically with cold water, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. (Btw, it wasn´t her fault, she gave me head on a weekly basis before that accident without any injuries for years). Well, there I was, with a massively swollen dick, sitting in my urologist´s waiting room....the doc quickly inspected the damage and scheduled a circumcision for me a couple of days later. During these days waiting for the swelling to go for the surgery, my praeputium grew together with my glans and the actual circumcision surgery took roughly one hour instead of the usual 10 - 15 minutes...well, after the surgery, my doc said I would have to cease any sexual activities for about 6 weeks, until the flesh healed up enough and the self dissolving threads would be gone. So there I was, a guy who was used to sleep with his mare every single morning... having to keep total celibacy for more than a month. Every erection hurted like hell, my mare also got very pissed because she couldn´t figure why I was refusing her the usual "good morning sex". In addition to the immense pain I had to go through everytime I had to take a leak (urine, even just one single drip of it on the fresh wound....my gosh, I´d choose full blown waterboarding over this pain anytime...I wouldn´t wish this to my worst enemy, it´s like your dick gets electrocuted), I felt emotional distress from my forced celibacy. But...and this is a HUGE but....after the six weeks ended and I finally got the okay from my doc, I slept with my mare the next morning...finally again. I was absolutely used to having sex with her, maybe even a little desentitised because I usually lasted for about 45 minutes before I reached climax. But not this time, I could roughly last 15 minutes and the actual climax....oh my god, that one was of a special quality. Usually, nothing except a really hot summer morning made me fade out reaching orgasm, but that one after 6 weeks of "no sex at all" , that one really took me out. Yeah , literally...I passed out and found myself lying in the straw, the plastic pedestal I used to equalise the height difference at my feet. Not even my first time back in the 80´s was of comparable impact. I took quite a while to regain my senses, I must have been passed out for about a minute or so...I know that because my mare usually kept standing in the saw rack position after intercourse until she peed , usually about one minute or so after ...but I woke up with her nozzle in my face, she must have turned around after peeing, trying to figure out why I wa laying on the ground in her box. Anyway, what I want to express is that celibacy CAN be a good thing....just like staying abstinent from pot for some time to regain the mindshattering effects it can have when you´re not smoking 24/7. Just relax, nobody ever died because he/she was undefucked...a pause can actually have positive effects, even when it is a longer phase of celibacy.

 Just take it easy. Try all you can with your dog and if it doesn´t work out , maybe you should be thinking of buying another one, one that is more open for your advances. Keeping herd/pack animals on their own isn´t exactly animal friendly already, so buying another one may even be beneficial to the dog you already have...I don´t want to pull you down, but I´ve read in another thread that this dog is showing definite signs of discontent (growling when you try to cuddle) and I really think you should be looking out for another one you hopefully don´t make the same mistakes with (letting him be the dominant one, that´s where the growling comes from...but I´m not a dog expert so you might listen to others who have more profound knowledge about dogs then me). Anyway, I don´t recommend "starting something" with your friend´s pet....too much risk and also a big chance that you´re only transferring your unfulfilled desires onto the next best "target" rather than feeling actual love for that dog. Just take it easy, stay calm and rational and you´ll be fine...don´t let your dick do the thinking. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

With all do respect your right, i'm not a healthy person... I'm slowly dying and depressed, it's not that I have an addiction,  it's been years since I've had sex, Id be happy with just having a affectionate animal, it's the lack of love in my life that is getting me down, may I remind you that sex is part of love.. i just plainly want to feel something, feel a connection, instead of feeling nothing.. feeling so damn empty..

I entirely realize that my dog is dominant, hes been that way ever since I got him, I've tried to break him of his aggressive side but it's his personality, hes a pitbull, some of them are that way, in fact alot of intact dogs are like that, I knew when I got a dog there was a chance he wouldn't want to have sex; that's fine, but I didn't think he would turn out so independent and mean; I'm worried he may end up biting someone, and no I've never hit him before so it's not me, I did rescue him from a bad situation though..  

As for me getting another dog, why would I do that? I'm thinking logically, I'm not gonna be around much longer, therefore there is no point in getting another dog only for them to lose me as well.. 

As for my friends dog, something was already started years ago, I've loved him for a long time, it goes well past sex, so I'm not channeling unfulfilled desires to him, I love and miss him n it hurts, but of course you jump to that conclusion, that my depression is solely based on just lack of sex..

If anything ive never loved a dog as much as I do him, I believe hes my soulmate but I bet you'll overlook that fact and still suggest I'm some sort of addict, with a sexual fetish..

Your ideas on who I am aren't far from all these non zoos and their claims that zoophilia is just a fetish and not an orientation..

How is it a addiction just because I miss feeling something physical? I can go without it have for years.. I just plainly feel alone..

Let's see how you'd fell if your mare, stopped showing any affection or interest in you, especially with your time running short, i bet you'd fell rather lonely right? Feel as if things are rather pointless?

Oh that's right, you wouldn't know the feeling, because apparently you've never been turned down emotionally and physically by an animal..


54 minutes ago, Cynolove693 said:

Oh that's right, you wouldn't know the feeling, because apparently you've never been turned down emotionally and physically by an animal

Right after you take every zoos advice to get your own dog, and stop falling for someone else's, only to feel so damn alone and unloved, as soon as you realize your new dog doesn't love you, basically wants nothing to do with you and is rather aggressive.. meanwhile there's a dog out there that still loves you that you tried to move on from, solely because it was difficult making it work, only to realize it was the biggest mistake of your life, after its to late; (I could have tried harder in getting him, my friend more than likely would have given him to me, as he knew about our relationship, and said he felt sorry we couldn't be together) you don't know a single thing about how I feel or what I'm going through.. but I appreciate the advice [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> 



I have no intention of insulting you or trying to put you down but...


 my only advice / suggestion would be to act like one. Seek medical or psychiatric help if needed. 

I'm not claiming to know anything about you or understand anything about your condition, other than what you've already stated in your own words but to carry on the way you are, you're simply fulfilling your own prophecy!


46 minutes ago, Hiway said:

I'm going to rename this thread :

(No) Sex Depression! 

I have no intention of insulting you or trying to put you down but...

  Your total negativity, self loathing and utter despair, quite frankly, is fucking disgusting. (I don't often swear, but when I do...)

You sure know how to drag others down with you.

Are you a teenager or an adult?  If the latter, then my only advice / suggestion would be to act like one. Seek medical or psychiatric help if needed. 

I'm not claiming to know anything about you or understand anything about your condition, other than what you've already stated in your own words but to carry on the way you are, you're simply fulfilling your own prophecy!

Well if I'm such a burden to others maybe I'm dying for a reason. Maybe I should speed up the process cause there's no help for me.. I'm an adult, but how in the hell am I supposed to open up to a psychiatrist about zoophilia? 

What's the point anyways, why improve just to die, fuck this, I made this thread because I thought you know maybe someone would understand how I fell, but clearly I'm alone in my suffering and might as well end this pain, triple dose of insulin should do it pretty well..


Insults and clone accounts are not allowed here, by any member including Staff. To Cynolove: I'm not sure what you hope to gain with posts like these, but I do feel posts on your health should be confined to one thread rather than several. I'd recommend it be in the General Discussion forum. I've edited the Mod reply in this thread, as well as removed the clones replies and account. The Mod has been warned, but will remain a staff member. I fully understand his motive if not his method. Your post came off like a threat of suicide and he feared for you. It still reads so to me. We are all allowed one mistake though, both he and you, and I if that wasn't your intent. Hiway will remain in charge except the few times I might get to pop in. I remain confident in his ability.

My own thoughts on your post and your being here: First, sex isn't everything, nor is reciprocal love. I too have gone long times without either and with feeling it to be a lost cause. We survive it, or we don't. If we spend each day pitying ourself for it, we lose that day, and eventually that week, month, year, etc. On the topic; Sex Deprivation is easy enough, you just don't get any. Intentionally depriving is harder though, as you then think of it ALL THE TIME! I did that for 7 years after Tippy died, failing only after looking in Shadows eyes one too many nights...



On 1/26/2018 at 4:44 PM, silverwolf1 said:

Insults and clone accounts are not allowed here, by any member including Staff. To Cynolove: I'm not sure what you hope to gain with posts like these, but I do feel posts on your health should be confined to one thread rather than several. I'd recommend it be in the General Discussion forum. I've edited the Mod reply in this thread, as well as removed the clones replies and account. The Mod has been warned, but will remain a staff member. I fully understand his motive if not his method. Your post came off like a threat of suicide and he feared for you. It still reads so to me. We are all allowed one mistake though, both he and you, and I if that wasn't your intent. Hiway will remain in charge except the few times I might get to pop in. I remain confident in his ability.

My own thoughts on your post and your being here: First, sex isn't everything, nor is reciprocal love. I too have gone long times without either and with feeling it to be a lost cause. We survive it, or we don't. If we spend each day pitying ourself for it, we lose that day, and eventually that week, month, year, etc. On the topic; Sex Deprivation is easy enough, you just don't get any. Intentionally depriving is harder though, as you then think of it ALL THE TIME! I did that for 7 years after Tippy died, failing only after looking in Shadows eyes one too many nights...


I beg to differ, I've never been in "true love" or had sex, and I still get depressed about it.


The most intelligent thing I have ever heard on the subject: "Sex is like air.    It isn't really important until you aren't getting any."


9 hours ago, caikgoch said:

The most intelligent thing I have ever heard on the subject: "Sex is like air.    It isn't really important until you aren't getting any."

they got a t shirt [Image: t2420.jpg.b489c83371baa3cfbf95b7b7e7f2d526.jpg]https://www.bigdogs.com/

they used to sell really nice super heavy duty collars and leashes , bought a few for my mastiffs over the years about the best i can find since is http://blockydogs.com/cmsbd/index.php


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