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Peoples thoughts on body traits?

On 1/19/2018 at 4:54 AM, Cynolove693 said:

Right that may be true, but in my case I'm actually dieing; my point is try to be grateful you'll have more chances to love and be happy, and as long as your still around, never give up on what u want, u still have a chance, don't pass it up,.. some of us aren't so lucky, anyway if you want to talk sometime feel free to pm me

What are you dying of?


Check https://www.zoowg.net/profile/157-cynolove693/?status=35&type=status



Pretty much all the things that have been said are attractive to me at one point or another


the main thing comes down to sexy. i have seen sexy in all the things mentioned with different dogs and even within breeds ... a lot of sheps and rotts are sexy and a few are OMFG SEXY! There have been hounds that were jaw dropping drooling sexy. And individuals within most breeds ..... For me it truly depends on the actual dog ... some just have that OMG look to them that is hard to explain. It is the whole picture and not as much types or traits. Personality makes a huge difference as well ..... there is some ugly dogs that you can't not love, simply for who they are and not what they look like.


On 1/23/2018 at 4:55 AM, farellfoxx said:

What are you dying of?

Mod told me to refrain from discussing it on here; because apparently its a risk of making people depressed...., if you wanna talk pm me


Though I have said for decades, and fully believe, that the individual an animal is is what's truly important; there has to be a physical attraction that introduces us to start. Something 30-30 missed in his replies in my opinion. So, what attracts me? hmm.

Delicate, 'feminine' features hold sway with me, but not so fine as to appear weak. Canine: Medium coated dogs with thin individual hairs. Half folded ears with longer hairs coming off of them. Thinner, shortish legs with fair feathering, coming down to small, pointed paws. Medium bodied (30-40lb), black with white, red and white, merle or tri-colored. I like eyelashes a LOT!, softer brown eyes, lighter colored. Thin, short muzzles and black noses. Tails with a fair amount of feather. 

So the breeds I prefer: Short coated Shelties and Border Collies are my absolute favorites. Many other herders also appeal to me.

Much the same type features in a mare excite me. My favorite breed is an old style Morgan. I also like Welsh ponies and Percheron drafts.



On 27/1/2018 at 0:10 AM, silverwolf1 said:


So the breeds I prefer: Short coated Shelties and Border Collies are my absolute favorites. Many other herders also appeal to me.


The Border Collie is a visual beautiful dog. , those I have met at at dog training site were hell on earth though. They seem to have an atomic reactor that needs no sleep, but will blow up, if the dog cant go full-steam 24/7. 


12 hours ago, ikanon said:

The Border Collie is a visual beautiful dog. , those I have met at at dog training site were hell on earth though. They seem to have an atomic reactor that needs no sleep, but will blow up, if the dog cant go full-steam 24/7. 

My two previous lovers, and a few other companions, have all been Borders. They are an extreme breed, and not one I'd recommend for most folks. They usually need a job to keep them occupied. Even Shadow, who was blind among other handicaps, needed something to burn off all that energy! I raised sheep solely to give them something to do, and still had to also commit to agility trials and frisbee and long hikes etc. NOT a breed for the faint of heart! 



 I had a dog a few years ago who was a mix of Border Collie and Australian Shepherd.  You would think he'd be a herding fool and bouncing off the walls hyper, but he wasn't.  He was older when he came to me, though.  He was quiet, sweet and polite.  He did love to run with the other dogs but the only time I ever needed to put a leash on him was when we were on a road with traffic.  He tended to lunge after moving cars.

 He was gorgeous!  Apparently, his BC parent had been a "smoothie" and he had a medium-length coat that lay flat with no feathering anywhere.  His tail was about half the length of an average BC's; it was shaped like an artist's brush, complete with a dab of white "paint" at the tip.  He was the general shape of a BC but had the barrel chest, stout legs and big, round paws of an Aussie.  Unlike most BCs, he was rather well endowed.

I would post pictures, but his markings were quite distinctive and he appears elsewhere online.

 He was the dog I wrote "Remembering A Friend" about.  I miss him more than words can express.


I actually prefer dog breeds that have at least a medium-length coat.  I tend to love to obsessively scritch, pet and cuddle, but short-furred breeds cause rug burn with this, heh.  German Shepherds are my absolute favorite ... I also tend to like dogs that are a little more challenging to get to know; German Shepherds are also a good example of this.  I like to earn a dog's trust and love, compared with the dogs that tend to insta-love anyone (like labrador and golden retrievers often do).

Malamutes and border collies are also high on my list of dog breeds I find attractive.  Also rough collies and Newfoundlands.


I've two Borders, a smooth and a rough.  My lover however is a larger furrier breed.  I like the looks of most dogs, but when I'm being mounted I kind of like the shorthairs... because I can feel his muscles moving under the fur as he fucks me.  As to the complaint, it's easy:  Don't read it, bud.



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