How long does it take for you to reach an orgasm with an animal??
Less than a minute
Up to 5 minutes
Up to 10 minutes
Over a half hour
It all Depends on... (please explain)
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Time period it takes for orgasm?

My first time it was only a few seconds, the sensation threw me over the edge almost instantly, it doesn't help she was a rottie, a breed I find really attractive, and she also humped down on me with me laying down, and her on top.. after that I still usually lasted under a minute, but go for multiple orgasms, and be sure they have one as well..


It really depends on when you want to start counting time.   With a horse intromission typically lasts less than a minute but the foreplay can take days.   Usually we spend between 30 minutes and an hour per session with several covers during that period.   But we may tease and play for hours beforehand.   If we get the foreplay right, I will orgasm 15 seconds into the act.


I used to go for 20-30 minutes with a human female, if I didn't get bored which happened sometimes. They orgasmed probably twice in that time. Foreplay would last 5 minutes, and yuck!
With Tippy though, I found myself lasting longer rather than shorter (45-60 minutes), and was never bored. Tippy, who already orgasmed during foreplay, would do so again multiple times. Foreplay could last up to an hour, rarely more.
With Shadow, perhaps because I got older, my orgasms took less time, more comparable to my human times. Shadow too would orgasm during foreplay, and once or twice during the act. Foreplay again lasted up to an hour or so. Usually longer than the act.
I can't say whether my times with humans changed, as I gave them up completely when I met Tippy.
Today, with nothing but my memories and hand to soothe me, it's 10-15 minutes. 
If I choose to have another mate and partner, who knows...


For me it depended on the situration,  when i didnt have a roomate it was 15 to 20 minutes  if he wasnt here, there were times thought that it was only two minutes, but a lot of finger play afterwards 


Thanks for the replys everyone, good to know I'm not the only one that has "finished" a little earlier than normal.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]
Must be the animalistic side of me, I can't help but get to a heightened state really quick when I'm in a sexual act with an animal,.. It doesn't take long for the pleasure to build up to its peak.. it's a primal instinct of mine I guess.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]


It's hard to say; it depends on the animal, the environment, and the position. If I can stand (with a mare), lie or kneel (with a bitch) in one spot long enough to concentrate on what I'm doing without a lot of shifting around to find a comfortable position, it usually takes me less than 5 minutes to climax. That's counting from the moment of intromission, after mutual foreplay and arousal. Otherwise, if I have to divide my attention between jockeying for position (e.g., the mare is shifting from side to side, or I can't get the entry angle quite right on a bitch) and the actual act of coitus itself, I tend to lose focus, and when that happens, I usually lose my erection and have to go back to foreplay. (Might be a confidence issue, or something to do with my meds.) In recent years, I've found that if I don't get the position just right in the first minute or two, my erection fades to the point where full penetration is unlikely. In that case, I'll usually finish myself off manually while playing with my partner (manually or orally) at the same time, to make sure the animal is satisfied.


so far it has taken me 50 years...but thats just access...hahahaha....


Quote:so far it has taken me 50 years...but thats just access...hahahaha....
​Fifty years with no animal access? That's a shame. :-( Something needs to be done about this. Maybe a Kickstarter campaign? ;-)
Oh, wait, I thought of a better one: GoFondleMe. ;-)


Quote:so far it has taken me 50 years...but thats just access...hahahaha....
Damn.. I have gone crazy from loneliness after just a year of having no animals with me, how do you do it?


as others have said, it's situational.  just about everything actaeon said applies to me (i think the only exception is meds).
foreplay doesn't usually last as long as it probably should for me.  depends on which partner i'm with too, though.  one likes to kiss a lot, and i LOVE that.  usually, though, 5-10 minutes of me giving the other girl a tongue job and i don't want to wait much longer to move to the next step.... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]


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