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How to deal with lack of contact with horses?

I feel like I'm going completely insane. All I've ever wanted was to know what a horse feels like. I've never met one before, and it just feels terrible.

What is someone like me supposed to do in this situation?


Even though I kind of suffer from this myself, the obvious answer would be is to take a look at a manege. I imagine that riding them would be the best way to get used to them.

Although I myself did sometimes get in contact with them by taking walks with my girl. Meeting someone else's horses when you're taking a walk with your dog isn't too weird.

Their owners will probably understand if you're not on private property or any area where you're not really supposed to be. If you're shy of horses (or their owners) there's no way but to start fighting that fear.

I do feel you though because I'm also a young (I'm assuming you're young too) equine zoo who doesn't have too much experience (mainly because of shyness). When I was a kid I went to a farm with horses almost every week, I've went on a horse trip once and I am an intern at a children's farm which has a few ponies. Teaches you a bit about the basics, though. I guess following an education about animals like me also can give you a bit of an advantage.

Luck plays a part, too. But I doubt that you wouldn't find a single horse if you really went searching for them.


Well, in my case, I'm severely disabled and can't do this by myself. There's no way that I could find a horse that easily. I can't even drive anywhere. I'm stuck at home most of the time because of this.


I guess nobody can understand how much this hurts. Fine. You all have no idea how much this is killing me inside. All I've ever wanted was to touch a horse, but it will never happen.

I don't deserve this. Why is this happening to me?


There was a member of another forum whose Spirit was willing, but body wouldn't co-operate. To top it off, he was severely allergic as well. There was little help anyone could really offer given the circumstances, only commiseration. I feel for him, and for you. I am not an equine zoo, but I cannot imagine what my life would be like without horses in it. I'm sure you do not come here looking for pity, but I do pity you and I wish I could help you to just feel, smell, and talk to a horse just one time...



I came here to seek understanding rather than pity. Imagine my surprise when I discovered how easily other zoos have had contact with horses. It definitely doesn't make this situation any better.

Thank you for the support.



without prying, it's hard to suggest.

There are "farm fests" and such, spring and fall, where people gather and show off (hoping to sell stuff of course, but cater to interest as well).  Not a "horse show" by any means, usually different kinds of livestock, attended by owners, with (generic) touching, and of course looking and discussion (again generic, of course).   Also usually paved pavilions, with rows of animal exhibits.  

If you have mobility issues that might be a possibility.  If you have confinement issues, I have no idea what to suggest.


Forget it. It will never happen. I'm not going to hold my breath any longer.


~ snip ~

As a pro rider, I´ve met quite a lot of fellow instructors who specialised in hippotherapy. They have all kinds of "clients", among them people who are severely suffering from down syndromw, others who cannot walk a single step without supportive devices or a support person and even people who are so damaged that sitting in a saddle is completely impossible for them, yet still they all profit tremendously from hippotherapy. I even know some disabled pro dressage riders and specifically one that has won olympic gold in dressage at the paralympics..a victim of the Contergan scandal that shook Germany in the 70´s . Unless this guy is similarly disabled like the guy from MEtallica´s "One" videoclip, he in my opinion has NO reason to complain about anything and portraying his health issues as untacklable obstacles...where there´s a will, there´s always a way. 

I still stand by what I said on reddit, "Saturnine"...and I thought you had changed your mind from "toxic grievance" to "the light side"...doesn´t seem to have been a very long holiday on the light side, eh? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />



edit: Hiway. (admin)

Sometimes the dreams and fantasies that never happen are the sweetest..

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