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How to deal with lack of contact with horses?

Guess I'm even worse than previously thought. I wanted this happen, but it seems that I've been chasing fantasies around like it's my job.

It's incredible how even the most disabled among us can still be around horses, yet I can't.


After giving this some more thought, I can begin to see the insanity that belies this problem. How do you deal with something like this?

Drugs and alcohol?

Wishing that the pain would go away by itself?

This only leaves more questions to be answered. I could sit and ask the same thing over and over again, and it wouldn't make a difference. The answers all appear to be similar to each other. At the end of the day, what is left is even more anguish over the supposedly helpful responses. I can see that the only way for this happen is to have a support system, which is not something that I can have, for various reasons. It's obvious that I can't do this myself. Therefore, the solution is to have people who actually care about me to help with this dream.

And there lies another problem. There is nobody who cares enough.


"How do you deal with something like this?"

Like any other normal human being! 

"I could sit and ask the same thing over and over again"

That's exactly what you seem to be doing! 

"what is left is even more anguish over the supposedly helpful responses"

What exactly were you expecting to hear?

"I can see that the only way for this happen is to have a support system, which is not something that I can have, for various reasons."

If you cannot / will not share your reasons, then why push your dilemma on us? We can only offer suggestions in response to information we're given.

"It's obvious that I can't do this myself."

Round and around you go, contradicting yourself over and over.

"There is nobody who cares enough."



Quote: (Equine-assisted therapy, hippotherapy, therapeutic riding…These are all terms that have specific definitions, but they share a common goal of helping the disabled become enabled through interaction with horses, whether it’s riding, grooming, touching, or just being near the corral watching)


*Bold* (""whether it’s riding, grooming, touching, or just being near the corral watching"")

what part of the above statement EXCLUDES YOU?


At the risk of violating someone's copyright,


" Just do it! "


I'm done with this thread. Thanks for the suggestions, but I suppose it wasn't meant to be.

I just don't have the ability to do something like this.


You're done with this thread, and then? Are you going to do the same thing over again like always?

You asked me if there really is any point in living your life and I'm starting to have the exact same question. All you do is the same thing over and over again and it's not getting you anywhere.

You remind me of myself when I was in my horrible phase back at /r/zoophilia, but you're even worse than me. Yet you still get more help than me. 

...Other than the fact that AmoreBestia did help me a lot, (you ran away from him) but I'm starting to agree with you that he can't help you.  Not even him can save you.

Like me, 30-30 instantly recognized who you are. I'm surprised someone like him even tried helping at least a little.

Guess what I was told long ago? Life is unfair, suck it up. Take that advice and do exactly that for everyone else around you and yourself.

Even when others try to help you, they can't. And it's not just because they don't care, they just can't.

But the real problem is you. You act as if your problem will never happen under any circumstance, yet you say you won't accept your horseless fate.

You love to suffer, don't you?


1 hour ago, EquusCanis said:

You're done with this thread, and then? Are you going to do the same thing over again like always?

You asked me if there really is any point in living your life and I'm starting to have the exact same question. All you do is the same thing over and over again and it's not getting you anywhere.

You remind me of myself when I was in my horrible phase back at /r/zoophilia, but you're even worse than me. Yet you still get more help than me. 

...Other than the fact that AmoreBestia did help me a lot, (you ran away from him) but I'm starting to agree with you that he can't help you.  Not even him can save you.

Like me, 30-30 instantly recognized who you are. I'm surprised someone like him even tried helping at least a little.

Guess what I was told long ago? Life is unfair, suck it up. Take that advice and do exactly that for everyone else around you and yourself.

Even when others try to help you, they can't. And it's not just because they don't care, they just can't.

But the real problem is you. You act as if your problem will never happen under any circumstance, yet you say you won't accept your horseless fate.

You love to suffer, don't you?

So far, nobody has tried to help me. What do you think "help" is anyway? I've heard it all before. All I see are words on a screen. And do you really think I'm getting more help than you have? I imagine you have gotten far better advice than what was presented in this thread. I'm not an idiot. I've looked at hippotherapy in the past, but you know what? I can't even join that kind of program. And do you know why? It's because I live in a country that is not geared toward helping someone like me. I don't have the luxury of living in a nice, progressive country like you do. Hell, I can't even request assisted suicide if I wanted it (and I have).

Suck it up? Uh, no. That is terrible advice. Does AmoreBestia really talk to you that way?

No, I don't love to suffer. Who loves to feel this kind of pain every day?


I do see other zoos trying to help you. If you don't see it yourself, you're probably pretending you don't see it.

If all you see is words on a screen, then you should learn to read. Yes, this all counts as help.

I did get better help than you, but only from AB. All other zoos said I didn't even deserve it and wanted to make me feel worse. They also like to act innocent whenever I said it, even though it's obvious they wished me bad luck.

Not single one of them tried to give normal advice and turned against me very, VERY quickly. If we're talking about other zoos, yes they have tried to help you more than me.

And well, AB did at some point tell me I just try to accept it whenever I hit that deadline. He just says ''Suck it up.'' in a very polite and fancy manner.

Judging by how you act and think, it makes you look like you want to suffer. You're absolutely not gaining anything but suffering from this.

I mean at this point it's becoming pretty comical. I mean...

You are not only a horse zoo but a dog zoo, yet one of your reasons for not wanting a dog is because you are so hungering after a mare. You, a *zoo,* had sex with a human to remove that virgin tag of yourself. Others try to help you yet you somehow don't see it. And of course... You are convinced you will never see a horse in your life yet you refuse to accept the fact that you will never see a horse.

This is Aluzky-level / ZetaCola-level behavior that you're desplaying here. Not saying you're like them, but you're just acting so low...

The biggest obstacle here is yourself AND the other problems in your life.


You had plenty of people come to your aid. You even have people in real life that have helped you. The only thing I get from others is being ignored.

Yes, I didn't want to stay a virgin forever, so I had sex with a guy. So what? You're making such a big deal out of this. Am I suddenly not a zoophile because of this? What the hell are you even trying to imply here?

I'm NOT a dog zoo. I am much more attracted to horses than dogs. Therefore, I'm a horse zoo. Stop trying to change what I'm attracted to.

Sure, I think dogs are nice, but they aren't the animals that come to mind when I think about relationships. I'm not going to spend 10+ years with a dog, the whole time wishing that I was with a mare instead. It's just not going to happen. It wouldn't be a wise choice.


Also, let's see... a dog zoo like yourself, who has had unlimited contact with dogs, and had dogs from a young age. And to add insult to injury, you even have contact with horses like it's no big deal. "Oh, I just go on walks with my dog and see horses on the way."

Unlike you, I can't even get near a horse. This hurts so much that I don't know what to do anymore. Nobody wants to help me with it either.

Let me repeat that in case you missed it: nobody wants to help me. You have no idea what I'm going through, and you're acting like an insensitive jerk.

Get off my thread.


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