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3 hours ago, EquusCanis said:

How is it surprising? I see Zootopia more as a furry thing and not a zoophile thing.

We're not prejudiced here. General Discussion means any topic is allowed with-in the rules. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



16 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

Well I do find it a bit disturbing that all the species have human dicks-- 

What do you mean? I don't think Zootopia features any genitalia.

Unless you're talking about furries giving animals human genitalia in their art. In which case I can agree that it just makes no sense.

It pisses me off that furries rarely put anatomically correct dog pussies in their art. Even the male dogs in their art usually have anatomically correct dicks.

Don't get me started on the horses, they always have anatomically correct genitalia with sometimes an exception for female horses. 

Most other animals get shit on and almost always have human genitalia... Yuck.

For some reason furries hate animal genitalia, especially pussies. That aint right at all.

Yes, I really needed to rant about that somewhere for once.

7 minutes ago, silverwolf1 said:

We're not prejudiced here. General Discussion means any topic is allowed with-in the rules. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


That's not what I meant. Yes, this is general discussions so you will see anything non-zoo here, but OP acted surprised as if it was a zoophile thing.

I don't really like it when someone acts as if zoophile = furry because it's not even close to true (and that I just want to defend reason).


Mmm-- OK, I'm glad you feel better now.  Mission accomplished  :-)

I know zoos that are furry.  I know of furries that lead zoos on and then out them.    There are scuzzbag pusbuckets in all walks of life.  

Part of having a RL job where you go to other people's homes/farms is  1), you're going to see all kinds of stuff, get used to it; if no one is injured or dies, do your job and leave.  Everybody on the planet doesn't have to agree.  And  2),  what happens on the farm, stays on the farm.  Other people's lives are private.   Unless someone serves a warrant, take it to your grave.*  

*Or your grave may be sooner than expected.


I'm not furry.  I'm not gay.  I have friends and relatives that are.  So be furry if you want.  Or zoo.  Or both.  How short ago did we have these same discussions about being gay?


And I'm thinking that people who draw every species with human dicks probably don't have any secret agenda, they just draw animal porn without having the least bit of actual knowledge of animals.  And that degree of ignorance is disturbing.  You'd think people with sex on their mind would take a bit more interest in the natural world around them.  


No offense, but I don't understand the first part of your comment at all and don't even see how it's relevant.

I sometimes get really confused when I read what you're saying...


I don't exactly hate furries either, but I just really dislike being seen as one. I don't have a single interest in anthromorphic animals or dressing up as them.

To me, a lot of things are shameful but this one takes the cake. In fact, I can't even choose if I'd rather have global zoo acceptance or have this misconception die.

I think that furries mainly draw animals with human genitalia because that's what they prefer, not just because they lack knowledge. I've seen some artists draw animal genitalia incorrectly though, like an upside down dog pussy or a dog pussy which has a clit sticking out on the bottom.

One of the most beautiful parts about animals is their genitalia and they just put animals to shame like that...


The relevance is accepting people for who they are even if it isn't what you want to do.  I've been at Amish, Mennonite, home schoolers, preppers/off gridders, banking system deniers, people who bury guns sealed in plastic pipes and pour concrete over them, people who fill their basement with water (not in barrels, just water).  Is raising your kids with no knowledge of science or technology, just ancient texts, doing them a disservice?  I've had to get kid's fingers out of machinery because they didn't have even the most basic knowledge.  Keep them out of the 220v mains for the wind generator they had installed because they didn't trust the REA.  It takes all kinds.  Judging other people is mostly a losing proposition.  So some guy wants to dress up in a wolf costume and hump his bitch.  Not hurting me or the bitch.


Not my point really...

I'm saying that zoophiles and furries don't have anything in common because that's a fact. If a furry turns out to be a zoophile, then it still doesn't make us similar.

If they want to embarrass themselves then I let them because so be it, but I won't accept it if zoophiles get mistaken for a furry. It's not uncommon to be offended when you're mistaken for a member of another group so it's not hard to understand.


This makes me think... I personally don't really care about zoo acceptance that much, but if you there's something you should keep in mind.

If you want to be accepted, you need to be understood. How do you expect to be understood if other humans can't even see the difference between a zoophile and a furry even though we are very obviously different? I'm not saying this to hate on them, but it's just a thought that should be kept in mind.


I'm not a furry, so this movie didn't really do anything for me.


2 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

And I'm thinking that people who draw every species with human dicks probably don't have any secret agenda, they just draw animal porn without having the least bit of actual knowledge of animals.  And that degree of ignorance is disturbing.  You'd think people with sex on their mind would take a bit more interest in the natural world around them.  

In fact, this ignorance isn´t the least little bit disturbing. I´ve always wondered why our community feels so close to furrydom when this fandom mostly is about HUMAN roleplay, a form of escapism. Real interest in animals and their anatomy isn´t required to play, much like you don´t need to know how to properly strike with a real sword if you´re a "WoW warrior".

So, absolutely not disturbing, it´s just not required to have actual knowledge about animal genitalia..and I´m pretty sure that anatomical accuracy would even drive off a whole lot of furries from their fandom, because most of them can´t even imagine having real sex with a real animal..it´s basically about humans in costumes. The human component is vital. That´s why MLP has "bronies" dressing up like their favourite "pony", but Mr Ed never gathered a comparably insane fanbase. Too much of a real animal, with only an overdubbed voice.  And that´s coming from a guy who uses the name of THE prototypical horse-human cartoon character...

What makes it even more obvious is that nearly every "furryporn" is sticking very closely to the basic formula of human porn. That illustrates how even the smaller percentage of furries, those who do carry their "furryness" into their sexuality, are still basically human and function with human sexual triggers. The animal component is novelty or fetish,  but not at all linked to real sexuality with animals...it stays human.

One more thing: if you´re a , let´s say,real life firefighter, you don´t need to constantly walk around in your firefighter stuff to reassure yourself of what you are. You don´t need forums to get the reassurement from other "firefighters". In fact, it would be a pretty huge sign of you having some issues if you´d need that. A firefighter does not need to play a firefighter, he just is one. He does not need to rub it into everyone´s faces, he just is. And transposing this onto the so called furries, it´s practically the same...the more they need their "community" and reassurement of their "animal" personae, the easier it is to tell that they´re probably not even close to what they insist on being. A real animal does not have to convince you of it being an animal, it doesn´t need a fur costume, it doesn´t need a echo chamber community for that. It is fantasy, nothing more...most of the furries even hate zoophiles from their guts. Like most of the gays do...and I still wonder why our community keeps clinging to those two groups like an old chewing gum sticking onto the pavement. There´s literally no connection, a few exceptions left aside.

I am a zoo. I want a real mare , not some kind of weird biped mare with boobs and a human vagina. I´m even more appalled by such depictions than from human porn...and that really says something here. To me, most of the furry stuff feels like an awful mockery and I know that many zoos feel the same...just as we´re being made fun of in a very disrespectful manner. I want a real , 100% animal, not this crossover human stuff. I want mares who are mares, not humans with an equine shell. I want mares who act like a mare, with all "yucky" animal stuff that´s involved. I don´t want human genitalia, not when they´re attached to a human and especially not when they´re attached to a infantilised animal-human hybrid  watching Walt Disney cartoons in your childhood is mostly to blame for. Just my opinion on this, not meant as an insult to anyone, just my personal views on something I as a zoo have a hard time to tolerate. Anyone is free to participate in furrydom, but I demand my own liberty to not take anyone seriously who identifies as part of this "culture".




What I'm not getting is why get your shorts in a twist over what other people do in their spare time?  People jump out of perfectly good airplanes.  WTF is up with that?  Even harder to understand, people live in Buffalo!  (I can't stand ice or snow.)  WTF are they thinking?  But that's them.

2 hours ago, EquusCanis said:

I won't accept it if zoophiles get mistaken for a furry.

That's a third person problem.  You know the difference, I know the difference.  You won't accept someone you don't even know's ignorance?   " if other humans can't even see the difference between a zoophile and a furry" what's the big deal?  Furries don't get locked up.  They have furcons.  If ignorant people don't know the difference maybe it works in our favor.   I should get a werewolf head so when Google Earth shows my farm I will be mistaken for a furry by ignorant people.  Then I won't technically be doing anything illegal.


And I have no illusions about being accepted.  What I do behind locked doors is nobody's business.  I have every intention of keeping it that way.  


Anything you just said makes no sense and makes me repeat everything I already said.

Reread my replies until you understand what I said and then your confusion will fix itself.


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