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I'm not feeling confused.  


bottom line: there are plenty of zoophiles who are interested in furry things like the movie zootopia.  just because you don't like being lumped in with furries doesn't mean there isn't any overlap between the two interests, and it's perfectly valid for heavyhorse to be surprised there was no thread here for zootopia before he started it.


I'm not Furry, but that doesn't matter to the thread. If someone is surprised there isn't a thread on this movie, that's their right to make one. As for there being absolutely NO similarity in the two, so what? I know plenty of folks who self describe as both, many on this forum. I do not, but I do see some likeness between the two. This is an open forum; Zoos can post here, as can Furries, Anti-Zoos, non-zoos, Zoo curious, and the average bonehead, on any topic. It's doubtful it will cause any further confusion of the two communities IMO. They're too confused among themselves to start with (Zoos & Furries).



What I'm saying is not hard to understand one single bit. To be honest and say it's pretty sad that 3 different users are not even trying to understand me here.

That does furries not make relevant to the zoophile community. OP acted surprised as if our communities had something in common, and it doesn't. That's my main point and it was twisted into something else.

We don't have a single thing in common and even if there were some similarities it still wouldn't make sense.

What's with these arguments? Weird example, but just because ISIS has a few members who love animals doesn't mean animal lovers are relevant there either. I can't believe how simple it is to realize this yet none of you do.

This whole thread made me think even more about it... I realized zoos and furries are even more different than I thought at first.

Although this comment was quite unnecessary, my previous points still stand.


First, I do not acknowledge that Zootopia is a "Furry" movie.  What about The Amazing Mr. Fox?  Avatar?  GoG?  Is any movie with animated /CGI characters "Furry"?

Second, I dismiss your entire premiss that Zoo and Furry are mutually exclusive.  Nothing in common.  One or the other.  Oil and water.  Fight at first sight.  I know full-on Zoos that are Furries.  Plural.  Right here on this board.  And other Zoo boards.  Yes, OMG!, fursuits, furcons!  Zoos who have been banging bitches, bonking cows and shagging sheep for longer than you've been alive!  Who own fursuits!

Third, and what I'm completely not "understanding you here", is why the hate/denial?  Like animal costumes somehow will or are destroying the zoo community?  It's cosplay, people dressing up.  How does that threaten you or anyone else?  

Specifically, how are they harming you, or zoos in general?   Please concentrate on that one point.  


33 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

First, I do not acknowledge that Zootopia is a "Furry" movie.  What about The Amazing Mr. Fox?  Avatar?  GoG?  Is any movie with animated /CGI characters "Furry"?

Do you know how easy it is to determine if something is ''furry'' or not? I can't believe I'm even telling you this...

A furry is someone who is interested in anthromorphic animals. If a movie is about anthromorphic animals then it's as furry as it gets.

But say... Since you were so surprised there wasn't a thread about this movie, what makes this a zoophilic thing exactly?

33 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

I know full-on Zoos that are Furries.


How. Hard. Is. It. To. Understand. Questionfuckingmark.

This. Does. Not. Make. Furries. And. Zoophiles. Related.

Let. Me. Make. An. Example. So. It. HOPEFULLY. Makes. It. Easier. For. You. To. Understand.

Some. Zoophiles. Are. Rapists.

This. Does. Not. Mean. We. Are. Related. To. Rapists.


33 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

why the hate/denial?

What hate and denial?

What am I hating and what I am denying?

Show the exact sentences I made.

33 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

Specifically, how are they harming you, or zoos in general?   Please concentrate on that one point.  








To think all this happened just because I said a simple fact... It was obviously not even an attack to furries in any way yet somehow like 3 users had their brain go spastic. sigh


Mmm.  So.  

Toyota is Furry?




How can there not be parallels between people that like animals and people that like part animals?


39 minutes ago, caikgoch said:

How can there not be parallels between people that like animals and people that like part animals?

And on that note:

Definition: "Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. It is considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology."

So anyone who feels their animal partner displays the same or similar traits, emotions, intentions, is expressing anthropomorphism, and (by your definition) is Furry?  And this is unrelated to being Zoo?

Show of hands:  How many people here think their Equid or Canid is capable of traits, emotions, intentions, similar to their own?  And that feeling this is unrelated to being Zoo?

Some would say that this is the very foundation of being Zoo.


20 minutes ago, EquusCanis said:

<blockquote class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote="" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid="4618" data-ipsquote-contentid="564" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-timestamp="1522183494" data-ipsquote-userid="153" data-ipsquote-username="caikgoch">
<div class="ipsQuote_citation">
14 hours ago, caikgoch said:

How can there not be parallels between people that like animals and people that like part animals?

I've repeated it SEVERAL times in this thread. Learn to read properly and you'll get your answer.


What are common characteristics of equine anthros?      Big.   Muscled.    Graceful movement.     Calm.    Loyal.      That holds true all the way back through history to Centaurs in myth.      What appeals to me about horses?      Same list.      Could it be that people that make anthos have *SOME* of the same feelings that I do about horses?

BTW, you saying it doesn't make it gospel.     My answer is "I disagree." 


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