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Yeah and some normal non-furries non-zoophiles also like horses for this reason. Doesn't prove anything at all.

With this stupid logic ANYTHING is related to furries, zoophiles or... well... anything else.

I guess when someone posts an album about animals being tortured they should act like: ''I'm surprised this hasn't been posted here yet!'' because it's so relevant to zoophilia! It definitely is because some zoophiles also torture animals.

Totaaaaally relevant guys! If someone likes the color blue and I do too I guess we're oooooh soooo similar and I should act surprised we're not friends.



You would know who I am if you had paid any attention, I haven't made it any secret.  

And no matter how many times you "repeat" a logical fallacy it remains so.  Throwing a wider net makes it even more tenuous; you've managed to demean every person and group you've mentioned.   

"I reject your reality........"

You will continue your disjointed critter-phobic rants alone; I'm done with you.



29 minutes ago, EquusCanis said:

Yeah and some normal non-furries non-zoophiles also like horses for this reason. Doesn't prove anything at all.

It proves we are all human and that, as with most things involving living beings. there are no sharp geometrically precise lines.     Additionally, any given individual may move from one group to another.       BTW, "parallel" or "shared interest" does not mean "same" and "not same" does not mean "completely unrelated".

"Close" does count in hand grenades, horseshoes, and relationships.


1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

You would know who I am if you had paid any attention, I haven't made it any secret.  

You don't know me and I don't know you, so I have no idea what you're talking about. I only know like 5 zoos out of my head and I know they aren't you.

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

And no matter how many times you "repeat" a logical fallacy it remains so.

Call the truth a fallacy and don't have any counter arguments.

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

You will continue your disjointed critter-phobic rants alone; I'm done with you.

Critter-phobic...? I guess you being vague and nonsensical shouldn't be surprising to me anymore.

But you're making a smart move, you try to act like I'm the wrong one here and then try to leave. Yet in reality I've told the actual truth and had actual arguments.

1 hour ago, caikgoch said:

It proves we are all human and that, as with most things involving living beings. there are no sharp geometrically precise lines.

So you're saying my example makes sense? And sometimes zoos wonder why we're universally hated... And let me tell you it's not just because of them getting blinded by their feelings.

The anti-zoos lurking here... We're definitely not friends but sometimes I really understand you. The second hand embarrassment is real.

1 hour ago, caikgoch said:

Additionally, any given individual may move from one group to another

...Which still doesn't make groups relevant to each other. Not one single bit.

This is simple logic and common sense.


in topic-related news, nick is still hot.


which... *shrug*  as a hetero male, i feel like i should come up with a different character to jokingly make a thread-related signal post about, but apparently, i haven't watched the movie enough, because i can't think of anyone.



3 hours ago, onewhoistwo said:

in topic-related news, nick is still hot.


which... *shrug*  as a hetero male, i feel like i should come up with a different character to jokingly make a thread-related signal post about, but apparently, i haven't watched the movie enough, because i can't think of anyone.


The topic has obviously broadened--  How about that Avatar?


which avatar?  if you mean mine, i was lazy about making one for myself, so hiway made one for me, same as he did for egoldstein.


42 minutes ago, onewhoistwo said:

which avatar?  if you mean mine, i was lazy about making one for myself, so hiway made one for me, same as he did for egoldstein.

Um, no; Avatar (movie).  


(Southpark?) [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" />


ah.  i wasn't much of a fan, to be honest.


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