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My thoughts on zoophilia

In this thread i will give non-sexual reasons as to why i love dogs, and why i am emotionally attached to them, then I will explain my sexual attractions.
1.. Dogs give truly unconditional love
2.. They live in the moment and are always ready to celebrate life (Don't believe me?? Act really excited and watch your dogs reaction)
3.. They are truly magnificent companions (Their's a reason why they are called ''Man's best friend'')
4.. They are always enthusiastic to see you (kind of already covered that in the unconditional love part )
5.. They do not Judge, Discriminate, or Do anything to hurt you intentionally
6.. I've always enjoyed the feeling of fur (It is soothing and calming to me)
7.. They are always affectionate and want to cuddle (Atleast all the dogs that ive been around, and have made a connection with)
8.. They enjoy getting affection from you alot (and are not shy about showing you that they do)
9.. They are truly beautiful, Not only physically but spiritually also (high-spirited)
10.. They give you comfort and security; you can always count on them to be there for you (Again true unconditional love)
11.. But above all of this; It's just who I am, I've always loved dogs and always will


Onto the explanation of a sexual manner.. I find both sex of canines attractive for various reasons, Before i go any further i would just like to say that i love dogs for a number of reasons deeper than sex..They are truly loyal and affectionate partners and they make my life complete and whole...
Warning: This may get a little graphic; if you don't wish to hear somebody talk about dogs in a sexual manner, do not continue reading..
Why I find female canines sexually attractive:
1.. I find the nipple's to be enticing, and I love giving a belly rub to a female dog, (especially if she's still intact or has had litters of pups)  during foreplay I like to gently suck or kiss on a dog's nipples.. honestly though just a simple belly rub has gave me erections before (Similar to a non-zoos preference with a humans breast)
2.. I find the vulva of a dog to be more of a turn on than any other species, in fact seeing the swollen vulva of a dog in heat is the only way you'll get any movement down there from me; show me the vagina of any other species my cock stays limp..  Anyway even when they are out of heat the attraction is still there and sometimes i catch myself eyeing a dog's vulva in public, without intentionally doing it, it's a second nature to me (Something about the Y shaped folds is so arousing)
3.. I find the aroma of a dog in estrus cycle pleasant, I'm not claiming I can smell the pheromones, but when your nose deep in dog pussy while they are in heat there is a smell (Musky but sweet)
4.. I find the taste during oral of a dog in heat pleasant, it tastes amazing, don't knock it until you try it (That ones hard to describe)
5.. Above all these the body heat of a dog is high; so therefor their vagina is very warm.. and they also have an unbelievably great control over the muscles in there vagina (The only way i can describe this is a constant gripping; Almost a massaging feeling that increases 10 fold when a dog feels you having an orgasm) Also the feeling of them having an orgasm while you are making love is indescribable (The contractions and the feeling of them getting wet is highly noticeable)
Why I find male canines sexually attractive:
1.. I find the sheath attractive, that's a major part of four play with me, I like to tease a dog and get him all worked up, twirl my tongue on that slit opening.. I like that they have a sheath because it's almost like a teaser for you (Especially when they get an erection in their sheath from getting excited, it's all hidden away, but attentive to what's going on)
2.. I find the balls to be attractive another big part of four play, I love the feeling of a dog's soft velvety balls in my hand, I also enjoy licking and sucking gently on a dog's balls (I know laugh all you want [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img])
3.. I find a dogs erection to be attractive, most normal people would see a dog's penis and claim its gross, I think otherwise, I find it very erotic and so much better looking than any other species penis (The knot, and the distinctive color and veins)
4.. I find the taste of a dogs semen pleasant, there's nothing like taking a dogs cock in your mouth, and just holding it in there while he's spraying cum down the back of your throat, and your massaging his knot, the taste though is amazing (Salty but at the same time sweet)
5.. Above all of this their is nothing like the feeling of a dogs knot swelling against your prostate (Especially if it leads to an orgasm; Which it always has for me.. The muscles in your anus during orgasm grip down and release, so for that short moment, you can feel everything in a greater detail) also the feeling of a dog pulsating in you while filling you up with an immense amount of cum while they are making love to you is another erotic part about being with a male dog intimately..


Nicely written and thought out. Thank you for contributing.
I'd describe the females control of vaginal muscles as like a hundred fingers massaging you at once. Tippy had incredible control. 
On orgasming, the female does indeed get quite wet. Shadow would get so wet she would squirt like an orange! Tippy not as much, but she would get you quite wet in and around the pubes.


Quote:Onto the explanation of a sexual manner.. I find both sex of canines attractive for various reasons, Before i go any further i would just like to say that i love dogs for a number of reasons deeper than sex..They are truly loyal and affectionate partners and they make my life complete and whole...
Warning: This may get a little graphic; if you don't wish to hear somebody talk about dogs in a sexual manner, do not continue reading..
Why I find female canines sexually attractive:
1.. I find the nipple's to be enticing, and I love giving a belly rub to a female dog, (especially if she's still intact or has had litters of pups)  during foreplay I like to gently suck or kiss on a dog's nipples.. honestly though just a simple belly rub has gave me erections before (Similar to a non-zoos preference with a humans breast)
2.. I find the vulva of a dog to be more of a turn on than any other species, in fact seeing the swollen vulva of a dog in heat is the only way you'll get any movement down there from me; show me the vagina of any other species my cock stays limp..  Anyway even when they are out of heat the attraction is still there and sometimes i catch myself eyeing a dog's vulva in public, without intentionally doing it, it's a second nature to me (Something about the Y shaped folds is so arousing)
3.. I find the aroma of a dog in estrus cycle pleasant, I'm not claiming I can smell the pheromones, but when your nose deep in dog pussy while they are in heat there is a smell (Musky but sweet)
4.. I find the taste during oral of a dog in heat pleasant, it tastes amazing, don't knock it until you try it (That ones hard to describe)
5.. Above all these the body heat of a dog is high; so therefor their vagina is very warm.. and they also have an unbelievably great control over the muscles in there vagina (The only way i can describe this is a constant gripping; Almost a massaging feeling that increases 10 fold when a dog feels you having an orgasm) Also the feeling of them having an orgasm while you are making love is indescribable (The contractions and the feeling of them getting wet is highly noticeable)
Why I find male canines sexually attractive:
1.. I find the sheath attractive, that's a major part of four play with me, I like to tease a dog and get him all worked up, twirl my tongue on that slit opening.. I like that they have a sheath because it's almost like a teaser for you (Especially when they get an erection in their sheath from getting excited, it's all hidden away, but attentive to what's going on)
2.. I find the balls to be attractive another big part of four play, I love the feeling of a dog's soft velvety balls in my hand, I also enjoy licking and sucking gently on a dog's balls (I know laugh all you want [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img])
3.. I find a dogs erection to be attractive, most normal people would see a dog's penis and claim its gross, I think otherwise, I find it very erotic and so much better looking than any other species penis (The knot, and the distinctive color and veins)
4.. I find the taste of a dogs semen pleasant, there's nothing like taking a dogs cock in your mouth, and just holding it in there while he's spraying cum down the back of your throat, and your massaging his knot, the taste though is amazing (Salty but at the same time sweet)
5.. Above all of this their is nothing like the feeling of a dogs knot swelling against your prostate (Especially if it leads to an orgasm; Which it always has for me.. The muscles in your anus during orgasm grip down and release, so for that short moment, you can feel everything in a greater detail) also the feeling of a dog pulsating in you while filling you up with an immense amount of cum while they are making love to you is another erotic part about being with a male dog intimately..
Well said indeed


Thanks guys for the compliments, and silverwolf1 I agree about the 100 fingers massaging you at once, that was a good way to put it..


Something to put on my wish list.


On 10/1/2017 at 6:47 AM, Janner said:

Something to put on my wish list.

What to put on your list lol? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/huh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="o.O" width="20" />

Many aspects were covered here [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


It would be a lot better if I were attracted to animals that I could actually be with.


same thing we all had to do, saturnine ..... make it happen ... if you got the will you can find a way .. the harder you want it the harder you try ... is about all i can say.

Most, if not all of us have been there at one point or another. If you  can't afford it, the only thing you do is find a better paying job. It definitely ain't easy at times. No one can make it happen for you, ONLY You can MAKE IT happen. You got to do what it takes. You got to make sacrifices. You got to fucking try as hard as you can at times, MAKE IT HAPPEN, is the only way it CAN happen. The main thing is to NEVER, EVER, give up on your dreams. They CAN happen! You just have to want it so fucking bad you will do what it takes, despite all the setbacks... IN-SPITE OF the setbacks. IN-SPITE of the critics telling you, that you can't.  Most of us,  if not all of us .... HAD TO FIGHT TO GET the means, to provide for them, a home for them, provide for them. The only way it can happen is up to you to MAKE it happen. The same way we all did. 

The only way you can find the peace your soul seeks. IS MAKE IT HAPPEN! Find away. If it doesn't work, try something else. Eventually, it will happen.[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="B|" width="20" />


On 31/03/2018 at 10:58 AM, arcticwolf said:

same thing we all had to do, saturnine ..... make it happen ... if you got the will you can find a way .. the harder you want it the harder you try ... is about all i can say.

Most, if not all of us have been there at one point or another. If you  can't afford it, the only thing you do is find a better paying job. It definitely ain't easy at times. No one can make it happen for you, ONLY You can MAKE IT happen. You got to do what it takes. You got to make sacrifices. You got to fucking try as hard as you can at times, MAKE IT HAPPEN, is the only way it CAN happen. The main thing is to NEVER, EVER, give up on your dreams. They CAN happen! You just have to want it so fucking bad you will do what it takes, despite all the setbacks... IN-SPITE OF the setbacks. IN-SPITE of the critics telling you, that you can't.  Most of us,  if not all of us .... HAD TO FIGHT TO GET the means, to provide for them, a home for them, provide for them. The only way it can happen is up to you to MAKE it happen. The same way we all did. 

The only way you can find the peace your soul seeks. IS MAKE IT HAPPEN! Find away. If it doesn't work, try something else. Eventually, it will happen.[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="B|" width="20" />

Well said 


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