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player with bad dragon emblem

Just something I thought I'd share, but I was on xbox  live last night/this morning and a person I played with had the bad dragon

emblem as their  in game emblem, so It got me wondering did they make it because they seen it online or are there other reasons?

wish I got a pic of it though.  


also possible, that it was a random dragon emblem pulled off google from a dragon image search, and no clue what bad dragon is.

I will cross my fingers for you that he is at least a furry, and knows bad dragon.


3 minutes ago, arcticwolf said:

also possible, that it was a random dragon emblem pulled off google from a dragon image search, and no clue what bad dragon is.

I will cross my fingers for you that he is at least a furry, and knows bad dragon.

it's a company that makes dildos and other sex toys that are animal like



i KNOW what baddragon is



1 hour ago, arcticwolf said:

i KNOW what baddragon is



           [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />


3 hours ago, Dane layer said:

wish I got a pic of it though.  

You know you can view a list with all the profiles you´ve played with in the last couple of hours? Simply knowing the profile name would also suffice as you can view profiles on the Xbox homepage. Oh, btw, what´s your gamerscore? I´m slowly moving towards the 400 K mark myself. And yes, Far Cry 5 was a fucking disappointment. Hellblade. Senua´s Sacrifice was too, somehow...and I cannot understand why the Playstation guys were so proud of their "exclusive title" a couple of months ago. I also assume that same with the new God of War, that´s looking like a rather dull rerun of the same game mechanics.

Btw, I too assume it´s not necessarily an enthusiast for badly cast, ridiculously expensive silicone animal dicks you´ve met. People grab pictures from anywhere without knowing what those pics stand for. And given the knowledge about how exactly Microsoft knows who´s behind every profile name, putting up a pic of BD as your profile pic isn´t exactly a very smart thing to do if you really are into animal sex at all. I wouldn´t choose any pic that connects me with zoophilia et al. on Xbox live at all...   


I will say though from what I've seen of the community and the forums back when they had them, at least 80% of people who enjoy Bad Dragon toys aren't zoo or even into bestiality.


It's a bad idea to mix gaming and zoophilia together, especially given how most online gamers behave when they're losing or otherwise feel like trolling others. "I'mma track you down and kill you!" or "ur a faggot lol" are just some of the usual shit that is said by angry dumbasses who take their games a bit too seriously.


1 hour ago, Saturnine said:

It's a bad idea to mix gaming and zoophilia together, especially given how most online gamers behave when they're losing or otherwise feel like trolling others. "I'mma track you down and kill you!" or "ur a faggot lol" are just some of the usual shit that is said by angry dumbasses who take their games a bit too seriously.

You're assuming they would actually be dangerous. I've actually mixed gaming and zoophilia a lot and it's super amusing.

On Steam I was witchhunted once, even. Of course none of it works because they can't really do anything. I made so much users on Steam hate me for this.

I mainly play TF2 and I'm a player that's already extremely noticeable to begin with, but this makes it even worse.

I rename my weapons to disgusting stuff, my profile picture is cropped porn and my ''spray'' is usually animal genitalia. I love it when players stare at it in confusion, then turn around, look at me and just go ''no''.

I do sometimes get called a furry though (even for my name which makes no sense). That's kind of counter productive since it's my intent to piss THEM off, not me.

Oh, and then there's ''fun facts'' I spam whenever someone spams too. Sometimes my team has to make the decision to kick the best player in the server or not.


Thank god there still are enough games with a solo offline campaign...CoD sux balls online, the "community" is cancer. I believe the only online game I actually enjoyed with little to no trolling and little annoying kiddies over a longer time is Battlefield Bad Company 2. But yeah, keep your sexuality out of online gaming. Plus: I guess I´m not the only one who assumes the worst of people dragging their sexuality around like a badge of honour, telling everybody what and how they like to f**k. Is these people´s sexuality really the only thing they have in mind? No other goals, nothing else in those people´s personality but sex? Why do they think that taking pride in one´s sexuality is equal to letting everybody know , expecting applause for it? That´s the mistake many LGBT folks of the younger generation make...but real pride is something completely different, guys.


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