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The right to die

If there's one movement that deserves the most attention in the media, it's this one. I've been a strong proponent of the right to die since I was in my teens, after my first back surgery.

The fact that only a select few countries have legalized doctor-assisted suicide is mind-blowing, especially in this day and age when we should have evolved to understand the different ways of preventing human suffering.

Hopefully in the near future, we can start to see some progress with this in the US, but staunch conservative ideals are ruining this country to the core, so who knows.

As opposed to progressives who read about cases of people who are, say, blind from birth and want to die due to loneliness, and they just laugh at them and write on their forums saying they should just do it, and try to legalize it.

3 hours ago, zemlya said:

As opposed to progressives who read about cases of people who are, say, blind from birth and want to die due to loneliness, and they just laugh at them and write on their forums saying they should just do it, and try to legalize it.

I don't get what you're trying to say.


Well, I hate to tell you, but you´re simplifying the issue. As a German living between two countries that have "assisted suicide" (Switzerland and the Netherlands), I can say that the "right to die" is something that won´t apply to your specific medical condition, even in those two countries. Assisted suicide is in fact a double edged sword and abuse of that "right" is something no one can want. Both mentioned countries have very specific conditions that have to be met (terminal illness like cancer in the last phase or something similar) and the proband has to undergo a long vetting process to qualify for an assisted suicide. 

From a philosophical perspective, I do support "euthanasia" (greek for "good death" / eu- prefix means good and thanatos means death), but there have to be strict limitations preventing people from throwing away their lives just because they´re depressive or going through a hard phase. I support assisted suicide, but not Futurama like "suicide booths"...and I suspect that´s basically what you have in mind here. 


I'm against keeping someone alive with machines, who's braindead or something, just because, but I'm also strictly against assisted suicide as there are too much risk for it to be abused and turned into a business like abortion. There is this tribe in south america where suicide became somewhat of a cultural feat and everyone of above 40 is expected to kill himself via a drug. Beeing old is a shame there. Do we really want to open the box of Pandora just because we struggle with our messed up industrial world?


5 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Both mentioned countries have very specific conditions that have to be met (terminal illness like cancer in the last phase or something similar) and the proband has to undergo a long vetting process to qualify for an assisted suicide.

That's not true. In the Netherlands, I know for a fact that you can qualify for assisted suicide if you're depressed enough. In this regard, I would easily qualify for it because I've been severely depressed my whole life. I actually have clinical depression and autism, so it wouldn't be too difficult to convince a few doctors to kill me, especially given my personal struggles over the years.


Here you go:


It should be like this in other developed nations as well. This is a very serious issue that shouldn't go unnoticed. There are people who are continually suffering but don't have a terminal illness.

Also I'd much rather have this option considering I can never be around horses due to my disabilities. Why should I, and other similarly hopeless individuals, be denied this? It seems counter-productive to a society that aims to better the overall happiness of its citizens.


I'd rather be dead than to never get a chance to touch a horse. For a country to allow this kind of suffering to take place is beyond reprehensible, and it simply shouldn't be allowed under any circumstance.


Seems a bit melodramatic to me. Hey, shure, let us kill all people who moan about an unfullfilled sex life. Should be a lot more space for the rest of us and maybe cheaper farm land, so that we may keep more horses. I mean, look, I could kind of relate if you're paralysed from the neck, or locked-in-syndrome, a quadruple amputee or some fucked up shit. A crushed spine isn't the funniest thing on this planet, no doubt. But of all things you see not to be able to touch a horse to be a reason for suicide? Congratulations, you're just one of the propably 99.9% equine zoos, who never touched, never will touch and never will be even in the direct proximity of a living horse.

Lucky, you're not gay in Saudi-Arabia or something.

What's next? Assisted suicide because some stalker can't have a relationship with his idol or some furry dude can't become his half-unicorn-half-dragon-OC in real life?

Life sucks, that's how it is. Deal with it! By the way, why do you see the need to promote political for assisted suicide, payed by the tax payers, if the only thing you need is a 15 cent plastic bag and some duct tape? My cousin did it with a tie and a door handle, because his girlfriend left him... works great, unless you live in one of these barbaric countries where they just have door knobs... that's something I would promote for: Real door handles for the anglo-saxonian world! They are great, you may use them with your elbow, if your hands are full. Try this with a knob!


2 hours ago, Vermilion said:

Seems a bit melodramatic to me.

Lol, no. You don't know the kind of pain that I'm going through.

2 hours ago, Vermilion said:

Hey, shure, let us kill all people who moan about an unfullfilled sex life.

This has nothing to do with sex.

2 hours ago, Vermilion said:

Congratulations, you're just one of the propably 99.9% equine zoos, who never touched, never will touch and never will be even in the direct proximity of a living horse.

That percentage makes no sense whatsoever. Most equine zoos have had contact with horses at least once. Stop making shit up.

Anyway, it doesn't matter why someone wants to die. If he or she is going through immense hardship, and it shows no signs of getting any better, then who are you to tell them that they should just suck it up because "lol that's life!" The option should be there for people who have no other way out of their miserable lives.

2 hours ago, Vermilion said:

By the way, why do you see the need to promote political for assisted suicide, payed by the tax payers, if the only thing you need is a 15 cent plastic bag and some duct tape?

I shouldn't have to do it myself. Knowing me, I'd screw it up and make things even worse for myself. It could be covered under health insurance, so tax payers need not worry.

Hey, the next time you post in this thread, can you at least make it more constructive? Thanks.


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