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Getting a Lover, Issue #1 Breed, Space and Activity

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Things to know.

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    It’s freaking cold outside, 6 months of the year under 0, smaller breds with/and short hair are out of question.

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    I am mainly into felines (I didn’t decide that), but let’s be realistic it doesn’t make sense, since canines are my second option, that’s where I place my bet now, I am mainly into wildish looking canines for that reason (you can blame my likehood of cats for that), with behaviours that are slightly more serious and less playful (even when I guess that’s about training), and for some reason I feel more attracted to mixed races than purebreeds (but this is not a main factor, it’s just I’d guess the same that happens with humans that see a mix and think looks better, however many known mixes are known for better health and that’s something that seems quite good); I also like my animals relative to my size, I am pretty sub and quite strong for my weight, so I go for bigger dogs.

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    I am an active person, in fact probably too active for an average dog, and I mean it, add to this that I’d probably train the dog to take part of the local sport’s club activities, which is good in a way as many of these wildish looking dogs are usually more active, I’ve only seen huskies doing that, specially on winter; I am sure draining his energy wouldn’t be an issue.


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Issue #1.1 My aparment is tiny, 32m2, and I work 8hr a day, surprisingly it has a fairly nice shared yard but it’s not fenced; there’s also the possibility to take the dog to work, he’d be exausted since I commute by bicycle, but the workplace isn’t fenced either, and the area has a school nearby; this place is just damned subartic forest, almost nothing is fenced; I can give plenty exercise after work, main issue is “can a large dog stay inside for 8hr without losing his mind? Should I try to convince the landlord to build a fence somehow? Should I somehow move even when yards (let alone fenced) are a thing particularly hard to get by?”

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Issue #1.2 I have had my eyes on the utonagan dog, before you wonder why would I get a dog rather than rescue one, there are no real shelters here; any abandoned pet for most of the year simply freezes to death, and the ones that are given away, are usually super tiny; then there are import shelter dogs, but then it’s hard to be specific and I’ve met people who have gotten really problematic dogs from these programs since it’s pretty much a random chance dog you get; also there’s the thing that all these dogs are fixed, which I find wrong, even people here don’t do it most dogs are intact, you know they have hormones which they need to grow healthy, and people here think that way, and since I want a lover much less I want him fixed, however vasectomies are another story which are good in my eyes; main issue is: “I have no idea how to get a dog, where and much less to say, “I want an intact male”.

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Issue #1.3 Now there’s this issue which I don’t know if to think it is, since so many people have giving me diverging opinions, some say that I will not even search for a lover like this since the dog would most likely not see me as the “partner” and you are lucky when you find the one, and other say, if he is an intact male dog you got nothing to worry about, he’ll make you your partner; I am surprisingly not much into sex, it was actually this line from this same forum that got me `It is normal for dogs to protect their mate and that may even include from other males. Most dogs will socialize with their mate and prefer to remain with them as much as possible. He will be confused if you don't let him sleep with you.` I just thought, damn it, that’s what I want, it sounds so intimate, it was like fucking reading my mind; I want that in quality of mate, I need that, that intimacy, that link, and so much grooming; so an intact male, very straightforward to get him to be your mate or a dice game?

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Sorry for the long stuff… I just have so many things in my mind and I need to gather the guts, I won't be free until I get a lover either for it to be more than I expected and the most beautiful thing ever, or to get disappointed.


Your best chance for an intact male is a breeder, and expect a higher cost, in my opinion.

I've known folks who have kept larger breeds in small apartments. Some have taken it well, some haven't. It seems an individual thing to me, though training can have a great effect on it. However, I've never had that issue myself so will let those who know answer that.

Also with the issue of males as partners I'll let those with experience answer.



@Cat: I´m not especially experienced or familiar with dogs and so I´m not the right person to ask here, but one thing I can tell for sure by simply reading your post, Cat. You already have such high expectations in this, this probably is doomed to disappoint you when you keep this attitude. In my opinion, you should not actively search for this, I would suggest you use the same method I use for finding my tattoo motives....you don´t find them, they find you. That doesn´t mean you sit at home, waiting...but you also shouldn´t force anything on yourself or your future animal at all...go and check out dogs, but don´t try to "make it happen" by force. And about all these thoughts you have regarding race etc...let me tell you something...when I was younger , before my 22 year relationship with my mare, I absolutely wanted to have a Cremello mare (all white with pink skin). I literally was obsessed with that. But when my longtime parter mare and I catched each other´s eyes for the first time, it didn´t matter anymore that she was a dark chestnut brown mare with lighter, golden dots on her belly and neck in summer. You cannot plan love. Sure, you´re doing right in considering the breed according to the environment you´re living in...but don´t try to push it too hard. And don´t you underestimate how rapidly and fundamentally animals can change their basic behaviour...my mare was a schooling horse for a couple of months before I bought her; she was a known "nasty hag", biting and kicking occasionally if her rider did something she didn´t like. It took roughly about 5 months and people who knew her from the riding lessons had a hard time to recognise her, so much she had changed. Her fur was shiny AF, she became so calm that she even accepted me running in front of her on our Sunday "day off" routine , running by her side, imitating galloping movements. As a schooling horse, she never allowed any other horse in front of her...what I´m trying to say: things develop. If you let them. If you don´t set "goals". What really makes a relationship deep and intense is adaption from both sides. The animal usually will naturally adapt to you over time, mostly the human is the one to blame if the relationship lacks deep and fundamental feelings. I´d rather advise to abstain from too much determination, let things happen and don´t be afraid to give in yourself entirely to this. Love by the way should never be about what you GET, and more about what you´re willing to GIVE...even, and especially if your own "demands" aren´t met in fullest extend.


6 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Your best chance for an intact male is a breeder, and expect a higher cost, in my opinion.

I've known folks who have kept larger breeds in small apartments. Some have taken it well, some haven't. It seems an individual thing to me, though training can have a great effect on it. However, I've never had that issue myself so will let those who know answer that.

Also with the issue of males as partners I'll let those with experience answer.


Ah yes I understand the higher cost part, I suppose it's ok I mean, I think it should become my priority now; I've already spent around 5000$ in side tasks the previous and this year to keep me occupied.

Yes but given that I want the best for him, I really don't want him stressed at all.

So given the situation with breeders how do you find a reputable breeder?... I think it's always better to give a visit to see, but also, I have no idea how you even find one, and how you even ask those questions for what you require?...


6 hours ago, 30-30 said:

@Cat: I´m not especially experienced or familiar with dogs and so I´m not the right person to ask here, but one thing I can tell for sure by simply reading your post, Cat. You already have such high expectations in this, this probably is doomed to disappoint you when you keep this attitude. In my opinion, you should not actively search for this, I would suggest you use the same method I use for finding my tattoo motives....you don´t find them, they find you. That doesn´t mean you sit at home, waiting...but you also shouldn´t force anything on yourself or your future animal at all...go and check out dogs, but don´t try to "make it happen" by force. And about all these thoughts you have regarding race etc...let me tell you something...when I was younger , before my 22 year relationship with my mare, I absolutely wanted to have a Cremello mare (all white with pink skin). I literally was obsessed with that. But when my longtime parter mare and I catched each other´s eyes for the first time, it didn´t matter anymore that she was a dark chestnut brown mare with lighter, golden dots on her belly and neck in summer. You cannot plan love. Sure, you´re doing right in considering the breed according to the environment you´re living in...but don´t try to push it too hard. And don´t you underestimate how rapidly and fundamentally animals can change their basic behaviour...my mare was a schooling horse for a couple of months before I bought her; she was a known "nasty hag", biting and kicking occasionally if her rider did something she didn´t like. It took roughly about 5 months and people who knew her from the riding lessons had a hard time to recognise her, so much she had changed. Her fur was shiny AF, she became so calm that she even accepted me running in front of her on our Sunday "day off" routine , running by her side, imitating galloping movements. As a schooling horse, she never allowed any other horse in front of her...what I´m trying to say: things develop. If you let them. If you don´t set "goals". What really makes a relationship deep and intense is adaption from both sides. The animal usually will naturally adapt to you over time, mostly the human is the one to blame if the relationship lacks deep and fundamental feelings. I´d rather advise to abstain from too much determination, let things happen and don´t be afraid to give in yourself entirely to this. Love by the way should never be about what you GET, and more about what you´re willing to GIVE...even, and especially if your own "demands" aren´t met in fullest extend.

What are my high expectations?... I tried to keep the post more into facts and things rather than expectations, and honestly if I don't do something about it it simply won't happen, I have had many situations in which I could have gotten an animal for me, maybe if I had a stronger character when I was a teenager there were so many chances I could've taken; I also promised to myself I would get a dog if I made it alive from something that happened, and I could have made it happen but I didn't.

I don't think things like this can happen unless you actively search for them, most of my life has gone the way I have actively search, my job, my home, my hobby, etc... I can't just stand still, I think that's how there are so many zoos around here that never get to experience anything.

My expectations from him are simple, I want him to make me his mate; I've interacted a lot with dogs in the past when I was a kid, a lot we used to hunt together we were so organized even when I was like, 7; I just want the same thing I had with that dog, but this time to be his mate as well, actually I got into puberty when that dog was around, but then he died out of the owner not giving a shit, and I promised myself to never like any other dog until I could care of the dog myself; my expectations for the dog attitude are pretty realistic I'd guess, for the mate part, I don't know, since I was never able to experience that part, we only had a couple of semi-sexual encounters then, but both of us were nervous AF.

I know you shouldn't plan love and stuff, but it's not like we have other options; and I like to keep variables right, if I could have experienced zoo sex before maybe I'd think differently, maybe I wouldn't be too specific, but better safe than sorry by keeping the variables right.


my first thinking ... make a place you can comfortably try to keep a dog first ... figure out the best way you can take care of a dogs needs to the best of your ability .... you have already mentioned issues you know of .... figure out how to solve those problems ... while casually looking for a dog you truly WISH to spend all your time with.

Once i had a means and a way to take care of a dogs needs, they have always simply popped up in my life.

Get a dog too soon ... and you will go near insane trying to figure out the issues of keeping a dog while trying to keep said dog.


Why would ne pay a high price for a crossbreed?  



22 hours ago, arcticwolf said:

my first thinking ... make a place you can comfortably try to keep a dog first ... figure out the best way you can take care of a dogs needs to the best of your ability .... you have already mentioned issues you know of .... figure out how to solve those problems ... while casually looking for a dog you truly WISH to spend all your time with.

Once i had a means and a way to take care of a dogs needs, they have always simply popped up in my life.

Get a dog too soon ... and you will go near insane trying to figure out the issues of keeping a dog while trying to keep said dog.

This is absolutely so.  And don't underestimate the total destruction a dog is capable of; a large dog can do $20,000 damage if left locked in the bathroom with separation anxiety or seeking to mate.  A good stout (climate controlled) enclosure is a must before you even get started.


2 hours ago, littlejohn said:

Why would ne pay a high price for a crossbreed?  


Or a purebred, even.  The absolutely best dog I ever had in my life, was a purebred Great Dane I got for free because she was an "outlaw".  With a little understanding, she turned out to be AMAZING.  I only had to tell her anything ONCE, and it meant forever; not "until I look away", until I forget, until tomorrow.  I told her ONCE that the baby lambs were mine, the armadillos and rabbits were hers.  I told her ONCE not to go down to the county road.  Not to jump up on people.  And, um, when I touched her flank in a certain way, that I had something else on my mind, but not at other times . . . . . .


On ‎12‎.‎05‎.‎2018 at 9:46 AM, Cat said:

I don't think things like this can happen unless you actively search for them, most of my life has gone the way I have actively search, my job, my home, my hobby, etc... I can't just stand still, I think that's how there are so many zoos around here that never get to experience anything.

Do you know the proverb "You can lead a horse to a river, but you cannot make it drink" ? Here, it´s the same...you surely can do everything to provide the proper preconditions, but you cannot influence the depth of your possible future relationship with that. And don´t get me wrong, I´m all for preparing animal ownership well, but as with everything, you can do things...and you can overdo things. 

I´m sorry to say, but your last statement is just plain wrong. It´s not "inactivity/procrastination/etc." that keeps more than 75% of our community from making own real life experiences with animals. Fact is, most "zoos" in the community enjoy the fantasy, but not the real deal. Whenever I hear laments like "It´s sooo hard to get a dog", I just chuckle...´cause it isn´t. Homeless people keep dogs, so money only plays a minor role. People living in large cities keep dogs, so living in an urban area also only plays a minor role. Your landlord doesn´t allow animals? Well, then move. Etcetera.

What we have to finally accept: zoophilia is some kind of a weirdo magnet. This community attracts a lot of people whose reasons to participate isn´t "a bit too much love for animals". For many, it´s about transgression of limits, experiencing "animality" in their sex lives, even when it´s only in their fantasies, role play, taboo breaking, thrillseeking...but all of that without the risks involved, please. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> And don´t forget the youngsters who go through a "zoo" phase because they experience basic insecurities regarding their own sexual persona and/or fear being judged for their poor sexual performance. I´ve heard more than I can count that "animals won´t judge you", what directly hints at insecurity...I´m not with my mare because she doesn´t "judge" me...you should see her face when I can´t make her climax... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

I believe that many of those 75-80% inactive "zoos" are in it for other reasons than actually pursuing a life of an active zoophile. Fantasy is safe, reality is not...and that may even explain why it is so common in our community to exaggerate "oppression" and "persecution". Part of that is owed to the splendid position you´ll gain as a "victim", practically immune to any criticism. But another reason to exaggerate is to make the fantasy more thrilling by hallucinating a squad of FBI agents breaking down your front door immediately after you pull out...it gives the safe fantasy back some scent/flavour of "danger". Much like a rollercoaster ride that only mimics danger when in reality you´re safer in a rollercoaster than driving a car on public streets. Or like VR, "danger lite"....

Entertainment and testing out own personal limits, but in a safe way that will not hold you accountable for more than some weird bestiality fantasies on the internet, that´s why our community has this high rate of folks who never in their entire life will make the step from "online zoo" to practicing zoophile. I´ve never seen another sexual orientation with equal numbers of people who only live out their sexuality entirely in their heads....and it´s not because of random "obstacles"...it´s because talking about "the way" is easier and more "consumer friendly" than going "the way". And you don´t need any form of dedication other than sitting behind your computer screen typing ...

One pro tip from me, a guy who´s in this for nearly 30 years as an active zoo: the more people emphasize on "being persecuted as a zoo", the more likely it is they never had any real zoo experiences, no matter what they tell you. Usually, the ones with real experience see the perils involved more laid back as a result of actually living like this...ask me, Silverwolf or any other really experienced zoophile and you practically hear similar standpoints on how high the risks of living a zoo life really are, pretty low if you can keep your mouth shut. With a few exceptions, it´s usually only the inexperienced who turn the negative public perception of zoophilia into an over-the-top drama...


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