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What type of hobbies do you have?

5 hours ago, Cat said:

I sometimes take a random path and go across a bunch of people's properties at high speed; it's allowed as long as I am not destroying their property or anything, it's just private roads of farmers, and it's quite a nice landscape; it's not the woods or anything, but anyway people don't check the insides, they just use the roads, so you are pretty safe inside, ofc you are not going to do anything in the woods.

There is one aspect to this that you should know.       Sometimes farmers have very good reasons for keeping their roads private.


I was driving one of those on such a private road one time pulling tandem harrows en route to a field traveling around twenty five mph with altogether about seventy five thousand lbs of metal.      I was observant but not concerned as I approached a crossroads because I was about four miles from the nearest public road.       Two kids on a four wheeler shot across the intersection in front of me but so close as to be completely below my line of sight.     That means within twenty feet of those front tires.     

It is a blind intersection and the tractor completely fills the road.       I only saw them while I was in the intersection and able to look down the crossing road.       Consider their odds of survival if I had been driving a tenth of a mph faster.      


6 minutes ago, caikgoch said:

There is one aspect to this that you should know.       Sometimes farmers have very good reasons for keeping their roads private.


I was driving one of those on such a private road one time pulling tandem harrows en route to a field traveling around twenty five mph with altogether about seventy five thousand lbs of metal.      I was observant but not concerned as I approached a crossroads because I was about four miles from the nearest public road.       Two kids on a four wheeler shot across the intersection in front of me but so close as to be completely below my line of sight.     That means within twenty feet of those front tires.     

It is a blind intersection and the tractor completely fills the road.       I only saw them while I was in the intersection and able to look down the crossing road.       Consider their odds of survival if I had been driving a tenth of a mph faster.      

Ehm well when I said at high speed I didn't mean cars, [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> mountain bicycles which can go quite fast in the downhills up to 30kph, but cars are actually not allowed in private roads; however hikers and cyclists are; and they can really appear from nowhere, sometimes in your yard, I have well gone through lots of people backyards because for some reason the path go through their yards, and then you are like... waat... why does this path goes through their yard?...

Wait do you have that machine? oh god... that's huge, what for?...


19 minutes ago, Cat said:

Wait do you have that machine? oh god... that's huge, what for?...

Actually, several of them and some even larger.


We have headers twenty eight to forty two feet wide that go with them.

It's how agriculture is done.


1 hour ago, caikgoch said:

Actually, several of them and some even larger.


We have headers twenty eight to forty two feet wide that go with them.

It's how agriculture is done.

Wooow amazing... I have no clue about that kind of stuff.

So many of the people here are farmers or are located within pretty rural areas doing such kind of works, in all honesty this might be my first contact with farmers (as in socializing) [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> is it that you guys were born there and just kept going with that, or is it that you moved because it's a better lifestyle for being zoo.

I feel like the alien city boy, haha... I can't do that even remotely; it would be fun to learn, but I guess, I am used to doing "city" jobs, even when I like nature a lot; I always wonder myself how's that city people like me end up falling for animals when we've barely interacted with them, it's interesting to wonder; my lifestyles has changed a lot and now I am more into the nature, but still very little contact with animals; it gives me fucking anxiety all the time, fuuuuuur... needs cuddle fuuuuur... like a zombie, all night (and yet I still don't know what that feels like [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" /> soft furry cuddles, arg...).


2 hours ago, Cat said:


Wait do you have that machine? oh god... that's huge, what for?...

The tractors and its accessoires/tools are bought according to the size of the land you have. Just imagine having one hectare of greenland and trying to mow that with a ordinary garden lawnmower with a cut width of approx.  60 - 75 centimetres...remember, one hectare is 100 m x 100 m of land..or two whole football fields (it´s still football, not soccer, you overseas barbarians.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> ). You´d be busy for an entire week with just simply mowing that one lousy hectare. People with tractors like the linked ones usually have shitloads of land and so they need huge motorisation tractors that can attach cutworks with a width in the meters range so they can work more economically. Cut width 1 m = 100 times slowly driving 100 meter long lanes on one hectare; cut width 3 meters = 33-34 lanes á 100 meter. First example´s total = 10 km driving versus the 3,4 kilometers of the second example...it´s the time , the fuel and the reduced turns you have to take when you finish one lane that makes wider cutworks obligatory. And now imagine owning some 100- 500 hectares of land...you can´t do that without adaequately sized machinery without delays...and nature doesn´t wait for the farmer..if the grass/corn/wheat/rye or whatever needs to be harvested is ready, then you need to get it into the barns quickly. Sometimes , one more day is what´s the only thing between spledid harvest and complete rot. Without these huge tractors, farms with more than 15 or 20 hectares of land wouldn´t be possible without a literal army of seasonal workers involved. Remember, we´re talking about INDUSTRIALISED agriculture here, so heavy and large machines are near mandatory to withstand the market´s pressure. Not to mention that these huge tractors usually cost a shitton of money so only the largest farms can afford them. In West Germany, land is expensive and scarce, so you won´t see any of those large mosters on the fields. In North Germany, larger meat farms (pigs/cows) are more common and the tractor sizes you can see are considerably bigger. In some East German regions, there are farms owning large portions of the land , sometimes in the hudereds of hectares...and that´s where you can find tractors similarly big to those that have been linked in here. Tl;dr: More land = bigger tractors become mandatory.


3 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

The tractors and its accessoires/tools are bought according to the size of the land you have. Just imagine having one hectare of greenland and trying to mow that with a ordinary garden lawnmower with a cut width of approx.  60 - 75 centimetres...remember, one hectare is 100 m x 100 m of land..or two whole football fields (it´s still football, not soccer, you overseas barbarians.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> ). You´d be busy for an entire week with just simply mowing that one lousy hectare. People with tractors like the linked ones usually have shitloads of land and so they need huge motorisation tractors that can attach cutworks with a width in the meters range so they can work more economically. Cut width 1 m = 100 times slowly driving 100 meter long lanes on one hectare; cut width 3 meters = 33-34 lanes á 100 meter. First example´s total = 10 km driving versus the 3,4 kilometers of the second example...it´s the time , the fuel and the reduced turns you have to take when you finish one lane that makes wider cutworks obligatory. And now imagine owning some 100- 500 hectares of land...you can´t do that without adaequately sized machinery without delays...and nature doesn´t wait for the farmer..if the grass/corn/wheat/rye or whatever needs to be harvested is ready, then you need to get it into the barns quickly. Sometimes , one more day is what´s the only thing between spledid harvest and complete rot. Without these huge tractors, farms with more than 15 or 20 hectares of land wouldn´t be possible without a literal army of seasonal workers involved. Remember, we´re talking about INDUSTRIALISED agriculture here, so heavy and large machines are near mandatory to withstand the market´s pressure. Not to mention that these huge tractors usually cost a shitton of money so only the largest farms can afford them. In West Germany, land is expensive and scarce, so you won´t see any of those large mosters on the fields. In North Germany, larger meat farms (pigs/cows) are more common and the tractor sizes you can see are considerably bigger. In some East German regions, there are farms owning large portions of the land , sometimes in the hudereds of hectares...and that´s where you can find tractors similarly big to those that have been linked in here. Tl;dr: More land = bigger tractors become mandatory.

Okay [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wacko.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":S" width="20" /> so what you are saying is that, caikgoch is some hidden ultra rich dude that has several kilometers of land?

Because oh god those are some huge machines and if they do that kind of work and he said he had many of them and even larger, I can only imagine what kind of land we are talking in here.

Are you a farmer too 30-30?...


I only grow my own hay and sell what I don´t need myself, so no real professional farmer. But I can drive tractors and know all the chores of agricultural work. Becoming a "Pferdewirt", a professional rider, in Germany also includes being taught everything about land management that somehow connects to managing a horse farm...haymaking, for example. Pasture management etc...when to mow if you need specific hay, low on proteins, for example etc. 

PS: You don´t have to be a super rich guy to drive one of those monsters. Often, farmers work in cooperatives and buy those machines together. There´s also a possibility to drive those monsters if you are working for a "Lohnunternehmen" , basically hired farm hands. Rented workers  sitting on rented huge tractors are quite common in agriculture..at least in Germany.


3 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

I only grow my own hay and sell what I don´t need myself, so no real professional farmer. But I can drive tractors and know all the chores of agricultural work. Becoming a "Pferdewirt", a professional rider, in Germany also includes being taught everything about land management that somehow connects to managing a horse farm...haymaking, for example. Pasture management etc...when to mow if you need specific hay, low on proteins, for example etc. 

PS: You don´t have to be a super rich guy to drive one of those monsters. Often, farmers work in cooperatives and buy those machines together. There´s also a possibility to drive those monsters if you are working for a "Lohnunternehmen" , basically hired farm hands. Rented workers  sitting on rented huge tractors are quite common in agriculture..at least in Germany.

What in the world do you do for a living then?... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> you always talk about being around these equine circles so I thought you were a farmer, or... horse keeper thing?... at least if you are one of those Pferdewirt things, according to google translate; or do you live just on the hay thing.

When I was in hamburg I saw  a lot of horse stuff but never expected to make such an industry specially because they seemed to be very limited in movement (and a lot of people seemingly didn't like them).

You guys make me all feel like a kid, I mean I am young, but geez, I feel like I am talking to an old farmer or something and I am just like, well... I can code, do science, and invest... and then I get bad looks because I can't even plant a flower in a pot :< and I am skinny and weak [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> surrounded by farmers, truck drivers, and who knows... so out of place.


1 hour ago, Cat said:

What in the world do you do for a living then?... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> you always talk about being around these equine circles so I thought you were a farmer, or... horse keeper thing?... at least if you are one of those Pferdewirt things, according to google translate; or do you live just on the hay thing.

When I was in hamburg I saw  a lot of horse stuff but never expected to make such an industry specially because they seemed to be very limited in movement (and a lot of people seemingly didn't like them).

You guys make me all feel like a kid, I mean I am young, but geez, I feel like I am talking to an old farmer or something and I am just like, well... I can code, do science, and invest... and then I get bad looks because I can't even plant a flower in a pot :< and I am skinny and weak [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> surrounded by farmers, truck drivers, and who knows... so out of place.

Solar collectors on the roofs give me enough to live on and the income that´s generated with the hay is a welcome extra every now and then. I don´t need luxury and so I can easily live with a moderate monthly income and even put some cash away for harder times. As a vegetarian/vegan, I don´t need more than 150 - 200 Euros a month to keep my belly full all the time and have no other expensive "hobbies" but horses. I grow my own food when it´s possible (potatoes, tomatoes, various salads, radishes and other stuff as kitchen herbs) and have the advantage of my zoo friend being a mechanic for tractors and other agricultural machines, so even when that happens, my bank account doesn´t get fucked too hard. I worked my ass off in the last two to three decades and decided that it´s just about time to relax a bit and enjoy my life while it lasts with no real "job", still generating enough income to live a pleasant life without risking to fall into poverty. The minimal principle. And I have earned this since my jobs in horse sports farms usually had me working from 4:30 AM/5 AM to 7 PM , until the last riding lesson was held.I´m in my mid 40´s , you know and there´s a saying "If you´re older than 40 and nothing hurts when you get up in the morning, chances are high you´re already dead"... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> I live with an average of 1500 Euros a month after taxes and it´s just the right amount to live without sorrows, enough for me. 

And to freak you out entirely, I´m not born in a rural setting, too. My life led me that way after I realised that horse "thing" in me...had the chance to study chemistry/pharmacology, but decided to become a professional manure shoveler instead... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Damn horses!! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 


6 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

Solar collectors on the roofs give me enough to live on and the income that´s generated with the hay is a welcome extra every now and then. I don´t need luxury and so I can easily live with a moderate monthly income and even put some cash away for harder times. As a vegetarian/vegan, I don´t need more than 150 - 200 Euros a month to keep my belly full all the time and have no other expensive "hobbies" but horses. I grow my own food when it´s possible (potatoes, tomatoes, various salads, radishes and other stuff as kitchen herbs) and have the advantage of my zoo friend being a mechanic for tractors and other agricultural machines, so even when that happens, my bank account doesn´t get fucked too hard. I worked my ass off in the last two to three decades and decided that it´s just about time to relax a bit and enjoy my life while it lasts with no real "job", still generating enough income to live a pleasant life without risking to fall into poverty. The minimal principle. And I have earned this since my jobs in horse sports farms usually had me working from 4:30 AM/5 AM to 7 PM , until the last riding lesson was held.I´m in my mid 40´s , you know and there´s a saying "If you´re older than 40 and nothing hurts when you get up in the morning, chances are high you´re already dead"... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> I live with an average of 1500 Euros a month after taxes and it´s just the right amount to live without sorrows, enough for me. 

And to freak you out entirely, I´m not born in a rural setting, too. My life led me that way after I realised that horse "thing" in me...had the chance to study chemistry/pharmacology, but decided to become a professional manure shoveler instead... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Damn horses!! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

How the hell do you make zoo friends?... geez... that seems so hard; well surprisingly we make a very similar amount of income I'd say, to me however it is quite different and apart of cycling (which is an initially expensive hobby indeed but saves up on health and transportation bills); I try to invest the rest of my money, my hopes are that in some years I'd be able to just live off trading and investing just a nice life, maybe as a nomad. However since I am not really into horses, (don't get me wrong I find stallions so damn sexually attractive, but keeping it real, their behavior and the fact they are so big I am not a good match for them), and I have to settle with dogs, they are not that limiting, and I can pretty much make it all work out together.

It's quite interesting that just doing what you do you can make around 1500 a month, you know where I come from; that would be what a rich person would make, eh the first world is a thing I guess; Germans can really make a good life based on that, and I believe the choice is right, money does not translate to happiness anyway; a lot of people are money obsessed, that doesn't bring happiness of any sorts.

Always wondering how people like you do with farm life, I guess it's kind of a thing, like enjoying living that way, I don't like settling in much; exploring is just so lovely, in fact, it kinda turns me on XD, which is why each time I explore and I find myself in the top of a mountain or in the middle of the forest I just think "FFS if only there was an animal with me right now"; even when I guess it's kind of stupid, [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> that's how you get caught.

But yea I find it quite amazing how people go settle in, and decide for a simpler lifestyle, it's quite cool.

What I find 10x more amazing is how you find zoo friends, damn is he actually active like you? like what the hell?... how likely is that? or is it that people in the countryside are so much more likely to be zoos?....


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