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What type of hobbies do you have?

Look into the "Death Tax".      It's why almost no farms (or other large capital businesses) are individually owned.      Corporations never die so they are immune from inheritance taxes.     My personal tractors are a class 1 MF (50 hp) and a class 2 Deere (100 hp), nowhere near that big but just right for making hay.      The big land and the big machines (including a grain storage facility) are owned by a series of corporations that I am a very small part of.

I was born and raised in a suburb, close enough to the city to have phones, TV, schools, and other modern conveniences but close enough to the country to able to bicycle to farms and horses.     

And please do not ever get the idea that farming is simple or easy.      You have to know enough math to calculate the area of irregular fields and the correct planting rate for that area based on the tractor's speed, the drive ratio of the planter, and the size of the seed.       Then you have to calculate the application rate of various chemicals using nozzle sizes, pump pressures, tractor speed, chemical analysis of the crops' needs.      Only after that do you get to drive heavy equipment.


54 minutes ago, caikgoch said:

Look into the "Death Tax".      It's why almost no farms (or other large capital businesses) are individually owned.      Corporations never die so they are immune from inheritance taxes.     My personal tractors are a class 1 MF (50 hp) and a class 2 Deere (100 hp), nowhere near that big but just right for making hay.      The big land and the big machines (including a grain storage facility) are owned by a series of corporations that I am a very small part of.

I was born and raised in a suburb, close enough to the city to have phones, TV, schools, and other modern conveniences but close enough to the country to able to bicycle to farms and horses.     

And please do not ever get the idea that farming is simple or easy.      You have to know enough math to calculate the area of irregular fields and the correct planting rate for that area based on the tractor's speed, the drive ratio of the planter, and the size of the seed.       Then you have to calculate the application rate of various chemicals using nozzle sizes, pump pressures, tractor speed, chemical analysis of the crops' needs.      Only after that do you get to drive heavy equipment.

Hey hey none said that it would be easy [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> I am the one that can't keep a plant alive in a pot, I used to study botany in the past, and I know it can be pretty hard.

Jesus fucking Christ, what else isn't the goverment going to tax?... are you kidding me, you get taxed your properties when you die?... god damn... I'll donate all my shit right before dying or some shit.

Meh I was born in the middle of a shithole city, most animals were abused, I didn't really have a good situation where I could be with animals; I still wonder what it feels to cuddle with an animal and sleep together, must be a wonderful feel, all the fur.


When you die, it´s hard to tax you... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> The ones inheriting your former posessions are the ones who are getting taxed with inheritance tax. And for me, it´s absolutely legit to do so since the ones inheriting are practically gaining without efforts. I´m not exactly fond of the German government, but don´t see taxation as theft, but as a fair share that has to be paid by everyone to maintain and develop the infrastructure, roads, hospitals etc. 

Ironically, I met my closest zoo friend on Beastforum first...when we first sent us private messages, he was already pissed off by BF´s terrible attitude focusing mainly on porn and how to monetarise it , the animals and its own users for personal financial gain. We quickly found out that we do share many views on zoophilia and the contact became regular. After some time, we shifted the contact from PMs to phonecalls and , becoming close friends by this, I helped and encouraged him to buy his beloved cow. He then moved into the town I was living in back then,  I helped finding a place for his cow and even had him as my temporary roommate since he couldn´t find an affordable place to live as the apprentice he was back then. That´s basically how I met all those I call my zoophile friends, making contact on the internet, followed by a long phase of getting to know the person behind the screen name and then decide whether it´s safe and benefitting to further deepen the contact, eventually meeting that person in real life.  


To my mind, anyone inheriting over 5.5 million $ of free money they never earned (which is tax free) can afford to pay a percent of the rest (above and beyond the $5.5 million).  That money came from using the country, infrastructure, and citizens (consumer spending).  Supporting your country means more than standing at a game. . . . 


I don't suppose that any of you want to consider property taxes, school taxes, income taxes, medicare taxes, or sales taxes as support for my government?       Or how about time spent in voluntary public service?      Or charities supported?

What you don't get is that inheriting land isn't the same.       It's valued at commercial rates for tax purposes.      That means that you have to sell half of the farm to be allowed to keep the other half.     EVERY GENERATION.


8 hours ago, 30-30 said:

When you die, it´s hard to tax you... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> The ones inheriting your former posessions are the ones who are getting taxed with inheritance tax. And for me, it´s absolutely legit to do so since the ones inheriting are practically gaining without efforts. I´m not exactly fond of the German government, but don´t see taxation as theft, but as a fair share that has to be paid by everyone to maintain and develop the infrastructure, roads, hospitals etc. 

Ironically, I met my closest zoo friend on Beastforum first...when we first sent us private messages, he was already pissed off by BF´s terrible attitude focusing mainly on porn and how to monetarise it , the animals and its own users for personal financial gain. We quickly found out that we do share many views on zoophilia and the contact became regular. After some time, we shifted the contact from PMs to phonecalls and , becoming close friends by this, I helped and encouraged him to buy his beloved cow. He then moved into the town I was living in back then,  I helped finding a place for his cow and even had him as my temporary roommate since he couldn´t find an affordable place to live as the apprentice he was back then. That´s basically how I met all those I call my zoophile friends, making contact on the internet, followed by a long phase of getting to know the person behind the screen name and then decide whether it´s safe and benefitting to further deepen the contact, eventually meeting that person in real life.  

Geez, beastforum, even I don't touch those forums, honestly they made me feel non-zoo when I first saw them because of the sex focus nature of the thing, I was like "I am not like them at all"; seriously those forums, they are even hard to digest.

Oh a cow lover, well those aren't common that I see them; quite surprising I didn't expect you would be the kind of guy that would contact anyone IRL, specially from beastforums; I guess since the guy spoke the same mother language you do, that would have made things easier to figure out, there's always this thing that allows you to see subtle details when both people have the same mother language that allows you to figure out whether they are trustworthy or not, but really, haha, I thought you were quite paranoid and none ever knew you were into animals that knew you IRL.

I've met a couple of, "fetishists", from my country, one of them knows I am truly zoo, he called me a "romantic", or something, says mares are more of a sexual toy for him, highly doubt he'll get one anyway, he is quite the "girl's guy"; he is not a bad guy overall, but you know; but where I came from doing to horses is a common and somehow acceptable thing, so it's not like, he has to even hide it; it is in a way a good place to be zoo, about 50% of people would just accept you being into animals, I guess that's how plenty of my family was ok with it, hell I am almost sure my mother knows it, well it was pretty clear when I was a kid my interest to animals was not the average; I'd say being clearly gay is worse, you fair worse off since some people get violent, the same could be said about zoo but you are not clearly zoo unless someone knows you so no random stranger would get violent for that.


A  user named Rebel of the Sacred Heart once called Beastforum "the epicenter of anti true zoo propaganda" and I wholeheartedly agree with him on that. Practically everyone having feelings that go beyond bestialistic simple horniness for animals won´t endure the general sex centered climate in BF more than than a couple of months. Sad to say that BF probably is defining what "zoophilia" "is" more than all other "zoo" and zoo forums combined.

I´m cautious, but not paranoid. Sure it helps to get a honest impression of someone else when you speak the same language, you effortlessly identify nuances and the metatext behind the written words, but I also have zoo friends that are not native German speakers...my level of confidence in people largely depends on their personality and my instincts that are quite reliable so far. In total, I am in contact with about 15 people rightfully calling themselves zoophile, but you have to consider that I´m in this online "zoo" forum stuff for ages, since the beginning of the nineties. And about that "no one knows about you in RL"...well, in my first riding club, I suppose that everyone "knew" my mare and me had more than just a horse-rider relationship. I know for sure that the owner of the small private stable my mare was boarded for about 8 years really knew about my mare and me as I had the "luck" to overhear her talking to her father...about me and my mare, ending with "At least, it´s a mare...". Both of them definitely knew what was going on between my mare and me. Some of my closer non zoo friends also know because I told ´em. My mother and my sister also know...and are very supportive.

Whenever the topic turns towards how "persecuted" we zoos are, I always say that it´s not exactly as bad as many portray it. During my life as an active zoo, I found out that many people are tolerant or neutral/indifferent , many you wouldn´t think of being cool with it. You shouldn´t mistake "accepted traditional bestiality" as it happens in some North African or South American countries for tolerance or even accpetance....it´s one thing to vent off your juvenile sexual energies with an animal that excludes the risk of a pregnancy being tolerated, but an entirely different thing to really stick with your mare and do/sacrifice everything for her so she can live a pleasant life. Even in "related" forums like BF, there are people saying that fucking an animal is fun, but claiming to feel real love and devotion for it is sick and people claiming to be zoophiles should visit a shrink. As a zoo, it should become your second nature to always stay on guard, regardless of whatever...but it´s certainly a nice-to-have thing if your close relatives are somehow tolerant, makes life a bit easier. Not like "totally easy", but easier than having to hide your orientation from everybody.



13 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Sheep shagging?  Hey, you gotta try a ewe!  Ewe gotta try . . . .  Um, OK. . .   

Legend has it Wales is the capitol of all things sheep shaggery.  But small ruminants are in demand all over the world.  "Sooo FLUFFY!!"  (OK, I prefer mine on the nekkid/closely sheared side, personally).

Wales? All I know is that in New Zealand, the men are butch...and the sheep are always nervous... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 


I've heard the same thing.  The humans are probably well outnumbered by the sheep.  It just seems like every sheep-shagging joke begins with a guy in a bar in Wales. . . . 


10 hours ago, caikgoch said:

I don't suppose that any of you want to consider property taxes, school taxes, income taxes, medicare taxes, or sales taxes as support for my government?       Or how about time spent in voluntary public service?      Or charities supported?

What you don't get is that inheriting land isn't the same.       It's valued at commercial rates for tax purposes.      That means that you have to sell half of the farm to be allowed to keep the other half.     EVERY GENERATION.

That's why you put your land in a trust.  Seriously.  You haven't done that?


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