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Women and Zoophilia (an experience)

I don't want to get started on how I got there, I know it isn't real science; but having taken hormones for quite a while, and after having a breakdown on the fact how different it makes you think the fact that it virtually wipes down your sexuality and rewrites it from scratch, I've come with an idea of why you find that this kind of environment (as in zoos) are filled mostly by men; notice that this is a personal experience, so it isn't set in stone or fact or anything like that; note that I am talking about zoophilia as in being zoosexual, as an orientation, not as a way to vent yourself (whether male or female) during your teenage years.

Now here is this thing, underestimating the effect hormones is quite an easy thing to do, hell I did it myself; but there seems to be a key difference in how you experience love an sex on the effect of each hormone, if you think you are a dead set zoophile, don't be so sure; a lot of what you feel and think are literally chemicals playing in your brain.

In the female spectrum there is this feel for "having someone" that someone isn't very specific, it's a very broad idea of what it is supposed to be, and given that the need for sex is much lower, the needs are more unclear and can be made by taking the least resistance path, since there's no clear, urgent need, it's very easy to take on a partner that tries to get you; you still of course will have preferences, sexual preferences of an ideal partner (for me that remained being animals), but you are more likely to take someone who is just nice and lovely to you (and that being a human is something very likely simply because there are usually more of them); since sex isn't a key factor, but rather niceness, protectiveness, relative attractiveness, physicality, etc... it seems to be that it would be very easy to someone who in other circumstances would be zoo to simply engage with a human partner, as in a way you choose your partner from the ones that approach you, but you would not expect her to have an orgasm while engaging sexual contact was she sexually dead set on zoo, however pleasure is still taken via a physical reaction, and some fantasies could actually make her orgasm, and it's very easy to keep on just being with humans (or remaining single), unless of course, there happens to be an animal easily available that fits the criteria, then it'd be much better to engage in zoophilic activity; but in some sense, by broadly increasing your inclusiveness and passivity is a very easy way to drastically reduce women in zoophilia (every single experience with human males I had was under the effect of female hormones).

In the male spectrum (I cannot even dare to think to being with a human, I puke a little wondering how I even managed); the feel for that what you want and what your idea soulmate is like is simply set, you have a vision of what you want and you go for it; it doesn't matter whether you are inclusive or not, straight or gay for animals or humans or whatever, you are simply more into that concept of partner you have and you are more likely to actively seek for what is you want; you are also more likely to experience strong romantic attachment (leaving lust apart), which makes it very clear and rewards you for loving your soulmate, attraction is simply very straightforward and quite clear (even if in denial).

So what I can say is that the way I experienced it was that way, being somewhat zoo inclusive while in girl mode, and seriously zoo exclusive in guy mode; it's very easy to underestimate how powerful these substances are, and makes me realize that even what we feel for animals could be easily overriden by even stronger versions of some chemicals that I've found around (but their use would be pretty unethical I'd say given the ridiculous health hazards of those versions)

Anyway I leave this here just as a note, not as science, not as facts; but as a personal experience.


Well, thank you for that.

I have no occasion or desire to try hormones beyond what my body produces naturally, though I certainly agree that the brain of (well, everyone), every species, is wired to be influenced by the resident hormones.  Taken as example that if anyone is experienced with the average public exposure to horses, you need to not even consider stallions to be "horses" in that context; they are completely different "breed" of critter, not even taken in a breeding situation.  Just well-behaved everyday friend and activity, they are completely different.  Personality, drive, perspective, activity, interaction.  Same DNA, different critter.  

It must be a bit of a whiplash to have the hormones switched around like that...... 


15 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

It must be a bit of a whiplash to have the hormones switched around like that...... 

Well it has okay, you get to experience two worlds, but it gives an idea why all this "more males" is a thing; oh I didn't know that stallions would be so differently acting [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


  I have always suspected that there are far more female zoos than one typically sees online.  I believe this is because males are much more likely to talk (write in this case ) or even brag about it.

  Unfortunately, any female zoos who do appear online are immediately pounced upon by Horny Net Geeks or other trolls who basically try to harass or "e-rape" them.  I have seen this far too many times in the past 20-odd years that I have been visiting online zoo sites and chats.  Just my observations, nothing scientific here.



1 hour ago, DingoJay said:

  I have always suspected that there are far more female zoos than one typically sees online.  I believe this is because males are much more likely to talk (write in this case ) or even brag about it.

  Unfortunately, any female zoos who do appear online are immediately pounced upon by Horny Net Geeks or other trolls who basically try to harass or "e-rape" them.  I have seen this far too many times in the past 20-odd years that I have been visiting online zoo sites and chats.  Just my observations, nothing scientific here.


Rings true though.  And at least half of the "women" who post are guys posing as women so they can get fapping replies.


My zoo women friends say the hassle isn't worth the conversation in the many instances they've tried.


What I've seen is that females far outnumber males in zoo-porn videos, in both commercial and amateur porn. True, a lot of the commercial stuff is just paid bestiality, and it's obvious the human participants don't even understand the physiology of the critters humping them. On the other hand, among the better stuff, they show convincing sincerity in their affection. Stray-X, notably, displays what looks like deep romantic passion toward her canine partners for the few minutes they're hammering away at her. I've seen a few men behaving passionately--and considerately--as well; notably the guy doing the black lab girl in "Cumming in Raven."

Very few women on forums, though, but as Littlejohn says, they don't seem to get much respect.


Of course do females humans outnumber male humans in animal porn...you just have to remember what the target audience of these flics is...."normal" male humans searching for novelty and/or taboo breaking. We even know a "subspecies" of "zoos" who are only in this for watching females getting fucked by animals, the so called "mixoscopia bestialis" kind. They would NEVER do something with an animal themselves, but get their kicks froom various reasons like degradation of the woman, the idea of a "perfect slut" fucking literally anything, the sadism etc.

And please don´t refer to these films as "zoo-porn", it´s animal porn. And even ZETA knows these flics aren´t made for the zoophiles, aren´t supposed to "cater" the zoo community and are literally the exact opposite of what zoophilia is. Regardless of what impressions you get from watching your "bestiality heroine" Stray-X , she´s a fucking actress paid to give you that impression. Or, let me formulate it different:  how much of "normal" porn does actually relate to real sexuality? And why do you think it´s different with porn involving animals? Porn has its own mechanisms, regardless of the participants´ species. 

And now back to OP´s topic:

Even though the female zoos among us usually are pretty much silent, I´d strictly advise against getting the idea that zoophilia has an even distribution of males and females. In the end, zoophilia seems very much like a "male thing" and percentages may vary, but usually the males are the overwhelming majority. We have way more homo- and bisexual males in this than women, for example. To me, it´s no surprise that women get harassed the second they identify themselves in our community...porn does give a certain picture of women into this, so all those male harassers do is applying the picture pushed by porn onto the first "non cock" person they see...

It may just be my personal impression, but I do believe that there´s a certain amount of masochism that leads women towards bestiality and zoophilia. I can´t even remember meeting a "zoo woman" who´s into this without immediately giving the notion that it´s more about "being taken animalically", phantasies of being violently raped, being "dominated" etc...and by the way, most passive male "zoos" do show these rather irritating signs, too. As I have said so many times before, "zoophilia" is not solely ours, it´s also a vital part of a certain subgroup within the s/m community, too...



3 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Of course do females humans outnumber male humans in animal porn...you just have to remember what the target audience of these flics is...."normal" male humans searching for novelty and/or taboo breaking. We even know a "subspecies" of "zoos" who are only in this for watching females getting fucked by animals, the so called "mixoscopia bestialis" kind. They would NEVER do something with an animal themselves, but get their kicks froom various reasons like degradation of the woman, the idea of a "perfect slut" fucking literally anything, the sadism etc.

And please don´t refer to these films as "zoo-porn", it´s animal porn. And even ZETA knows these flics aren´t made for the zoophiles, aren´t supposed to "cater" the zoo community and are literally the exact opposite of what zoophilia is. Regardless of what impressions you get from watching your "bestiality heroine" Stray-X , she´s a fucking actress paid to give you that impression. Or, let me formulate it different:  how much of "normal" porn does actually relate to real sexuality? And why do you think it´s different with porn involving animals? Porn has its own mechanisms, regardless of the participants´ species. 

And now back to OP´s topic:

Even though the female zoos among us usually are pretty much silent, I´d strictly advise against getting the idea that zoophilia has an even distribution of males and females. In the end, zoophilia seems very much like a "male thing" and percentages may vary, but usually the males are the overwhelming majority. We have way more homo- and bisexual males in this than women, for example. To me, it´s no surprise that women get harassed the second they identify themselves in our community...porn does give a certain picture of women into this, so all those male harassers do is applying the picture pushed by porn onto the first "non cock" person they see...

It may just be my personal impression, but I do believe that there´s a certain amount of masochism that leads women towards bestiality and zoophilia. I can´t even remember meeting a "zoo woman" who´s into this without immediately giving the notion that it´s more about "being taken animalically", phantasies of being violently raped, being "dominated" etc...and by the way, most passive male "zoos" do show these rather irritating signs, too. As I have said so many times before, "zoophilia" is not solely ours, it´s also a vital part of a certain subgroup within the s/m community, too...


Ehm, in a way you just said what I expressed; I was explaining why it isn't an even thing, in a way when you are inclusive and you take the thing that comes even if your primary (even if suppressed) sexuality would be to be a zoo, if you don't express it, it's as effective as it didn't exist; what I meant that, if you gave everyone an even distribution of the same hormones then you'll get an even result; that is because of the way that sexuality is experienced within each hormone.

It's as if, a characteristic that doesn't express because of the lack of the given environment but it's there latent, but it has different levels of latency; but something that is latent in that biological sense is as effective as if it didn't exist, it's like a personality trait that is suppressed. Again I could clearly feel how in my experience that supressed hell of a lot my zoo feelings so much, I knew they were but only because I knew beforehand, rendering me aromantic, if that isn't as effective as not being zoo at all, then what is it?... Of course I can only guess experiences vary, and there would be different levels of latency; but I'd expect an even distribution, given both gender used the same hormones.

I didn't even include animal porn, as you say those women are obviously not even into it, and it's not even for this audience; neither the girls that do it for the kink of being degraded or whatnot.


22 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Rings true though.  And at least half of the "women" who post are guys posing as women so they can get fapping replies.

Yes and like I mentioned before, when I meant the way that it affects the mind, it doesn't really matter; when you have a high level of inclusivity you can even consider the zoo part a kinks; I believe that it's very hard to be even aware of those feelings when you are a girl, simply because you are biologically not programmed to "seek" for a thing, but rather be sought after.


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