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What type of hobbies do you have?

49 minutes ago, Saturnine said:

Why do you keep responding to my posts?

Why does anybody respond? 

Because this is a DISCUSSION FORUM, where subjects are discussed!  If you'd rather no one reply to your posts, I'd suggest you refrain from posting! 



45 minutes ago, Hiway said:

Why does anybody respond? 

Because this is a DISCUSSION FORUM, where subjects are discussed!  If you'd rather no one reply to your posts, I'd suggest you refrain from posting! 


Yeah, but this time he is talking to me about the possibility of an afterlife. He also keeps bringing up the horse thing.


Yeah, Saturnine..so what? You know why I keep responding to your posts? Mostly because I´m an idiot who still has hope you will someday have an epiphany about the real reason of your shortcomings etc....giving some signals that are not part of your current reality tunnel might just be what does the trick.

And I find it rather amusing to see you playing the insulted because I bring up the "horse thing"...well, weren´t you the guy who brought the "horse thing" up in literally every fucking single post only a few weeks ago? Why don´t you just answer the question I brought up in my previous post? When nothing is important to you "because we all die someday",  why isn´t that "horse thing", too? That´s in my opinion a totally legit question, especially when considering what exorbitant "redeeming" qualities you attributed to "touching a horse once" before, isn´t it? 


I was talking about hobbies being unimportant. That doesn't mean I can't find a purpose elsewhere. In regards to the "horse thing," in a way, I actually view them as sacred entities, or idols. In my eyes, horses are godly beings. (And I am about as atheist as you can get.) So yeah, they are, and always have been, very important to me, sometimes to the point of obsession. These "exorbitant qualities" that I place on touch alone are based on a rather spiritual need that I have had that will always remain a permanent fixture within my life. But please, no more questions about this. For the sake of my sanity.


My hobby: Reading toxic comments in zoo forums...[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

2 minutes ago, Vermilion said:

My hobby: Reading toxic comments in zoo forums...[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

You will never run out of those [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

Like geez, you expect some cohesion for people that are as socially outcasted as us, but nope; even more drama!


Any time you get two or more people together you get trauma... Oops, i mean drama.  We're pretty pittiful creatures a good portion of the time.


I don't mean to be an ass, it's just hard not to be one.


1 hour ago, ferritlove said:

Any time you get two or more people together you get trauma... Oops, i mean drama.  We're pretty pittiful creatures a good portion of the time.

You, Sir, have exactly hit on the head why I prefer spending more time with animals than people. . . . .


7 hours ago, Saturnine said:

I was talking about hobbies being unimportant. That doesn't mean I can't find a purpose elsewhere. In regards to the "horse thing," in a way, I actually view them as sacred entities, or idols. In my eyes, horses are godly beings. (And I am about as atheist as you can get.) So yeah, they are, and always have been, very important to me, sometimes to the point of obsession. These "exorbitant qualities" that I place on touch alone are based on a rather spiritual need that I have had that will always remain a permanent fixture within my life. But please, no more questions about this. For the sake of my sanity.

Horses are horses. Not your "idols". Not your "gods". Quit that crap. You´re chasing an unhealthy illusion and probably will be massively disappointed should you ever be given the chance to meet a real horse. 


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