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Hello.  I'm here for my dead friend whom we mutually know as Rannoch.  May be ghostwriting some stories of his he didn't finish, but mostly here to try to learn about a subculture I didn't really think about or really, even know existed until recently.

A very smart man told me not to come here.  I almost listened.  Almost.  I never was good at instructions.

So, how does this work, about me I guess?

I'm a co-worker of Rannoch's who was also a friend since middleschool.  We worked in a generic IT-related business field in a generic state of the USA.  It's beautiful here.

I like video games, and good writing.  At least part of that might be here, it seems.  Might not be too, I'll find out?

I miss my friend lots, and feel some guilt that he didn't feel comfortable enough to reveal this part of his life to me.

I'm a curious person by nature.  When I learned about this, whereas initially I found it repulsive to an extent, I kept coming back to the subject and turning it over in my head until I became more comfortable with it.  Now, I am just curious, really.

This isn't a new thing either.  I tend to come back to things that are strange to me to try and understand them better.  Yes, even ones that are "disgusting" to me (no offense guys).  This has earned me the apt nickname from my brother of "toilet explorer."

Because of the filthiness of toilets and the tendency of employers to not like internet toilet exploring, I am using a VPN here, and new username.

So I'm here to explore your toilet, I guess.  I know, it's not a toilet to you.  Humor me.

Hello and greetings!  I really do hope to get to know some of you on an impersonal, forum level basis to further my understanding of your community (maybe even more for some, we shall see).

PS:  I am not a zoophile but am an animal lover in the other sense, and totally understand that conceptually at least, animals can consent.  A fellow from your community has kindly walked me through this idea in great detail.  And made me google dog knots in a trick that I will never forgive him for.


Welcome to the manure pile.  Hope we can sate your curiousity.


I will find the manure and keep it secret, keep it safe.


In seriousness.


I'm kind of a jokester.  If I say something offensive to zoos, I say it because I like you.  And that in my mind, you have just transitioned from joke territory to actually existing.

I know you are real and deal with some serious issues in our society.  And frankly, as a liberal arts major I find that fucking unjust on so many levels.  I would protest it but people will probably beat me up and I am weak and skinny.

So if I offend any of you ever, I apologize.  I am trying to apply a filter, but it's coarse grained and full of holes.  I'm still trying.  If a pebble hits you in the eye, remember, I love you.


So you did join after all...

I hope we don’t scare you away.  Considering that this is a public facing forum (and having been online yourself), I’m sure you are aware that all different flavors of people join and post — regardless of whether they represent the views of the forum they are using.  If something seems off, I hope you will feel comfortable reaching out to me or to another staff member for clarification on said topic.  Being that some of us here have grown accustomed to this topic over decades, it’s easy for us to forget that it can be overwhelming to people that are just beginning to grasp these concepts.  Much more so when it’s not even something you agree with yourself.  So, please cut us some slack as well.

I also look forward to seeing your “ghostwritten” stories.  Knowing you, I’m sure they will be in good taste and also a great memory in dedication to our mutual friend.  Thank you for this.  I think it means as much to us as it does to you.  Differently, perhaps, but nonetheless meaningful.

Thanks for having such an open mind, too.  Most these days lack it.  I truly hope that, one day, you will understand this community even if you don’t consider yourself a part of it.  We aren’t here to “win you over” by any means.  But we would like to help in any way we can.  May you be welcome here.

Hope to see you around,



1 minute ago, Jedidiah said:

So, please cut us some slack as well.

I will endeavor to take you seriously only when it is completely appropriate and called for.  Other times, expect a hearty laugh.

Besides, I'm not worried.  Nothing will hurt me because I am either too stupid to realize I am being called names, or will be able to easily filter out those who aren't worth a second look (from my perspective, anyhow).

And no, no matter what, I wouldn't use anything I learn here against anyone.  Obviously.

Thank you.



Howdy.  Glad you came here, better circumstances would have been better.  But still takes guts to jump into something foreign.  


Don't feel guilty, some of us take it to our grave just as a "default setting".

Rannoch got massively burned from exposing himself several times, and if anything from me from the past rubbed off on him at all (I know it did a little bit, but at the same time he often wrote that he felt he had nothing to lose), it would have contributed to him keeping it from you. It's not considered a bad thing.

Well, you gave me a reason to read this place just when I was sure there was nothing left. Goddamnit... But seriously I'm so glad there's someone who can tell me a bit more about him in his every day life (thank you).


I'm happy to answer certain non-identifiable questions about him of course.  Just shoot me a PM I guess?

Truth be told, I know quite a bit now...  I mean, for better or for worse, his computer drive image ended up in my hands, so even his preferences in porn are....  for better or for worse yeah.  I've seen it.  (didn't want to but was worried, I don't know, something something he might be in it grumble etc).

It was probably the smallest porn collection in history for the record.

I realized tonight I'm kinda going through his personal stuff in a obsessive way.  I found one thing for example that led me down a seriously dark path of thought that turned out to be completely innocent and harmless.  So, I'm probably wiping the drive tomorrow for my sanity and for ethical reasons.

I'm actually going to his place to pick up anything I want from his room tomorrow.  If anyone wants me to watch for anything in particular (I have no idea really what'll be left there or what to look for) I'd appreciate a PM.

As for the events leading up to his demise, let me just say he was a very upset individual.  I mean, he had his reasons, but he also misbehaved and talked abusively to several individuals in ways i would describe in as at minimum "non-productive."

Still, No one should blame themselves for what happened (I'm fighting this myself) and likewise, no one should think there is not a lesson here either.  I have quite a recorded history here on his The zoo community did him no favors IMO, but for some reason, he did even worse without it.  I probably would have done the same given the behavior he aparently exhibited, but, I don't think any of us knew the extent of the pain he was in.  And certainly none of us intended him to die.

I wish it could have ended differently.  But it is what it is.


Hello. Welcome to my forum.

I won't lie and say Rannoch and I were friends here, we weren't. We weren't IMO enemies either though. I allowed him here when so many others had their fill and wanted none of him. He was blamed for a lot he deserved and more he didn't I believe. Try not to fall into that cesspool when exploring what your friend was and believed. Simply put, he loved non-humans in many ways, sexually; ethically; emotionally and several more. Many of us here do the same. Many claim to but don't.

I too wish it had ended differently. I felt Rannoch had much to offer, much that he failed to see himself. But, time passes and it is what it is.

I hope you find what you're looking for here.



5 hours ago, covfefelake said:

I'm happy to answer certain non-identifiable questions about him of course.  Just shoot me a PM I guess?

Truth be told, I know quite a bit now...  I mean, for better or for worse, his computer drive image ended up in my hands, so even his preferences in porn are....  for better or for worse yeah.  I've seen it.  (didn't want to but was worried, I don't know, something something he might be in it grumble etc).

It was probably the smallest porn collection in history for the record.

I realized tonight I'm kinda going through his personal stuff in a obsessive way.  I found one thing for example that led me down a seriously dark path of thought that turned out to be completely innocent and harmless.  So, I'm probably wiping the drive tomorrow for my sanity and for ethical reasons.

I'm actually going to his place to pick up anything I want from his room tomorrow.  If anyone wants me to watch for anything in particular (I have no idea really what'll be left there or what to look for) I'd appreciate a PM.

As for the events leading up to his demise, let me just say he was a very upset individual.  I mean, he had his reasons, but he also misbehaved and talked abusively to several individuals in ways i would describe in as at minimum "non-productive."

Still, No one should blame themselves for what happened (I'm fighting this myself) and likewise, no one should think there is not a lesson here either.  I have quite a recorded history here on his The zoo community did him no favors IMO, but for some reason, he did even worse without it.  I probably would have done the same given the behavior he aparently exhibited, but, I don't think any of us knew the extent of the pain he was in.  And certainly none of us intended him to die.

I wish it could have ended differently.  But it is what it is.

He told me/"us" his drives were encrypted, so either you got his password to them or you got one he didn't mind someone finding.

If it's something he encrypted, I probably don't really want to know. That's what I'd want in his place anyway (believe me no one will get my files - even from my cold dead hands). I'm more interested in innocent things like what kind of music he listened to, which could be on there. I've been pretty OCD before so I can't blame you for any of that even if he, his family or someone else might object. I guess I might send a PM at some point, I don't know what to ask at the moment, I didn't even plan on reading this today.

I don't think he completely understood his own brain, but I'm saying that as some dude over the internet who never met him in person.


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