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41 minutes ago, covfefelake said:

Well, cool?

Sure.  But this is the wrong thread.

Check Rannochs memorial.

[Meanwhile, in the welcome thread]




Sorry, too troll like?  I...  I am working on this.


Wait, there are animals here?


I thoguht this was like:

[Image: 394.jpg]

But substitute hate for love?

Am I wrong?

What cantina is this anyway?  It's dark and I hear bleating goats...


Where did my shirt buttons go?



Welcome to the forum. I think it's extraordinarily brave of you to show up here, as a non-zoo (brave of us to let you, too, haha). You seem to be trying to honor a lost friend, and for that you have my sincere respect.

I never got to know Rannoch, though I've heard the name, so I can't add anything in that regard.

I hope we don't gross you out too much. Maybe you can get past that if you focus on the writing, some of which is very good. Why, some of the stories here even have plots and character arcs. You might have to skip past the naughty parts ... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/blush.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":$" width="20" />

Safe travels.


3 hours ago, threelegs said:

I hope we don't gross you out too much.

I'm raised to be a very tolerant person...  but even I'll admit, there is a squick factor.

It's getting better every day though.  And Rannoch's porn collection was small.  So far so good!


One tends to cull one's porn down to The Good Stuff.  What constitutes The Good Stuff is unique to the individual, and gives insight to a part of the person.


Anyway welcome



Well, Rannoch had health issues that... limited his ability to...  exert himself?  Yeah let's go with that.  Towards the end it was tough to even move, I understand.


well this is the longest welcome thread i have ever seen...well i mean sort of a hello good bye welcome thread...i don't know what i mean except to say howdy and welcome...oddly....


On 6/30/2018 at 11:47 AM, covfefelake said:

Towards the end it was tough to even move, I understand.

That.  Would.  Drive.  Me.  Nuts.  

At least if there was no path to recovery.    I was down for a few months, but could see progress.  Otherwise, yeah-- 


3 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

That.  Would.  Drive.  Me.  Nuts.  

At least if there was no path to recovery.    I was down for a few months, but could see progress.  Otherwise, yeah-- 


What drove him "nuts" was the lack of community he had.  He was very socially isolated.  That's all I'll say.  It was aparent in everything from his writings, behavior, emails, etc.

Unfortunately it seems he and the zoo community really were a poor fit for each other at the same time.  There was no healthy answer for him.  It was tragic.


Awww I was trying to make friends with the dude and the next week he died [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" /> he seemed friendly.

We were both programmers too, talking about stuff; d'aw, don't even wanna remember that day.

But yeah you'll find different kind of zoos around you know; and while you know a lot of people don't think about this and some don't even want to see it, it is such a toll on yourself to have filter everything you say to make sure you don't hint anyone, usually and actually if you are introverted it is easier, the more extroverted you are the harsher you have to censor yourself; and people, friends like you, you know, it's hard to even predict how would people react to that so most people just keep it a secret.


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