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The most private of us still faces the inevitable reality that we will someday pass on.  As we mourn and/or remark on the passing of zoophiles no longer with us, we should spend some time thinking about what will happen when an illness or sudden car crash claims us -- our beloved furry companions, and our computers which inevitably will have some private information on them we may not want our families to see.

I think it does behoove each of us to think of ways to make arrangements for our passing so we know our companions will have love and comfort after we have passed, and pre-arrange a confidant to take care of sensitive info, as well as to pass word along to the community that we have passed on.


Perceptive of you for posting this. This is has been my single worst concern of all time as a "zoo". Not too bad while you only own a cat, but anything bigger is a major obstacle.


 As far as my computers revealing potentially embarrassing information goes, that is unlikely.  I use some pretty high grade encryption protected by a complex passphrase that would be difficult to guess or brute force.  The only easily accessible item that would remain would be my writings, i.e. short stories and forum postings.  My stories have been posted in numerous places over the years and have been routinely stolen and re-posted, or used as click bait on porn sites.  It is likely that various individuals have or will draw the connection between "Dingo Jay" and my RL identity, if they haven't already.  I am well known in various circles for rather outrageous and/or extreme writings on diverse subjects.  Each genre under a different pseudonym, obviously!

 My furry companion(s) are relatively safe; only one exists currently and the person I share my living quarters with is rather fond of him. (As is that person's dog!)

 That leaves notifying the community in the event of my passing.  At one time, I had a list of several emails in a conspicuous place on my computer (unencrypted, of course) with instructions to send notice of my demise to everyone on the list.  However, the list is hopelessly out of date; I'm pretty sure that some of the individuals involved are themselves dead.  Being that I'm in my mid-60s and not in the best of health, it's something I should consider updating.  BTW, none of the zoo forums or other questionable sites that I frequent are bookmarked and my browser does not keep history.  The cache is stored in volatile memory.



I suggest not dying in the near term.



That's the object of the game, for most of us, no?


1 hour ago, DingoJay said:

 As far as my computers revealing potentially embarrassing information goes, that is unlikely.  I use some pretty high grade encryption protected by a complex passphrase that would be difficult to guess or brute force.  The only easily accessible item that would remain would be my writings, i.e. short stories and forum postings.  My stories have been posted in numerous places over the years and have been routinely stolen and re-posted, or used as click bait on porn sites.  It is likely that various individuals have or will draw the connection between "Dingo Jay" and my RL identity, if they haven't already.  I am well known in various circles for rather outrageous and/or extreme writings on diverse subjects.  Each genre under a different pseudonym, obviously!

 My furry companion(s) are relatively safe; only one exists currently and the person I share my living quarters with is rather fond of him. (As is that person's dog!)

 That leaves notifying the community in the event of my passing.  At one time, I had a list of several emails in a conspicuous place on my computer (unencrypted, of course) with instructions to send notice of my demise to everyone on the list.  However, the list is hopelessly out of date; I'm pretty sure that some of the individuals involved are themselves dead.  Being that I'm in my mid-60s and not in the best of health, it's something I should consider updating.  BTW, none of the zoo forums or other questionable sites that I frequent are bookmarked and my browser does not keep history.  The cache is stored in volatile memory.


And what of your web cache, browing history and stored passwords for sites like zoowg?


I don't store passwords.  Period.  I don't keep browser history or cache for any site, whether it's ZWG or auto parts.


I've planned well for this eventuality, being suicidal, but you bring up a point all should consider. A bulk e-mail with instructions to report my demise is unnecessary, I'll just fade from memory. My dogs and horses will be quite safe and loved though.



On 6/29/2018 at 6:52 PM, DingoJay said:

 As far as my computers revealing potentially embarrassing information goes, that is unlikely.  I use some pretty high grade encryption protected by a complex passphrase that would be difficult to guess or brute force.  The only easily accessible item that would remain would be my writings, i.e. short stories and forum postings.  My stories have been posted in numerous places over the years and have been routinely stolen and re-posted, or used as click bait on porn sites.  It is likely that various individuals have or will draw the connection between "Dingo Jay" and my RL identity, if they haven't already.  I am well known in various circles for rather outrageous and/or extreme writings on diverse subjects.  Each genre under a different pseudonym, obviously!

 My furry companion(s) are relatively safe; only one exists currently and the person I share my living quarters with is rather fond of him. (As is that person's dog!)

 That leaves notifying the community in the event of my passing.  At one time, I had a list of several emails in a conspicuous place on my computer (unencrypted, of course) with instructions to send notice of my demise to everyone on the list.  However, the list is hopelessly out of date; I'm pretty sure that some of the individuals involved are themselves dead.  Being that I'm in my mid-60s and not in the best of health, it's something I should consider updating.  BTW, none of the zoo forums or other questionable sites that I frequent are bookmarked and my browser does not keep history.  The cache is stored in volatile memory.


Pretty much what he said.

There is NOTHING.  Zero. Zilch.  on my computer or devices.  For other reasons as well; what happens when your device quits unexpectedly and you take it in for service?  

This browser is VPN, encrypted, proxy, anti-tracking, self-erasing.  Sites and passwords are in my brain.  

My "stash" is on firmware-encrypted flash drives.  My passwords are rated 3 million years to break by Password Tester (which means 3 million microseconds when quantum computing becomes a "thing", but what ya' gonna do?)  And the flash drive self-reformats after 12 incorrect password attempts, so good luck with that.  

And when I'm gone, I'm gone.  You will know because I won't be anywhere anymore.  No announcements to anyone of this persuasion, so friends and relatives will be spared any unpleasant surprises.  

And the humans left behind will no doubt re-home the livestock, pets, antique machinery, and what everyone else will regard as "junk".  And the farm will probably become timeshare condos.  So I won't be leaving much footprint behind.  

With any luck, someone will do me one last favor, and sprinkle my remains in the gas tank of some major political figure, so I can have one final laugh on the system......  


4 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

 For other reasons as well; what happens when your device quits unexpectedly and you take it in for service?   

Years ago before I bothered to put it on external drives, the collection I had of (legal in my state, for what it's worth) animal/human porn was just chilling on my computer hard drive.  Of course what happens, my drive fails and I have to take it to the shop.  They had to move all of my files to a new drive.  I have no idea if the guys there saw those files while they were moving or not, I couldn't look them in the eye when I picked it up!

I do worry about what would happen to some of my animals if I were to suddenly pass.  Friends and family would take care of the cats and dog, but my snakes and the 50-something breeder rodents.... not so sure about those.  The rodents would probably need to be culled or passed on to another breeder, but the snakes still have 20+ years left so I worry about them finding a good home in that case.


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