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How useful is this forum to you?

What would improve it for you? Is it useful to the community? Thoughts?



It's useful as it is.  I welcome improvements without knowing what they are ")



I mean, it's basically the only forum/community left.  Unless you want to count the porn board on 8chan, which I'd rather not.  Tumblr community has died out, the only other communities I know of are real-time chat format, reddit's all nuked, no other active forums besides BF.  So it's significant to me.


Very useful.  Pretty much only remaining contact with people I knew from other boards that either went away or became huge ccw swirling suckpits.

And finally the conclusion to stories I've waited years to read the end of, after author cut and ran from previously referenced swirling suckpits.

3 hours ago, littlejohn said:

I welcome improvements without knowing what they are ")

This.  Or without improvements.  I may drop out occasionally as personal demands dictate, but I'm not leaving.  

Suggestions?  I have no idea.  I'll let you know if I have some brilliant revelation (don't wait up).

More stories maybe.  There's some talent here.


Its important to me also.  Im not super active, but try and at least check for new entries once a day.  Its the only place i really can connect with folks on zoo related topics.  Please keep it going... And thanks!


Battlecrops, that´s not entirely correct, Zoowg indeed is the last forum that´s open for literally anyone willing to make an account. I know of at least two other forums where you cannot simply apply for membership, you have to be invited to join by a trusted member. I guess some really learned from prior "zoo forums" and now favour this "crowd control" approach.

For me, Zoowg is a nice thing to have, but I wouldn´t describe it as "important". I´ve lived nearly a decade without zoo forum activity after I bought my mare and I hardly can say I missed anything during that "online zoo forum celibacy". But I surely would be a bit sad if Zoowg would be gone...I like to write a bit every now and then, sometimes I like hearing from others and how they get along with their orientation.  Even if there´s only little activity in here, Zoowg still is far superior to BF; I´d prefer a few , but dedicated users/members over the 1.5 mil sex maniacs, "weekend zoos", storytellers and fantasisers, porn fiends and animal rapists on BF anytime. I frenetically applaud SW´s decision to not jump aboard the animal porn train with Zoowg. I can hardly remember the last time I visited a "zoo forum" without a "wank section" . 


Although I only recently joined this forum, I have been watching its activity since its birth. To answer the question as addressed in the title, I think its very useful for me as an individual, that being said, I dont go to forums to find porn, so this forum appeals to me. I have always found the concept of "forums" to be particularly effective for engaging in thought provoking discussions, they allow one to take their time to write what they want in a social setting that is generally friendly about discussion. This system isnt available or effective in many others environments, the primary other environment im referring to here being chat/text-based systems. So yeah, I think this forum is pretty useful personally, it provides me with an outlet to express my opinion (and make sure I present it in a manner that is easily interpretable), and I love talking to other zoos.

What would improve it for me? This forum doesnt get too much attention, compared to some of the forums I have been on in the past, I would like to see more zoos here engaging in conversation. Of course I dont know exactly why this forum doesnt get as much activity as some others in the past, but I would assume its a combination of lack of advertising, lack of facilities to advertise through, and a growing obsoletion of the concept of forums in general. I cant speak much of the first two, but as for the third, forums arent the most popular form of internet conversation anymore, chat/text based platforms have become increasingly accessible and convenient in the past few years. As a result, people are preferring other platforms to post discussion. That being said, I still think forums are better for prolonged and thought provoking discussion. I also really like the fact that the forum was built off of the writers guild without making it useless.

So, is it useful for the community? Thats a difficult question to answer, first we would have to identify exactly what we consider the community to be. If we are referring to the groups of individuals who consistently make appearances on forums and make contributions to the discussions, then of course this forum is useful for the community. As the only forum left that has no prerequisite to make a contribution to the discussions, it holds a valuable position in keeping these individuals together. Of course there is BF, but it generates various other sorts of traffic, and its definition of zoophilia is different than the definition established here, and in most communities dedicated specifically to zoophilic content. 

If the community refers to anyone who is actually a zoo, then the usefulness of this forum significantly changes. Many zoos dont partake in forum discussion, for various reasons. It may be that they have no desire or interest in talking to other zoos, or it may be that they only integrate into the community if they have an opportunity to expand their porn collection. Whatever it may be, I would put my money on this forum not being useful for most people, just based on the attendance here compared to the total number of english speaking zoos probably out there. This is a topic that picks my brain quite often actually, the number of contributors to zoo forums is significantly paled in comparison to the contributions in chat/text-based platforms, and I cant help but ask myself why... I have many hypotheses for this, but I wont get into it here.

I engage in forum discussion personally for two reasons: 1. I want to talk to like-minded individuals capable of holding a conversation, and 2. Because I want to learn from individuals who have been on this earth longer than I have, there is no doubt in my mind that I am one of the youngest people here, and there is no better place to find wiser and more experienced individuals than a platform for discussion that peaked in popularity before I was even old enough to participate. So if you read all of this, you may have realized that most of the stuff that I have mentioned here cant really be easily rectified, there is no fault of the part of the moderators. I would LIKE to see more people participate in discussions, but that would almost surely involve the adoption of a more promotionally aggressive role from the moderators, a role that would come with potential consequences and risks as well. Ultimately I acknowledge the difficultly and infeasbility of this wish.


I was hoping to discuss a lot of topics that could use more time to get exposure to views, and have responses to, and there has been some of that, but not as much as I hope.  My only other "zoo venue" I hang out at is an IRC channel on furnet.  Here, at least, I don't have to be logged in constantly to catch up on messages/threads of interest.


The forum is not going anywhere, at least not for now. I was just curious if it had any kind of impact beyond what folks can get from the various talkers out there.

I envision this forum as much a repository of "zoo" knowledge as a board of discussion, and would love to see those aspects more heavily used. Would folks see that as a worthwhile part of the forum or should it be axed?

The Guild part of the forum has dwindled in use. Any ideas how to spark new life into it?

How would you advertise the forum better?



i think it is fine....thanks for all your efforts...


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