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News item, Drinking dogs pee

Yeah I doubt she actually did.  I honestly don't think she had sex with her dog either.

Most of the people I've seen touting "health benefits" is from drinking your own pee [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />


4 hours ago, battlecrops said:

Most of the people I've seen touting "health benefits".....

I'm prepared to tout health benefits of "intimate" critter relations [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> 


dog cum, the ultimate facial smoothing wrinkle cream ... and finger licking good ... no greasy feeling .. fast absorbing


On 7/12/2018 at 0:40 PM, battlecrops said:

Most of the people I've seen touting "health benefits" is from drinking your own pee

I'm not seeing the biology behind this.  Whatever "magic" is in your pee, is already in you.

It would make more sense to drink the pee of a younger, more athletic individual, like a guy drinking stallion or bull pee, or a woman drinking mare pee (which sort of happens, there used to be "urine farms" to collect mare pee to make "Premarin" hormone replacement for menopausal women.)

But drink your own?  Not buying it..... 


Quote:It would make more sense to drink the pee of a younger, more athletic individual, like a guy drinking stallion or bull pee, or a woman drinking mare pee

Yeah, that's bullshit. Such things only work through cannibalism.


Seriously?!?  You believe that's a thing?


54 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

Seriously?!?  You believe that's a thing?

D' know. Ask Hillary and the spirit cookers. ;D


 Back in the early days of zoos online, there was an individual known as "Sherry" who posted on the old White Shadow's Pet Lovers' Forum.  Her thing was feeding male dogs beer until they became somewhat drunk, then drinking them when they inevitably had to pee.  There was no claim of health benefits, it was strictly for shock value.

 As it turned out, Sherry was actually a male forum regular and a non-zoo one at that.  "She" was exposed when someone noticed that she shared an unusual quirk in her writing style with the aforementioned male poster.



And it being an internet forum, we know she/he actually did so how?  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/rolleyes.gif[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="9_9" width="20" />

More than likely it never happened.  Totally fabricated to squick readers, troll bait.


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