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How do you kiss with dogs?
My dog is 4 years old and we've been together for that long, but I never knew how to properly kiss with her. Sometimes we just do a small kiss where our lips just touch for half a second, but it's so fake because it's more of a trick I learned her and not something she does out of herself as intimacy.

We do rarely frenchkiss in a certain way, where we both stick out our tongues and lick eachothers tongues, but that's also fake since she does it for the taste and only lasts about 1 or 2 seconds.

What do I do or how do I approach her? Any tips for any future dogs I will get? It frustrates me that every single other zoo knows how, yet I'm the only one who doesn't know how, and any zoo I ask gives me a ''fuck off'' or just straight up ignores me. Can nobody help a fellow zoo out?

Kissing is in itself an activity that is almost entirely within the domain of human sexuality and thus it always will be "artificial" and "fake". There also is no "fool proof" way to teach an animal to kiss/frenchkiss, it always depends solely on the level of intimate unison, trust and playfulness you can encourage the animal towards you as his partner. Patience is key here, you just include kissing in your everyday routine, but always in a playful, non demanding manner. Be satisfied with small advancements, don´t be discouraged by defense reactions as kissing is for most animals a dangeous situation, having another set of teeth near one of their most vulnerable bodyparts that potentially might bite. It´s natural for them to try and evade...until the animal has learned nothing harmful will result in getting your mouth near theirs.Patience, "grandmotherly kindness" and a deep love , actual love, for the animal are core issues here. 

Just take a look at my profile pic, that´s my old mare and me frenchkissing each other...the first time I tried that with her out of deep enthusiastic love, she feigned a bite attack towards me...that was roughly half a year after I bought her. Only three years later, she absolutely enjoyed it because I was patient and never rushed it on her. If she tried to withdraw from it, I accepted that. She always had full control over this "unnatural" situation and only my patience and love for her made her realise that touching tongues is actually a nice feeling for her. Later, she even trusted me so much (and I trusted her vice versa) that she took my penis in her mouth and was capable and willing to give me a full bj with her head pressed firmly against my chest. Patience and deep real love for the animal , nothing else works. 


Almost every kiss I've had with a dog has been at the dog's initiation.  I have also received kisses initiated by horses and parrots.  Based on my own experiences, I disagree strongly that kisses are artificial, fake nor exclusively (or even largely) within the domain of human sexuality.


You haven´t recieved kisses, but licks, Eagle.


No, kisses from dogs not really interested in licking my external skin, but persistent in wanting to snuggle and lick the interior of my mouth.

Your anthrophobic denialism prevents you from realizing virtually no aspect of human beings is unique to our species.  Sexual reproduction, and its complex myriad of behaviors, motivations and pleasures beyond simple procreation, predates even the fission of the animal and plant kingdoms.


You don´t seem to know much about why dogs are trying to "lick the interior of your mouth"...I recommend fetching a book on puppy behaviour and learning that this is NOT, I repeat, NOT a form of human kissing at all. And I´d rather be an "anthropophobic asshole" than someone who desperately tries to anthropomorphise animals in a truly unhealthy and not at all hidden way. 

PS: If "kissing" is natural behaviour of dogs, how it comes you don´t see dogs kiss each other then?


24 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

PS: If "kissing" is natural behaviour of dogs, how it comes you don´t see dogs kiss each other then?

Animals having sex daily/weekly or oral sex at all also isn't natural behavior either yet we're not questioning that either.

It seems you're still boasting nonsense randomly in your comment above. I'd say ''never change'', but I know you won't anyway.

Ol' 30-30 still thinking he's numbah one. Classic.


Ahem, where have I said that all of this you mentioned is natural behaviour, huh? Nonsense =/= stuff I don´t like to hear...learn some reading comprehension, for god´s sake.


PS: It also doesn´t shine a too favourable light on you if the only thing you have are insults, but no logical counterargument.


18 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

Ahem, where have I said that all of this you mentioned is natural behaviour, huh? Nonsense =/= stuff I don´t like to hear...learn some reading comprehension, for god´s sake.

You're using logic you don't even use against your own actions, that's what I'm saying.


19 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

PS: It also doesn´t shine a too favourable light on you if the only thing you have are insults, but no logical counterargument.

I didn't just have insults. Learn to read.

And that's pretty funny, coming from you and all...


Well, you haven´t brought anything that would support your little tirade against me, just more stupid insults. Well, go on with it, I´m sure Silverwolf will definitely kick you out of here in a short time if the only reason for you to come here is to make trouble, WarCanine. Or should I say "EquusCanis"? Or "EkwoohsKaneehs"? Or "PatrickvanBumburst"? Or all the other false aliases you give yourself? Boring...I´d rather prefer spying on you and your stupidity on reddit, in here I prefer dialogue, not infighting. Should I say goodbye to your "new" account yet? Whaddaya think? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 


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