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Any hobbyist vapers?

Oh yeah, I know it's odd, I know what it's intent was originally: but we're far past that point..

So, that being said: anyone here vape as a hobby? Enjoy tinkering with the gear and things like Mechanical mods? More or less just curious, as I'm a hobbyist vaper myself. I've found my sweet spot in Tube mods.

Unfortunately my Brass Broadside and Kennedy 25 are clones. I want the authentic ones, but shit that's some cash.. Close to $200+ for the set... x.x



 I'm not into vaping myself, but there are several people that I work with who mod their devices and formulate their own juice.  We're talking relatively large palm-sized devices here, not the cigarette or "lipstick" style.


Yeah, 'Box Mod' styles. I want to get in to mixing but it's kind of an expensive initial investment for the needed flavors mainly. I don't use Nicotine and prefer Vegatable Glycerin heavy mixes, so I can get that cheap.

I may look in to it soon enough. I do hate to see people do stupid shit too, Lithium batteries are a powerful force and seeing an idiot short one in his pocket is never good...


I vape; not as a hobby, though, I just do it to get the nicotine. Took it up several years ago as a way to save money, and man, does it ever! At the time, I was smoking those cigarettes with the brown wrappers and labeled 'cigars' because if they're not labeled as 'cigarettes' they dodge about $2.50 a pack in taxes ... still too much $$$. Got a V2 starter kit with two batteries and a flock of disposable carts which were mostly awful. Tried refilling the carts--gods, what a mistake. Found durable, cheap clearos and tried a bunch of different liquids, mostly cheap and nasty. I've come back to the V2 liquid, mostly because it's clean. My clearos last for months because they aren't getting gummed up with crap like they did with the cheap liquids. I just use their Platinum menthol, and I buy one bottle zero nic and one bottle 0.6% and mix them half-and-half when I refill the clearo. All this costs me about a buck a day, including the hardware.

I've also tried some of Apollo's liquids and they're pretty good too.

Real early on--like, within days--I started noticing that I was becoming really disgusted with the smell of cigarette smoke. Longer-term, I noticed that my lungs were clearing up. I've very rarely had trouble with batteries; think I may have gotten one that was DOA. And they replace them for free when they no longer take or hold a charge.

I did once buy a large tank, and the hit was fucking glorious, but I got rid of it when I realized that it could more or less come apart while I was filling it.

I think if I ever have to switch delivery systems, I'll get one of the kits that vapes dry leaf as well as liquid. ;-)


Congratulations on kicking the habit man! I've lost a grandfather and a grandmother who smoked heavily. One from lung cancer and one from a massive heart attack: and while they may not have contributed 100% I know it didn't help. Cheap is good too especially if you're just looking for nic' as well.

When I was young and dumb I liked pipes, safer than the cigarettes for sure but still not exactly good for you: I enjoyed the flavor and the ritual aspect more than anything. So I do 0mg nic and I've found a few flavor profiles I really like. There's a site called Quit That Grit that sells spectacular liquids. More flavors than you could imagine, good quality too. They don't gunk coils easily and you can get them in high PG (thinner, almost like water) for cartos and clearos. They even do mixes as low as 1.5 mg / ml. May be worth a look to you. Can get 120ml (four flavors) in a set for around $30 or so. Even vaping at 120+ watts I can make that last -months-.

Note too that flavors change when they steep or sit around longer: some parts of a flavor get stronger, some weaker.

I also can't stand the smell of smoke or thoes 'cigars' anymore, it just reeks. I've lived with smokers too. Now I just can't stand that smell or the thought of even -trying- it again.



On 10/10/2018 at 1:27 AM, WinterGreenWolf said:


Note too that flavors change when they steep or sit around longer: some parts of a flavor get stronger, some weaker.



Yeah, this is why I don't buy flavors like chocolate or cherry anymore ... they're great for the first few tankfuls, but then they all start to taste like warm, wet cardboard. ALL of them. Menthol is immune to this degradation somehow.

I still have a pipe and some Captain Black Cherry around here, but I haven't smoked it in ages; the tobacco is probably dried out by now. I think I've gotten too lazy; it's just a lot of fussing around.

Tip to anyone who smokes and is thinking of vaping: don't expect it to be similar, because it isn't. Vaping is altogether different, but it's much better in a lot of ways. For instance, never clean the inside of your windshield again (at least, not on account of tobacco smoke).


Oh, at least two guys in here "sucking robot dick". That´s what "vaping" looks like to me, with those rather ugly "smoking" devices. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

As a Euro ganja smoker (we mix da herb with tobacco, unlike the US potheads) , I´ve had my experimental phase with vaporisation some ten years ago....and all I have to say is vaporising didn´t do it for me. Okay, it´s a whole lot healthier than "oldschool" smoking, but I really missed the feeling that named the most popular stoner smoking device... the "booooonnggg!!" when you smoke a bong. Had two "vapir" devices I packed with a ganja-peppermint leaves ...and was totally disappointed, so I restarted smoking traditionally again after a couple of weeks. The only concession I made towards this "new fashion smoking" a.k.a. vaping: I bought a "Volcano"... a device that can fill up "balloons" with pure THC "steam". It´s a nice extra to have, but not exactly a real replacement for the traditional way of getting stoned. Fuck lung cancer, if I get it , well...you gotta die of something...there´s nothing shittier than dying completely healthy. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />   At least I don´t have to mind heart attacks/ cardial arrests due to being a longtime veggie. 



Just so you know 30-30, neither Tobacco or THC really matter to me (also, forgive me if I'm rambling a little). Vaping was originally 'created' to assist people to get away from Tobacco, and in particular all the additives in it: not as an alternative for getting torched, which I also know a thing or two about (big interest in drug culture when I was younger, plus having family whom were cops and corrections officers).

That being said, 'vaping' isn't for everyone and doesn't work for some unfortunately. Also THC's boiling point / flash point are much higher than Nicotine I believe. Would take some practice but I imagine you'd need a wide heating surface at a temp of roughly 300 C to properly vaporize enough THC to match a standard hit. Nicotine vaporizes at around 100 - 150 C or so if I'm not mistaken. Chemical compositions as well as emulsions can effect how a compound behaves when heated too.

Anyways, yeah, went far too technical and too long into it.. Was just curious if anyone else here played the Douche Flute ™ [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" />


"Douche flute" [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />  That´s a nice one, man. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> THC evaporates at roughly 180 Celsius, so not much higher than nic...but as you might know, it´s not only the Delta 9 -Tetrahydrocannabiol that is responsible for the "stoned", but many cannabinoid derivates acting in a synergetic way. So my explanation for the dissatisfying hits from a vaporisator would be the higher evaporation temperatures other relevant cannabinoids have and thus are missing in the "steam" from vapos, but present when traditionally burning the herb in a joint or bong. The effect of vaping weed IMHO matches that of those synthetic THC pills from pharmacies. Dronabinol etc. My theory was supported by one stoner friend of mine who was totally into buying my vape leftovers (not burnt, quite intact, but without THC) for a small price, he said this stuff was " top quality sedative"...much like the cannabis strains containing high levels of CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBN (Cannabiol) . A "couch lock" high instead of the energetic high of a high level THC, low level CBD/CBN sativa strain. The only thing he complained about was that the leftovers had the peppermint leaves in it...he said when smoking too much of that he´d instantly got diarrhea. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> And yes, I´ve experienced that effect too...peppermint oil can easily serve as a class one laxative, man. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> That also played a certain role in returning to traditional smoking , I can assure you... when I consume cannabis, I wanna be stoned, not shitting my guts out... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

Ha, hey to each their own man. I say as long as you're not hurting anyone or anything: live and let live. As much as possible that is. I canimagine that would suck pretty bad too.. Wanna get nigh and instead non-surgically remove your sphincter.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/blink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="O.o" width="20" />

Yeah here in the US a lot of vapers have been Top-Tier Douche bags with their vapes. Saying they need a nic' hit then blowing massive clouds at around 150 watts in a public space. See the vapor is obviously not toxic and does have a slight smell to it: but more importantly it 'settles out', as it's not just pure water vapor but a very fine aerosol. I vape in my own home more to relax.

That reputation, especially people being stupid with batteries (venting them in their pockets and shit, causing fires and mods to go through ceilings...) has led a lot of people to call mods (especially the tube mechs) Douche Flutes. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />


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