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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

"...more info may save some poor animal an injury." Don´t you think that the info given also plays an important role in encouraging insecure and uneducated/unexperienced folks to act out on their "carnal desires"? That these "how tos" spread a completely false idea of security and controllability of the situation? Especially with farm animals you have no experience with whatsoever? 

Caikgoch, you frequently mention you´re an old guy and a veteran of the first zoochats and zooboards. Say, can you remember zeta rule number 4? No? It said "Don´t talk ´em in, talk ´em out!". This rule dealt with the way the established community ought to handle both newbies and outsiders. Not being too invitive, not "advertizing" zoophilia. Well, these "how tos" heavily violate zeta rule 4. They give out sensible info ,along with much utter nonsense and low grade porn influenced rubbish, that we have no control over anymore once it´s out. If these "how tos" only encourage one unfit person to "try out zoophilia", it weighs heavier than even 10,000 folks who have benefitted from these "animal fuck algorithms".  IMHO, all the "technical" info about intercourse with animals should never have been written down and made available for anyone. It should have stayed as info you give out personally, in an environment that ensures the sensible info will only reach the right persons. But, alas, "das Kind ist eh schon in den Brunnen gefallen" ("the kid already fell down the well") and we can´t undo one of our basic main mistakes we made in the eighties and nineties. These "how tos" will swirl around the net for eternities and continue to do permanent damage to our community by encouraging undecided fencehoppers to "give it a try tonight ´cause it´s not complicated!".  And since these "how tos" even slipped through to the "normals" now, sometimes as "creepypasta" or such, they surely give the outside non zoo world a devastatingly mechanistic picture of zoophilia, one that seems to view animals as mere biological fuck machines and not individuals with a personality, individual likes and dislikes etc. pp.  These "how tos" literally directly contradict what we zoos have been trying to teach the public, that zoophilia is about deep love, not unhinged sexuality or a fetish. And fetish manuals, that´s the level of quality these "how tos" never really exceed. They hurt our cause and weaken our standing in discussions with outsiders. Only one example of what dire consequences for a long period of time one idiotic decision that was made way in the past can have...  


So you're basically saying it's already out there for decades, and we can't change that.    

Thank you.  Never dawned on me.  It's all so much clearer now.  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wacko.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":S" width="20" />


It continues to amaze me how any individual can write so much and read so little.


So, I can respect people not wanting to 'update' guides if they don't feel comfortable: and I'd rather not have a bunch of fetishists just humping dogs and other animals they don't know.

Sometimes things aren't just as simple as 'tab A -> Slot B', especially if your partner can't talk (yes, yes, I know.. They have their own signs and signals for pleasure, pain, happiness...). My biggest thing is: if you are in a community, full of like-minds, the possibility of 'newbies' discovering themselves and the potential for curious outsiders: knowledge is a -good- thing. As mentioned about Bitches, if you know full-well what you're getting into: it's a lot safer and easier for both involved. Something else that's important to remember for all of us: sex -is- a thing with Zoos, whether you like it or not, though not for all Zoos it's still prevalent.

It's not that we're all rapists, or we are all sex-crazed idiots (though, they definitely exist: google will prove it..), but instead I see Zoophilia (in my own mint) as being a relationship: much akin to one with a human, that includes sex. So knowing your animal personally is No. 1 on the list, but knowing general anatomy, rituals, behaviors and risks is also a big thing.

I'm more than happy to share my own info on the subject of male canines if anyone wishes to know. As usual I will not be revealing anything 'too personal' as to keep my identity safe in a community I'm just now active in: also my experiences may differ from others and I've only had two partners. That being said a little data compiling could be useful.

Also I know this is long: but I do have a few more quick points to make.

For one: I think 'talk them out, not in' is kind of a shit strategy in some ways. Focus should be 'talk to the person, and figure them out first'. Are they really attracted to animals, are they just attracted to the taboo, do they enjoy submission or positions of power: etc, I know that's not easy to determine but I know I sure as hell would have had an easier time of it if that sort of thing were presented to me.

Second, shutting ourselves off completely isn't always the best answer either (I'm -not- saying we just blow open like a book in the wind), what I'm saying is if someone is curious, or at least wanting answers, the friend of Rannoch's comes to mind (I'm sorry I can't remember the name: I know you are a member here though). Don't give an 'insta-GTFO / Don't EVER BE A ZOO' type of response to them, help them understand and pass on your lessons and knowledge: though few and far between folks will listen, many a close friend of my own have.


Sorry for the ramble, just had some thoguhts I wanted to get out there. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


I don't advocate trying to talk people out of this; it's a part of them as much as it is of the rest of us. Advise caution (lots of it), and be as informative as possible.

How about, Rule #1: Respect your partner's wishes (or something along those lines).

Case in point, and this simply goes to reading the animal's mood and intent--and keep in mind, one can have relations with an animal they've hardly gotten acquainted with, as you'll see:

I've known two lap-dog bitches in my life, both the same breed. The first belonged to the neighbor, and I was scarcely acquainted with her, but I had access to their house when they were gone. So, I was over there for something one day, and as I came in, she saw me--I saw her--and it was on, just like that. She ran over to me and I crouched down and held my hand out--and she grabbed my wrist and started humping my finger. Of course I was happy to accommodate, but she didn't need more than a few seconds' worth and she quit. I tried going further with that but she didn't react either way, so I left off that. She was still enthusiastic though, and I had, I think, the second-stiffest boner in my life, so I took it out and began yanking, and she pranced around as if she didn't exactly know what to expect but that it had to be something good. Shot my load, and she gobbled it up like it was the best stuff ever. I had a second session with her and she was even more eager--and had information and incentive to act on--she started licking my dick while I yanked it. I never got another chance with her, but I'm certain that if I'd had maybe two or three more tries, she'd have taught herself to give me head.

The second was one my [ex] wife brought home; a lost-and-found  dog. I tried feeling her up once, and, as much as I know to avoid anthropomorphism, the best I can describe her reaction was embarrassment or shame, in every aspect of her body language. So that was that; I never tried again.

So. Learn to read the critter in front of you. Give them what they want. Don't give them anything they don't want.

Sort of like the golden rule, right?


Agreed, both on the cautionary and on the perceptions. Especially with PMs or any private approaches, or anything starting off with 'I want to have sex' or 'How do I have...' I tend to criticize from said person pretty harshly until I get more detail. Having been a Zoo for every bit of fifteen years I see a lot of bullshit and I've seen a lot of shady porn: so much so that I usually err on the side of caution with anyone 'new' to me or asking me questions. The typical blurb about no restraint, no treats.. etc, etc.

Damn, that is quite the story too. Wish that had happened to me: I do have to admit to wanting to experience 'both sides of the coin' with canines as I've grown to just admire and adore them so much: and hey sometimes they can be just horny as hell.

A bit of story of my own.. I used to live in an old two-story farmhouse with family, we had a very smart German Shepherd male too. Well we 'discovered' each other late at night, I'm a nocturnal person and everyone else was asleep. So we cuddled a lot watching TV and whatnot, after a good bit of sniffing and some tummy rubs on his part he became very aroused. Needless to say late nights found some experiments on our parts.

Apparently, one night he decided he wanted a little love. I went upstairs to go to bed and hadn't seen anything of him, everyone else had -just- went to sleep too.

Needless to say, a little shocked could have described my reaction when I hear one-hundred-ten pounds of shepherd bounding up the stairs, through my door and I end up with paws on my waist and a very rapidly growing wet spot on my pants, from him mind you.. He did that at times, I still miss him to this day.


So yeah ThreeLegs, good golden rule and I can attest to random canine neediness. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


I suggest buying them dinner first.  I hear they like truffles.


Ha, oh yeah I forgot about Pigs and the whole truffle thing.. If I were interested in them I'd have a secret weapon! 

- Kidding, of course I'd never bribe with food.


Hey, they're pigs!  Food is very high on their list.

Before humans came along, their lives depended on eating like a pig and larding up.  At least northern hemisphere pigs.

Pigs in nature eat stuff they root out of the ground.  That's why they are made the way they are (short legs, no neck, that weird nose).  When the ground freezes they are SOL.  (which seldom happens in Africa).  They could expand their potential range far northward by putting away enough lard before winter to last through the frozen weather.  They just stack themselves together like cordwood to conserve energy and wait it out.  

So their basic instinct is to eat even well in excess of their nutritional needs.  It makes them very happy.  Actually humans need to regulate their food intake for them, for them to stay healthy.  Feed them according to their body condition, not free choice.  Pigs can get a diabetes-like condition, resulting in organ failure, and cardiac issues are not uncommon.  Slaughter pigs are seldom more than months old, their long-term health is not an issue.  But they can live 30 years if they stay healthy.  


Good points H.H. I have family that owns a 'mini' pot-belly, a lot of research went in to that one as well They can't have dried dog food for example due to salt / Sodium content, they pretty much need a source of water constantly, and fresh veggies are some of the best things for them.

Sometimes I think when folks get a pet, especially a 'harder keep' like a Pig: they forget about things like this and it can cause problems.


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