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Where are you at....roughly...

I wouldn't say every zoo has fence-hopped ( I haven't, nor want to), and wouldn't say that was the only or even the highest danger to your animals in meeting others claiming to be zoos. 99 out of 100 may in fact be bonafide honest zoos just looking for a like minded friend, but the possibility of that 1 out of 100 being a fraud is too great a danger to my animals, be they lovers or simply companions (They are companions these days, my lovers are all dead). Others feel differently, and I wish the animals involved safety and health. The humans involved put themselves where they do, and earn their own consequences. The animals have no say.



3 hours ago, Danelove said:

I have no idea who Rannoch is.

I mean...I'd be ok hanging out for a coffee eventually, and I promise not to molest your four legged friends for what it's worth? I'd like to restore some of your faith in people [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />


Sorry.  Old user, friend of mine in real life...  miss him a lot and he's really the chief reason I am here.


1 hour ago, silverwolf1 said:

I wouldn't say every zoo has fence-hopped ( I haven't, nor want to).

Yeah well, like I said there's very few exceptions. I don't get to decide what you think at all but I've heard this earlier and yet they still did it at some point, so it's hard to believe anyone who says they didn't or won't. I'll even admit I am one of such zoos who ended up being a hypocrite, but that's because I was never truly against fencehopping and only said I was against it because I didn't want to get fencehopped myself.


2 hours ago, Silver said:

There's a big upside to not trusting a group of humans or humans in general. Why are you advising him to trust zoos? I doubt there's a single zoo that hasn't fencehopped (or at least hasn't gotten the chance yet) with extremely rare exceptions. Even though I'm one myself I wouldn't let a single zoo come even close to my animal partners. The thought alone disgusts me.

Christ, I think I'm just gonna shut the hell up, cause it feels like no matter how friendly or jokey I try to be, someone's on my back.

> Sorry.  Old user, friend of mine in real life...  miss him a lot and he's really the chief reason I am here.

I'm sorry, would hug you if I could?


I've a standard ru

le.  Mutual friend must vouch for you... and I suspect vice versa.  Then let's do lunch n tell lies n whatever.



3 hours ago, Danelove said:

I'm sorry, would hug you if I could?

I appreciate that.

I didn't mean to imply you are all animal molesters that can't control themselves at all.

It's more that when you post your info, you lose control fast.


2 hours ago, covfefelake said:

I appreciate that.

I didn't mean to imply you are all animal molesters that can't control themselves at all.

It's more that when you post your info, you lose control fast.

Hah. No I get it.

I'm pretty careful when I'm on the internet anyway; generally speaking, the one time I trusted a guy on the internet that I developed any kind of feelings for, he ended up trying to leverage it for nudes so I totally understand. Right now though, I'm kind of happy to know I'm not alone.


Kentucky, thats as specific as I'll get


Western PA



I feel kinda strange here, almost everyone seems to be from the US  


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