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Forum may be going down.

 As much as I hate to do it, I may have to take my forum down.

 The problem is that I am hardpressed for funds, and barely getting by.

 It would take about $110.00 to $120.00 to keep it online for another year.

 But I have no really good way to get funds.

 People that I feel I can trust well enough, I can give them info as to how to donate funds.

 Don't know how to get donations otherwise.

 Paypal is out. Hammy used to get help by paypal, but they have changed their rules. All payments must be for merchandise, LOL

 I'll post what I can on my forum.

 I am trying to catch up.

 Poor health has not helped. I don't get out as much as I used to.

 can't get out when the weather is bad.

 Many of you are aware that I have COPD, and am on Oxygen. That makes it so I get really SOB (short of breath) very easily. Just going a short distance is difficult at times.


 I had thought of free hosting, but hosting as we need is not easy to come by.

 I was lucky in finding the host I have. And it could be lost at any time considering it is actually based in Texas. I'm sure that most of you are aware that Texas passed a law that took effect September 15 2017. And it spells out virtually everything that is prohibited.

 The only thing exempt is anything that happened before that date. They spelled that out as well.

 I have the feeling that too many people tried pushing for laws tp ,ake it ;legal, hence drawing far too much attention to it.

 Don't forget, this is part of the so called "Bible belt".



We understand Cab.


 Some places have passed laws making things retroactive.

 Which is very butthole of them.

 Piston em awl.



  Word I have is that I'll be getting a few donations, so will be able to keep the forum going another year.

 Won't say who is going to be helping,

 They will remain anonymous.

 Anon E. Mouse


 Oh yes, now I have the incentive to take care of some stuff on the forum.

 I will have some technical help to take care of that bloody certificate bit.

 The Squirrell set it up, took care of it for a while, then wandered off, much the same as he did here.

 I have one advantage, other than a few details, I can redo a few things on the forum.

 I actually have 2 backup forums sitting there.

 But they don't have the media that has been uploaded to the forum.

 Anyways, I'll start into doing what I can.

 Anon E. Mouse




Glad you'll be able to keep your forum up and running for a while longer Cab. Sorry your health has worsened since last we spoke. 

Folks should understand that the topic does not refer to THIS forum however, but to Zoophilia Pictures forum, our "sister" forum so to speak.

This forum is still generously hosted at no cost to me through Jed and sources Anonymous to me. I greatly appreciate them.



 All I need to do at this point is to get rid of the HTTPS bit.


cab need help a little bit. don't have a lot of money give what I can this only site left 


The post wasn't referring to this site Adolpha. Cab has a forum he was talking about but it is stable for now too. We are fine for now.



On 1/21/2019 at 7:55 AM, silverwolf1 said:

The post wasn't referring to this site Adolpha. Cab has a forum he was talking about but it is stable for now too. We are fine for now.


 Yeah, a few misunderstood.

 I'm set for a year, other than renewing URL come summer.

 I should renew for 2 years next time.


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