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A question from a fellow zoo

22 minutes ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Taking a knot isn't that rare.. It's nearly happened to me several times.

I do not mean to be rude but if it isnt that rare then why didnt it happen to someone experienced as you?

Now youre making me a bit scared because his fully swelled knot seems like the size of a tennisball which looks awfully painful... I dont mean to be ungrateful either for the help ive gotten and im sorry but maybe i shouldnt have sex then.

25 minutes ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

I may suggest one more thing too: if you haven't.. Make sure you're lubed a little in the hands and let him hump your hand to a full erection.

I didnt because i always read before that lube wasnt a thing that was ever needed because dogs were already... uh ... 'slidy' enough to begin with?

Thanks again.


You could save yourself a lot of time if you really did read that guide.     I've been doing this for more than fifty years now and tied many thousands of times.   

A "tennisball" is not difficult at all for an average human because it goes in small then expands.     That's why you hear so many reminders not to pull it out once the tie has been made.      I've had several St Bernards over the years and they almost always tied well enough to hang from if one of us stumbled.     That's a large grapefruit sized knot.      My avatar has spent some time in there too.

You don't need lube when the dog is sliding it into the soft warm interior of your body.    Your dry hands with fingerprint ridges are a completely different subject.     They can hurt him or even abrade his skin until it bleeds.

The answers to these and many questions that you don't even know to ask yet are in that guide.


I have read the guide and it seems very useful but ive changed my mind. Dont feel bad because this wasnt really a waste of time. If i didnt get this advice i probably would still have tried and hurt myself or even worse hurt him, so it probably was for the best.

Its a shame because i feel really attracted towards dogs but knots themselves were never interesting to me because being stuck seems extremely unpleasant. It just doesnt feel right to me.

Still... thank you all.


To each his own.    But I have to tell you that the knot and the tie is what makes sex with dogs so much fun.    It's an orgasm that just goes on and on.


Having the knot up in you doesn't hurt; you just feel a little bloated. I have an inflatable dog dildo, and I've pumped it up to absurd size, maybe the size of an orange. I'm NOT into pain; if something hurts, I quit doing it. It's nice, actually, you can kind of relax around it because it isn't going anywhere. You (or him) will only get hurt if he gets yanked out before the swelling goes down.

I think you may be worrying about the dog more than necessary, too, especially knowing you've already given him oral. Your rectum doesn't have any teeth in it, y'know. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> And if something does hurt him, he'll let you know; otherwise, enjoy each other.

Again, about hurting the dog--I have a vid of a woman getting her little lap-dog to fuck her, and at some point she did something to make him yelp, but he started right back in again.


2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

I do not mean to be rude but if it isnt that rare then why didnt it happen to someone experienced as you?

Because at the time, I was young and didn't have any of the proper anatomy information: growing up on a farm I knew how it worked.. But wasn't sure *I* could handle it.. So I would drop or shift a little to prevent a full tie.. Didn't mean we didn't love eachother or that I wasn't willing.. Just happened with me being quite young an inexperienced.. I've learnt a lot since then and have poured -hours- of research in to veterinary texts, posts from other zoos (guides like Caikgoch and advice like Threelegs have given), and compared the info with my own personal experiences. I really think you should listen to those two.

If you are too scared or uncomfortable, don't do something you'll regret.. But trust me on this one: It's a bond like none other,  an experience that can't be described or topped really.. Especially if you -are- attracted to him. I do think you're letting fear get the better of you, and if you're a 'new zoo' trust me, I understand it. I've been there as have most of us.

2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

I didnt because i always read before that lube wasnt a thing that was ever needed because dogs were already... uh ... 'slidy' enough to begin with?

Again, Caikgoch is correct.. Your warm, smooth, soft internals along with how much 'pre' and fluid he leaks on first entry is enough for lubing your passageway about 99.9% of the time.. Your dry hands are another matter completely. That's why I suggested lube if you wanted to 'feel him' first to reassure yourself.

A tennis-ball sized knot is a good size, remember they don't go inside fully swollen.. It's a gradual stretch and swell as he thrusts. My lover was large apple - to a good orange-size.. I wish I had more info when he was alive and I'd have tied every time.. The few times he did nearly lock me in felt amazing.. It's a full feeling, a stretch.. But not really painful.. Your bowels are pretty flexible at the 'bottom end' like our 'more experienced' dog lovers have said.

Again, I'm not trying to 'talk you into' doing something you don't want to do, but I really think you'd enjoy the bond with him. If you're not comfortable, you're not comfortable though.

Best of luck in whatever you decide. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> 



Ive decided to still do it because i felt like we were both missing out. I used some toys on myself and i realized im overreacting ( im a virgin after all ).

I used all the tips I was given and read the guide, but it still didnt work.

He mounts me, then he humps my ass with his tip, but he doesnt get it in much and then stops and tries the same again. After a few tries ( like 4 - 7 minutes ) he gets way too tired and we have to wait a while.

I decided to make him a bit more hard and then try it, but it doesnt work either.

He just isnt putting in enough force or power. I had him in me before and he humped me, but he didnt get hard and then stopped and also tried again.

Is there something wrong with him? He's usually really hungry for sex and i cant sometimes even fight back because of how strong he is. On the other hand he licks my dick for like 2 seconds and then stops, he isnt even interested in my cum even though ive always read that they like such stuff.. Whats going on??

Please tell me.. i feel like a complete loser. Even when i finally decide to have sex i cant do it even properly.

I was told itd indeed take a few tries, but we tried it like more than 20 times and ive never felt so embarassed and jealous.



2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

Is there something wrong with him? He's usually really hungry for sex and i cant sometimes even fight back because of how strong he is. On the other hand he licks my dick for like 2 seconds and then stops, he isnt even interested in my cum even though ive always read that they like such stuff.. Whats going on??

Please tell me.. i feel like a complete loser. Even when i finally decide to have sex i cant do it even properly.



There is exactly one thing "wrong" here, you are both virgins.     How long did it take you to learn to ride a bicycle?    This is more complicated because both of you have to learn at the same time.    There's a saying among horse people, "green plus green equals black and blue."     We have fewer options but the principal still applies.     Take it slow and easy.

One thing you might want to think about is female canine anatomy.     Bitches have a tight ring of muscle in their vulva.    The male dog lives to feel that ring around the base of his penis behind the knot.     If he doesn't feel enough stimulation on the base of his penis he will assume that he didn't get it in and back off to try again later.    Once he has had a few ties with you he will understand that you are different and will adjust accordingly.     This is why you don't want to stretch or lube too much, it lessens the stimulation he feels.    You might also try wrapping a finger around the base of his penis after he enters you to simulate that ring of muscle until he has swollen enough to be tight on his own.


11 hours ago, caikgoch said:

There is exactly one thing "wrong" here, you are both virgins.     How long did it take you to learn to ride a bicycle?    This is more complicated because both of you have to learn at the same time.    There's a saying among horse people, "green plus green equals black and blue."     We have fewer options but the principal still applies.     Take it slow and easy.

One thing you might want to think about is female canine anatomy.     Bitches have a tight ring of muscle in their vulva.    The male dog lives to feel that ring around the base of his penis behind the knot.     If he doesn't feel enough stimulation on the base of his penis he will assume that he didn't get it in and back off to try again later.    Once he has had a few ties with you he will understand that you are different and will adjust accordingly.     This is why you don't want to stretch or lube too much, it lessens the stimulation he feels.    You might also try wrapping a finger around the base of his penis after he enters you to simulate that ring of muscle until he has swollen enough to be tight on his own.

This is absolutely true, you must also not forget how different you really are.. Different smell, different shape.. Different sensation against fur / skin, and different sensation against his shaft.. It will happen if given enough time. Had I not stopped it, it would have to me. 

You don't want to know how awkward my first three - five tries were... I was an anal virgin as well and  I'm lucky I was in a old, two-story farmhouse.. Had I not the howl I let out when he found his mark would have woken the neighborhood! 

Body shape and positioning play a lot in it.. Just remember what myself and Caikgoch told you.. It does take time and practice.. But go slow, and be patient most importantly.. Trust me, it will mean a lot to both of you once it happens.. And once you've had enough practice and different positions / tactics it will happen..

Good luck and don't let it get you down. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



Don't get frustrated. I have known a lot of dogs. Most seem to have real good instincts or desires to make it simply happen almost easily. Some only seem to have the idea, and need to figure out to to make it happen. Think about what is working and what might bot be. figure out what needs to change.

Most dogs once they feel the tip IN... they reflex almost jump forward to get all in. Some don't seem to get that instant thought of FUCK...I"M IN. Sounds like you may experiencing one that doesn't get that reflex. I am getting the impression that he is simply not moving forward farther once he starts in. Most dogs once in hump hard enough to not slip out unless they hump too hard and pull back too far, accidentally pulling out.

Watch a few GOOD VIDS, where the dog seems to be good at it, and is in and going to town quickly.... pay attention to HOW they did it .... how the person was positioned, where and how close he was when he nailed it. A lot of us rock back in too him when he starts in, so he goes all in fast, and has less chance to slip out, more in, more has to come back before he slips out. Closer his ass is to you when he's all in, less room he has to pull back.

WARNING!>>> Sounds like he grips you pretty hard and goes at it pretty good. If you shove back hard .. you just helped him slam it all in. Normally knot and all. The knot is still small enough you likely wont actually feel it go tru or barely. When he feels you behind the knot, he KNOWS IT. You feel him change gears. It might be overwhelming the first time if he is truly horny and serious about it like most are. Several hard thumps into you and the knot is big enough you will start noticing it expanding, if it feels big ... TOO LATE TO change your mind unless you want pain jerking it out. DO NOT PANIC! RELAX and go with it. You got no other real choice.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND shoving back hard on him the first time.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND tieing the first time, for many reasons. If you truly wish to do this, i want you have the best time possible! Because it can be. Why else would so many of us LIKE IT as much as they do.  ... Will do another post about the reasons why not tie the first time. 

Main reason not to tie first time .. your scared! You have good reason to be. Might be more then your ready for yet.

Second reason ... you do not know how he will handle being tied. You do NOT want him to pull out a full size knot.

Watch some vids of it done right, figure out how to do it that way. To actually succeed getting him in and giving you a good enjoyable humping.

Doesn't sound like he is close enough too you when he mounts? His back legs need to be close to yours. He needs to be close enough when he starts trying  that he easily gets a couple inches in, which is what normally triggers that instinct YES i'm in and he instantly tries to get closer to get all in.

What works best for me with dogs that don't seem to be automatic good at it. If he is horny and wanting to go for it and mounts with no problems great perhaps tease him a bit if you need to to get him horny enough. Squat down extra low fully up on your arms first before going to your elbows. Let him mount while your getting on your elbows and still slightly sitting up so he grabs on father  up your back. Pulling him closer to you as you drop onto your elbows, with one elbow landing near your knee so you can twist around and quickly reach back to guide him in, if necessary.  For me he is not to close even if i feel his dick over my ass. Just lean farther down while reaching back sliding him farther back and i normally only need a to get a finger over him to pull him down and he quickly lines up and he's in. I honestly find it easier if he is that close so i get him in quicker with out any miss stabs. I can keep my shoulders up higher and pull my hips in a bit if i don't want him to tie easy ... or he is close enough  i can drop my shoulders down a bit to help keep him deep enough to tie deep.

will post later about some of the things i have learned too not tie if i can't at the the time or a dog i haven't been with before.

You can truly have the time of both your lives with out knotting. After figuring things out with out a tie and enjoying it... good chance you decide at a later date to let him have all of you.

If you know what to expect you can be ready for possible problems or overwhelming experiences with out any surprise panic, because you have an idea of what is happening and how to controll it better so it IS better


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