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A question from a fellow zoo

a re read of this thread to get more of a sink in of what is really happening and possible reasons.

On 1/4/2019 at 2:07 PM, mrpaws said:

Sometimes he would penetrate me for a few seconds but at that point he is not entirely hard and it accidentally goes out which stops him from humping. For the last two tries he could not even get in me anymore and i think i might be missing something...

"he is not entirely hard"  ... He won't be, He is not supposed to be.

Dogs do not get a hard on the way we do. Dogs get excited and some will extend a few inches out of his sheath. Some won't extend at all till mounted. Dogs are designed to stay small to get in easy and fast. To get ALL in easy and fast. The sheath is simply loose enough to  push back over him, as you have seen giving him oral. Soon as he feels something behind his knot it triggers him to get a hard on FAST so the knot gets to big fast enough, if he can keep it in few seconds, to come back out.

"it accidentally goes out which stops him from humping."  YUP   think about it? .... if your going for it and slip out, you gonna quit too at least for a moment. Dogs unfortunately when they slip out, most will quit completely and jump off. a horny dog, or a dog that has has sex before even with a bitch ... KNOW they do not want to give up ... quick lick to themselves, quick lick to her to maybe loosen her up some more and they jump back in the game. Your guy is a virgin doesn't have a clue how great it is if he succeeds and either is not horny enough to not want to give up or doesn't have enough instinct not to give up. YET!!!!!!!! These things can be fixed.

It is frustrating at the moment simply because you really want to do this, and he simply has no fucking clue, YET, what he could be experiencing. Simply take the time to really think about it. Then it wont be as frustrating for you. Take your time. There is all the time you need to slow down a bit. Think things thru from his perspective as well as yours.

Dogs are no different then people when it come to sex .. the first time, we got an idea of what happens and why we want to, but mostly because we have heard about what sex is like and have heard some things to give us some ideas of HOW TO do it. He has never even had that much. All he has is the instincts to have sex. In real life dogs only trigger and seriously start thinking about sex when they smell a bitch in heat. You don't have that trigger that makes him instantly want to fuck the shit out of something. A dog that horny will fuck anything he thinks he can. Even a guy with a dog that has never had any sex contact with a person, he doesn't care if your male, bend over shake your ass at him and he will fuck you senseless. Unfortunately you do not have a dog that horny. YET!

I have know a lot of dogs over the years. YES. In my younger days after i learned what fun it was i could not get enough... still can't. But i can control it better now. So like most horny individuals if they can have sex with a partner that wants it just as bad as you do and no doubt enjoys it as much and quite frankly a lot of times a lot more then i do. I am not ashamed to admit i went for it with every dog i had a chance with that wanted to get lucky with me. Growing up on  a farm in the eighties almost no one back then neutered almost everyone let their dogs roam free. Horny dogs were everywhere. and i was just as damned horny as they were.

Take your time, go slow and help him learn to want you and why he wants you


Like your on a first date type of thing .. you simply can't just get down and say want to fuck. Treat it like you would another  person ... they might say hell yeah, most times you will get slapped or worse.

The same way you would try to warm someone up to going all the way ... do the same type thing with him. Sit on floor and have a good cuddle and scratching and rubbing session. Get him feeling all wonderful and happy. Belly rubs before lightly stroking his junk. FOREPLAY WORKS! Tease him a bit and such but don't start seriously rubbing on his dick. Just a little to tease him so he wants more. Crawl around a bit and such. Play around like your feeling frisky and he will start feeling like that as well. If he trys to mount don't completely let him. Try teasingly like get away from him. You get the point here. Get him feeling frisky, playfull, HORNY. Only when he really tries to mount like he really wants to actually nail you for real. Let him.

Don't tease him to long, you don't want him to give up, just enough so he wants you more then he normally does or tries harder. Let him try. Doesn't work, don't care. When he gets off crawl away wagging your ass, so he KNOWS you are still interested, playfully bounce around and he should interested in playing again. KEEP HIS interest on playing with you and having fun. For a few minutes. you should get at least two to attempts if you keep his interest. If he losses interest take a break for the night. Always give him good boys and such when tries to mount and after wards so he KNOWS he did good even if he didn't. Make him feel good he tried. So he wants to keep trying.

If he does better with each attempt keep going for 3 attempts ... when he doesn't seem as into it and trying, take a break, stand and act all happy still, so some normal type playing while standing if he starts getting back into it again, you could get back down on the floor again playing with him and such ... see if he horny and wants to try and mount again.

Only do this a few times. Then take real break so you both settle back down.

He might come back shortly actilng like he wants to do some more playing ...

Make it as fun for him as possible and he will like playing around with you and want to do it again another day.

You will reach success with him most likely this way. I have. Most times the first or second attempt when he is truly wanting to fuck me he does.

The thing is. Each time the two of you do not succeed. Why? What can you try next time he mounts to make it easier for him to succeed? Angle? Not close enough to get in deep enough? Are you to high to low?

How can you tease him better? What would HE like better?

Make him want you so bad he won't give up till he succeeds.

One success and most dogs are HOOKED. You both should want more. Practice and figuring out what works better for both of you and it only gets better.

Next time he has an idea of what he needs to do to succeed, you know how to hepl him succeed




On 1/4/2019 at 2:07 PM, mrpaws said:

What am i doing wrong? I dont think you can somehow get it wrong by standing on all fours. is it because of my size? Im a bit small for my age. How do i stop him from accidentally exiting me?

"What am i doing wrong?"   Inexperience you not really doing anything wrong just don't know how to do it better.

I dont think you can somehow get it wrong by standing on all fours.    Being on all fours is obviously, not wrong, your positioning on all fours is.

is it because of my size? Im a bit small for my age.    Yes and know. Plenty of small folks take on BIG dogs. I am only 5'7 and have been easily pounded by a couple danes. You need to know or figure out HOW to position for him.

How do i stop him from accidentally exiting me?    Only 3 reasons i can think of for this to be happening.  1.Not close enough to get in deep enough. 2.Wrong angle keeping him from getting in deep enough. 3. Jerk out.(not your problem) yet, anyway. Having a horny dog pounding your ass so hard he stroking you with all his length so you are really loving it. Then he accidentally strokes to far back and comes out, is an instant buzz kill. Two thrusts to accidentally get it back in or he suddenly realizes he is out and stops. Unfortunately when dogs come out, they stop. Most dogs drop off give themselves a couple licks, you a couple licks and eagerly jump back aboard for more of that. Your boy isn't wanting you enough to instantly climb back on for more. Fix that as i previously suggested.

How do i stop him from accidentally exiting me? POSITIONING

The ideal position when he mounts is to have the tip just in front of or against where you want him to go. So he quickly goes straight in easy. some dogs are the perfect height, and naturally hit a good angle. The rest we have to adjust too so we can achieve as close to the correct angle we can so he goes in. After he is in we can adjust to a better angle. A few successes and you learn what works best for your boy. So it is easier and much more fun for the both of you. 

If he not close enough he might not easily get in deep enough to trigger that I am in FUCK response.

Wrong angle can hold him back from getting deep enough to trigger the i'm in reflex.

all things that can be figured out and fixed.

I am going to make an actual post later in the how too section on positioning with what i have learned on trying to find the right position that works for different dogs. This is something a lot of folks need to know. Tips on positioning have all ready been mentioned in this thread by a few. Tips on how some of us have learned to adjust to different sizes of dogs.I figured out how to get low enough to get a good shagging from beagles and couple bassets. How to get it to work with honestly too damn tall danes. Ways on how to get better angles and such.


10 hours ago, arcticwolf said:

You can truly have the time of both your lives with out knotting. After figuring things out with out a tie and enjoying it... good chance you decide at a later date to let him have all of you.

I can attest to this first hand! All the times I was with my shep in younger years I loved just having him on my back and pulsating in me, the combination of the amount he produced, the temperature difference (him being warmer) and well hell: just the fact it was -him- was just an incredible experience. We shared a very strong bond and never tied once..

Now that being said: that I'm older, have experienced it (without a tie) and have a lot more knowledge on the subject, from people like Arctic and Caikgoch I'd tie with a close lover in a heartbeat if they were interested..

Very good tie-ins (no pun intended) and explaining a few things we may have / did leave out  Arcticwolf.. You are right too about it taking time, positioning, and what 'sets the mood' as it were.. It does come, it's just a matter of learning a little more about yourself and your partner.



One thing no one has mentioned yet is what to do if he ties with you and then wants to turn. This is the most common practice when dogs mate with each other, but according to my critter-porn, a lot of them, when fucking a human, are satisfied to just lie on the person's back.

If he does want to turn, you should quickly try to determine how firmly he's locked in. If it feels like he's going to slip out, you have a choice. You can let him, and he'll be back shortly for a rematch, or you can reach back and grab his knot from behind and hold it in. Maybe someone else here can advise better on this. Also look up Kegel exercises so you can strengthen the gripping power of your ringpiece.

Also, if he wants to turn, you'll need lots of open floor space. You won't know in advance if he'll turn or not, so make plenty of room just in case. The ones that like to turn seem to also like to wander around, and that does look like fun. One guy was letting the dog tour the room with him in tow, and stretched his leg back to stroke the dog with his bare foot. I'd call that an advanced technique. ;-)


Ah yeah, forgot about the 'turn'... Floor space is crucial as Threelegs has said.. I'm not personally experienced with a tie / turn but I can provide some of what I've heard and seen..

Kegels are an excellent thing to practice when mating with a canine, not to mention AVOIDING the use of a ton of lube or large toys.. They aren't like stallions or humans.. They go in small with a lot of stimuli needed and -want- to get stuck.. Being too 'slick' or 'loose' can cause problems with maintaining a tie and even cause you some pain if your lube-slick, slightly distended ringpiece gives way around his knot.

If it's a tight fit and you want to keep him in: 'lock down' with your muscles to hold him tight and drop your rear a little: you may even need to help him swing his leg over your hips as your rump will probably push out a little more than a bitch would.

If he's a looser fit you can either try to hold him in with muscular pressure or bare down like you're on the toilet to try and pop him out.. Note the latter is going to probably hurt.. Only you know what is a 'loose' or 'tight' fit as bodies, knot sizes, muscle strength.. are all different.

As I've said, read through what everyone's posted, and take note I'm no knot expert.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

There's some really useful info appearing here that may be a good idea to amend to one of our guides too (what of it that's not already there that is...).



Oh man.... Thats alot of text.

On 1/11/2019 at 3:24 PM, caikgoch said:

There is exactly one thing "wrong" here, you are both virgins.     How long did it take you to learn to ride a bicycle?    This is more complicated because both of you have to learn at the same time.    There's a saying among horse people, "green plus green equals black and blue."     We have fewer options but the principal still applies.     Take it slow and easy.

I know,, and im not trying to make sob stories but i knew of zoos who had it on their first try and also most of you here didnt take as much tries as me even though they were also virgins. Its normal that i feel like a loser that i still cant do this after about 20 ~ tries.

On 1/11/2019 at 3:24 PM, caikgoch said:

This is why you don't want to stretch or lube too much, it lessens the stimulation he feels.    You might also try wrapping a finger around the base of his penis after he enters you to simulate that ring of muscle until he has swollen enough to be tight on his own.

I have only used lube when i give hand jobs, and i havent stretched either unless youre talking about using toys. Thanks for the other tip. I really hope i can do that because its near impossible to reach there when he's on top of me.

On 1/12/2019 at 9:37 AM, arcticwolf said:

Watch a few GOOD VIDS

I uh.... never seen videos of this so i have no idea whats good and what isnt. Id take your advice but i dont have a vpn or anything to protect myself ( i have NO idea how any of that works ).

On 1/12/2019 at 11:33 AM, arcticwolf said:

Unfortunately you do not have a dog that horny. YET!

He isnt? His rapey atittude made me think he was. Seems like im in for a suprise..

Does anyone know why hes not interested in licking me? Not even when i cum hes not interested even though i always read male dogs loved that.


I've also read everything else and I thank you all for it. I didnt expect this much help, so thank you. and im sorry for saying i was interested anymore earlier.


3 hours ago, mrpaws said:

I've also read everything else and I thank you all for it. I didnt expect this much help, so thank you. and im sorry for saying i was interested anymore earlier.

Like I mentioned in one of our first encounters.. You're in pretty good company here.. We all had to learn these things the 'hard way' simply because a lot of the older members, and ones like myself didn't have communities like this one, or even internet access when we discovered. As others have stated: there are no stupid questions especially sinct a lot of this you did not know. 

These discussions, and threads are the very reason I like this board so well: also the reason I'm extending it in to a Discord, so members have a place to chat, share, and help.. We don't have a lot of positive image nor do we have a lot of -good- places online for this sort of thing. We (as true, loving, real-world Zoophiles: not pornstars or actors..) really need places like this, and more.

3 hours ago, mrpaws said:

Does anyone know why hes not interested in licking me? Not even when i cum hes not interested even though i always read male dogs loved that.


Probably a lot of 'porn stories' for the most part.. Or, more likely 'fake guides'.. To put it simply Dogs in a lot of respects towards sex are like people: they all have their drives, desites and er... 'kinks'? - if you will. Some simply do not like to lick.

My lover was a prime example: -loved- to kiss, french, have me suckle on his tongue, and would rim pretty damn good when horny.. But even after -just- finishing he would not lick.. Now the -one- other experience I shared with a Canine was a male Boxer, that's all we did was Oral.. He'd lick like crazy, even nibble at my tip and try to keep going for more after I'd finish.. I actually had to physically stop him once after I came.. He just kept going. Your lover may not be a 'licker'.

3 hours ago, mrpaws said:

He isnt? His rapey atittude made me think he was. Seems like im in for a suprise..

Sometimes canines can be really 'pushy' and 'grippy', then once you 'submit' and are down and ready they can change their minds.. Or more likely in his case he's still learning about -himself- over just not wanting sex.. You said he's two years old correct? So he's literally *just* crested the lower limit for Canine puberty... He's still learning just like you are. Once he figures it out though, you are definitely in for a surprise. Very likely a pleasureful one.

Now, not trying to take a page from the 'antis' playbook' here, but canines can become sexually excited: and will often hump for dominance too.. So remember, when it comes to 'naughty time' he could also be telling you 'Hey, now *I'm* in charge, and you're going to be my bitch'! Note that dominance doesn't always have to involve aggression.

One thing I commonly did to tease my lover for example.. He'd show interest, I'd lay on my back and sort of 'spread out' in a subby posture, even fake a little whine and push at him gently with my hands.. He'd get rock hard, paw at me and lick my chest / neck (a common thing for canines 'courting'...).

A half-decent place IMHO (there are no real good places for this..) for 'videos' on the subject is video.zoo.cab, I left a link in the Zoo links section to it. There's a specific category there -just- for men and male dogs.. Avoid the 'pet lust' vids, and look back at some of the older ones.. Note it's not legal in all areas.. So a VPN or a private browsing session may be needed.. You'll see what a *real* tie looks like. Though I'd only personally 'watch material' as a last resort.

3 hours ago, mrpaws said:

I have only used lube when i give hand jobs, and i havent stretched either unless youre talking about using toys. Thanks for the other tip. I really hope i can do that because its near impossible to reach there when he's on top of me.

Yeah, for Hand jobs lube is a must really.. For anal though avoid it and as many toys as possible.. Remember, for his interest you need some friction and tightness.. Just like a bitch.. Also he's going to produce a significant amount of fluids so once he's inside you're going to be pretty slick already.

I know it's disappointing.. I'm still somewhat disappointed in myself for not being able to 'give myself fully' to my lover.. But you can't dwell on that.. Move forward with him and don't let the hang ups get you down.

Remember no one is an 'old vet' at having sex.. Especially their first times.. Also you need to consider NOWHERE (not even veterinarians) teaches humans 'Doggy Sex-Ed'.. It's always 'Oh they just breed, it's all instinct, that's all you need to know! Move along!'.

So, with lack of GOOD available teaching material, the fact that you're both virgins, and the fact that you are both having to learn the mechanics of making love with another species: all compounds to make a pretty complex mess pretty quick, for both sides.

Again, we can offer advice and tips: guides and anatomy, and practical experience.. But every pair of lovers has a lot to figure out for themselves, every partner (human and animal) are different.

I wish you the best and I'm glad we can offer some help. Good luck, and hang in there! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



22 hours ago, threelegs said:

One thing no one has mentioned yet is what to do if he ties with you and then wants to turn. This is the most common practice when dogs mate with each other,

another reason you don't knot want to knot first thing .. to figure out how he reacts to being tied... very few i have known will stay on my back .. nearly all turn ... some turn and pull little ... some pull a lot ... some quickly try to pull hard enough to come loose(the ones you MUST know about) a decent sized knot might hurt really bad for a few seconds slowing dwindling... a really big knot will feel like he ripped your asshole off ... ii ddn't get serious hurt form that one but felt like i did at first.. just minor tearing very little blood spotting

as a warning for what  can happen i posted that story inn the story section... most sheps are not as big as he was .. but i was also practiced with smaller knots

You never want a full size knot comeing back out if you can help it and untill you learn you can handle it


sorry about the long winded posting but i can get carried away at times

the main reason most of us are on a forum or a chat is because we want this type of family type thing

Like minded individuals with experience helping those with out it so that you and your partner have a better time and keep both of you as safe as possible from the all the tons of thing we had to learn trying to figure it out the hard way by trial and error. And the accidental mistakes that you learn the painful way NOT to let happen.

i  have had some very uncomfortable times, and some painful times .. not a single dog ever had an actually bad time, other then a surprise bit of pain causing a yelp. They alawys came back for more .. even the hound the that pounded me so hard he was almost hoping himself deeper .. and slipped.. flipping over backwards yanking out a serious knot  ... he yelped pretty good, but apparently not as painful as it was for .... bout an hr later when i recovered enough composure to check on him ... he came right to me tail wagging and happy.

But most times are amazing making you go back for more even after a serious rip out of a BIG knot i discoved at later date was slightly smaller then sofball at full size ... and he was at it long enough he HAD To have been over 3/4 the way to max out if not almost maxed out.

read that story and will see WHY even with a knot so huge i was praying to die and end it ... i also kept building up to a cum so hard i forgot all pain and blew a wad for what felt like feet .... more then once with out ever touching myself ... prostate massage is truly MIND BLOWING!!!! with a knot just bog enough to feel good or somewhat uncomfortable ... you learn why soo many of us love getting pounded by a dog






Here's a vid of a couple dobermans, showing just how clueless a virgin male can be--and this with a very placid and patient bitch who doesn't spoil his aim by moving around. Notice that for quite a while, he'd get in and act like he didn't know what to do next ... lots of false starts before he begins to get the hang of it.

Hang in there.

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