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A question from a fellow zoo

Lad, I took *FAR* longer and more tries than you have so far.     The state of the art in digital communication was the Model 33 terminal.     My login was my draft number.     So we didn't talk about dog sex much.     I had to learn that by trial and error with lots more error than success.    It literally took me years to figure out that dogs didn't get hard first.

I can make it look easy now because I have more than fifty years of practice.      Fifty years from now you can make it look easy for some youngster.      That is why I wrote that guide!      

That is an ideal vid, threelegs.      Judging by the small tight testicles on that Dobie, he was not fully mature yet.     He had certainly no clue at all that a knot was in his future.     And I'll bet that a lot boring "what do I do next?" got edited out.

So don't worry about it.    There's no standard to meet save your own personal goals.    Do what's fun and the world will take care of itself.


Couldn't have said it better myself Caikgoch.. Hell I know whem my chance comes again, even -with- all the information I have / know now there's probably going to be a wrench in the works a time or two along the way.


28 minutes ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Hell I know whem my chance comes again, even -with- all the information I have / know now there's probably going to be a wrench in the works a time or two along the way.

What?     You think it always goes smoothly for us old farts?     Ask someone what a "rim shot" is in this context.     And dogs are positively graceful compared to an excited horse.     Think about it, I buy steel toed shoes specifically for sex.


i still manage to get the occasional precum shot in my eye or up my nose, and the stuff burns the eyes a bit  .. despite never wanting to loose a drop

or lover you been with 100 times has a bad day and nothing goes right.. he can't seem to get in, or keep it in, or slips and falls sideways ...  so you both give up and try a later date, and he walks away first,gives up .. i am willing to let him try i KNOW he can do it ..... things happen

Point being it will happen when you are both ready ... you got all the time in the world

And rims shots with a real horny dog can feel like knife ... he  never misses a beat while you trying to get past it... sometime you can't and have to stop



3 hours ago, caikgoch said:

What?     You think it always goes smoothly for us old farts?     Ask someone what a "rim shot" is in this context.     And dogs are positively graceful compared to an excited horse.     Think about it, I buy steel toed shoes specifically for sex.

Hahs, sorry.. Bad choice of phrasing there. I know it's never 'smooth as silk'.. I couldn't imagine taking a stallion in my current state and my lover was a pretty big boy even without a knot inside. Rim shots hurt like a motherf**cker too, had a few in my time!


2 hours ago, arcticwolf said:

i still manage to get the occasional precum shot in my eye or up my nose, and the stuff burns the eyes a bit  .. despite never wanting to loose a drop

Been there as well, though a few times when we were kind of in a quickie mood, it ended up with me having splattered glasses.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> 

Both posts above me state things that have happened to me.. So yeah, bad choice of phrase on my part..

Just to clarify for the OP: what I meant with that statement is that no matter -how- many times you've been with each other, no matter how 'old timer' you are.. No matter how many 'porn stories' you hear from people online and no matter how many beast fics' you read.. You are going to  have difficulties along the way at some point in time.

A good example from a 'Bitch lover perspective': I've talked to zoos who've had to work so slow, and very careful for around a month before a Bitch could fit them, even heard of some who couldn't fit their human male lovers.. Some could easily fit, but then would tighten up after not mating a while.. Things like that...

In my opinion though, the way you can tell if a pair really love each other, they work past them all in some way, shape or form. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



All this got me thinking about what it was like when I was just starting puberty, before I ever had an orgasm, before I even had hair on my sack. I could get a stiffy, and I'd sit there yanking on it--because some other kid told me that's what to do--and it felt nice, but nothing happened and I'd just quit, wondering what the point was. No guessing how many times I repeated that scenario. I knew something was supposed to happen--again, because other kids said so--but I couldn't help being skeptical.

Then, the first time I got my rocks off, it was like the clouds parted and some dude in a flaming chariot flew down and handed me the keys to all the mysteries of the universe. THAT'S what it's all about! NOW I GET IT!!

Little did I know, haha!


On 1/5/2019 at 9:24 PM, mrpaws said:

I have read the guide and it seems very useful but ive changed my mind. Dont feel bad because this wasnt really a waste of time. If i didnt get this advice i probably would still have tried and hurt myself or even worse hurt him, so it probably was for the best.

Its a shame because i feel really attracted towards dogs but knots themselves were never interesting to me because being stuck seems extremely unpleasant. It just doesnt feel right to me.

Still... thank you all.

The odds of you hurting him are very very slim, to basically improbable, have you ever watched how much a "bitch" pulls on a tie when dogs mate? 

Nevertheless it's up to you, but I have to say this, how do you know you won't like it if u haven't experienced it yet?

The knot is the most orgasmic part about zoo sex honestly, yes there may be a bit of pain for you at first because humans aren't really accustomed to taking a knot, but the constant orgasms kind of dull it.

Don't worry about harming him, his genitallia is made to take the pressure of a tie. If it wasn't there wouldn't be such thing as dogs tieing during sex, it's part of how their anatomy works.

Up to you though, it's your decision [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


On 1/13/2019 at 8:24 PM, WinterGreenWolf said:

Probably a lot of 'porn stories' for the most part.. Or, more likely 'fake guides'..

I remember reading it somewhere on this site..

On 1/13/2019 at 8:24 PM, WinterGreenWolf said:

My lover was a prime example: -loved- to kiss, french, have me suckle on his tongue, and would rim pretty damn good when horny.. But even after -just- finishing he would not lick.. Now the -one- other experience I shared with a Canine was a male Boxer, that's all we did was Oral.. He'd lick like crazy, even nibble at my tip and try to keep going for more after I'd finish.. I actually had to physically stop him once after I came.. He just kept going. Your lover may not be a 'licker'.

Oh no he goes crazy with kisses, he just doesnt seem to like giving oral.

On 1/13/2019 at 8:24 PM, WinterGreenWolf said:

Note it's not legal in all areas.. So a VPN or a private browsing session may be needed..

its not legal where i live so i cant. I dont know how vpns work at all and what ive read only confused me more.

On 1/13/2019 at 9:27 PM, threelegs said:


Here's a vid of a couple dobermans, showing just how clueless a virgin male can be--and this with a very placid and patient bitch who doesn't spoil his aim by moving around. Notice that for quite a while, he'd get in and act like he didn't know what to do next ... lots of false starts before he begins to get the hang of it.

Hang in there.

It said 'Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it.' weird.

7 hours ago, Rottsexy626 said:

The odds of you hurting him are very very slim, to basically improbable, have you ever watched how much a "bitch" pulls on a tie when dogs mate? 

I already did multiple times even though i try to be careful. Its just that i know nothing about sex at all so i make a lot of stupid decisions even if i am careful.

7 hours ago, Rottsexy626 said:

The knot is the most orgasmic part about zoo sex honestly, yes there may be a bit of pain for you at first because humans aren't really accustomed to taking a knot, but the constant orgasms kind of dull it.

Im not a female so there wont be orgasms for me anyway.

7 hours ago, Rottsexy626 said:

Don't worry about harming him, his genitallia is made to take the pressure of a tie. If it wasn't there wouldn't be such thing as dogs tieing during sex, it's part of how their anatomy works.

I made him bleed many times months ago because i didnt know a lack of lube was causing it. i also pulled behind his knot a few times and it made him squeak a little even though i did it softly and with lube, so its hard to believe you, sorry..

7 hours ago, Rottsexy626 said:

Up to you though, it's your decision

Above i already explained that id try again, but im still so scared because of the mistakes ive made.


1 hour ago, mrpaws said:

Above i already explained that id try again, but im still so scared because of the mistakes ive made.

Care is a good thing here. Whilst I can't agree completely with Rott on just reaching down and giving a tug: I will say they can take pressure from a tie.. Now lack of lube as we've discussed can cause other issues like abrasion: gentle tugging with a lubed hand, and soft squeezing are fine. 

YOu don't want to condition him to pain obviously but remember, HE'S a virgin like YOU are, so sensations and stimuli are going to feel a little strange at times. Again stopping for a break, cuddles and snuggles is a good thing. Rest then try again.

1 hour ago, mrpaws said:

Im not a female so there wont be orgasms for me anyway.

Yes, yes there will be... I didn't even get the knot and my lover made me howl out at a peak more than once! See your penile root (base of your penis) runs right along the walls of your anus, even shares nerves with it. Now, you may not experience a climax.. Maybe you're not as sensitive.. But I highly doubt that since you've not had a lot of anal play. Your prostate is right inside there too: that's even more sensitive.. If his knot goes in, pulsing throbbing and pushing against it: chances are you're going to orgasm just from the prostate pressure alone..

Again, I can't tell you for sure simply because everyone is different. The steady throbbing, hotness and wetness of my lover was enough for me.. I'll never forget that feeling as long as I live.

1 hour ago, mrpaws said:

I already did multiple times even though i try to be careful. Its just that i know nothing about sex at all so i make a lot of stupid decisions even if i am careful.

Personally I still think you're being way too hard on yourself... Now I'm not saying just try any old thing without being careful, not at all.. But in this case.. Have you, on Youtube or anywhere, seen Wolves mate? Seen Dogs mate? Even when tied they can get pretty rough.. I've seen wolves FIGHT whilst tied! Male pulling hard enough to break a full tie with a LOT of yelping from both parties.. He's not made of glass and snowflakes... But unless you *REALLY* hurt him bad, chances are he'll still show interest after a little recovery. As pointed out their flesh is very 'veiny' and capillary-filled, so a slip and even a bit of rough licking on their parts will cause a tiny bit of bleeding.

1 hour ago, mrpaws said:

its not legal where i live so i cant. I dont know how vpns work at all and what ive read only confused me more.

Don't worry too much over it.. Beast porn is poor learning material for the most part really. I could help you with the VPN if it was absolutely necessary, but that's neither here or there..

1 hour ago, mrpaws said:

Oh no he goes crazy with kisses, he just doesnt seem to like giving oral.

Give him some time, he may decide he wants to try.. May not.. If not though just respect his wish and do something he -does- like. Just like us, they have their 'things' they like and don't. Your shep sounds like my lover.. He'd kiss me for ages but never licked my shaft once.

1 hour ago, mrpaws said:

remember reading it somewhere on this site..

Most info on this site is fairly accurate.. But remember it can't possibly cover all cases.. There's too many of us with just as many animal lovers.. So there's going to be faults and flaws somewhere.. I said it the way I did because the common 'internet searches' ('Googling it', for example) leads to some sites that have just outright wrong information, or information with half-truths and facts mixed in. An example of this was an old guide for women having sex with boars.. Said they'd pin you down, hump like mad and lock in to a woman's cervix.. Stay there for fifteen plus minutes and leave em' gushing when he pulled out.., To my knowledge, it's impossible for a Boar to 'lock' a woman like a sow..

This isn't really relevant to what we're talking over here: just an example of a partial fact that's been stretched for whatever reason. Just like the tidbit you see around that says all male dogs will lick anything relentlessly..

Good luck and hang in there paws! We're pulling for you and your lover! :hug:



12 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Yes, yes there will be... I didn't even get the knot and my lover made me howl out at a peak more than once! See your penile root (base of your penis) runs right along the walls of your anus, even shares nerves with it. Now, you may not experience a climax.. Maybe you're not as sensitive.. But I highly doubt that since you've not had a lot of anal play. Your prostate is right inside there too: that's even more sensitive.. If his knot goes in, pulsing throbbing and pushing against it: chances are you're going to orgasm just from the prostate pressure alone..

Again, I can't tell you for sure simply because everyone is different. The steady throbbing, hotness and wetness of my lover was enough for me.. I'll never forget that feeling as long as I live.

See? I know nothing about sex. But im curios, is that like a normal orgasm where you normally cum? seems strange.

Im indeed not sensitive because i masturbate daily and i never feel a single thing. Ive only had about 5 orgasms in my life i think. The anal toys i used also seemt pretty boring and not orgasm inducing ( even though it was suposed to be one ).


Thanks again for your help


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