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A question from a fellow zoo

There's nothing wrong with a >consensual< mount and tie with a dog.  Consensual means his Person and he have both consented.  The problem with fencehopping per se is essentially you're cheating on the animal's Person.  If they're in a deep loving relationship, you're gonna piss the person off for fucking his/her mate without permission - and in many instance there won't be permission.  You have to respect this.


Take care that these replies don't devolve into personal insults. I've already seen indications.  That said...

As most know, I am strongly against any form of "fence-hopping", though not , as some would suspect, because of the sex itself (though that is a valid reason too). Unless you are the owner of the animal in question you are highly unlikely to know every aspect of that animals behavior, needs, care and health, and thus are a DANGER to that animal if in contact with him/her without the owner present or with their express consent as in the case of veterinary care etc. In over 20 years online I've heard NO argument that counters this, and I know I never will.



2 hours ago, littlejohn said:

There's nothing wrong with a >consensual< mount and tie with a dog.  Consensual means his Person and he have both consented.  The problem with fencehopping per se is essentially you're cheating on the animal's Person.  If they're in a deep loving relationship, you're gonna piss the person off for fucking his/her mate without permission - and in many instance there won't be permission.  You have to respect this.

Ugh... why do you all keep ignoring a very good point i said? Do i really have to use caps?



2 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Unless you are the owner of the animal in question you are highly unlikely to know every aspect of that animals behavior, needs, care and health, and thus are a DANGER to that animal if in contact with him/her without the owner present or with their express consent as in the case of veterinary care etc. In over 20 years online I've heard NO argument that counters this, and I know I never will.

You can ask the owner then. I know one of the dogs i fencehopped very well because i hung around him a lot and cared for him.

This argument is easily defeated by fact that i know the dog well enough. And have you ever realised how this would be super rare ? Ive already fencehopped two dogs and there were no bad after maths. Its very rare that a dog has something wrong there.

Youre also showing signs of self rightenoussness. You believe youll never be proven wrong. Thats sad.


Well well paws, who's being self-righteous now? Dit it ever occur to you that those of us who are giving advice, who are older and experienced have seen all this shit before, all the 'points' you are arguing? I can't think of one member here: who, would openly support 'going to fuck the neighbors' dog'. You don't have facts, you have opinions.

You may not get caught as easily 'at his house' but the bottom line is, IT'S, NOT, YOUR, ANIMAL. By law or any margin you have NO RIGHT to use, abuse, or otherwise someone else's property without permission in the eyes of the law.. Let alone the sort of ethical implications of 'sneaking off' with someone's dog. Do you know there are people who'd kill you over that? Especially if they CAUGHT you in the act?

So you're descending down the road of personal insults, and have admitted to fence-hopping already. You can not believe me if you want, and my 'dumb ways' but I bet there's a lot more here who can validate what I say, and would agree with me in this instance.

You have a lot to learn, about being a Zoophile and life in general: I suggest you get started, this community (Zoophiles in general) are an interesting group.. Most of us hate animal abusers AND fetishists.. But society hates us, so we have to police ourselves.. Does it ever occur to you that, that's what we're sort of doing here? Keeping you from making a blatant fool of yourself? From doing something harmful / dangerous for you and your dog? And on the grand scheme trying to keep ALL of us from looking even more like shit? 

You see, I happen to like being a Zoo, and having friends and a community I can relate to and talk with. I'd actually like to try and improve our image a bit: not make it worse with fence-hopping and making off with someone's dog to fuck.

Also, if you're trying to insult me: good luck, been called everything in the book from A to Z and from Z to A.. 



7 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Dit it ever occur to you that those of us who are giving advice, who are older and experienced have seen all this shit before, all the 'points' you are arguing?

Likely not as you still arent convinced. I shouldnt had to tell you any of this.

7 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

You don't have facts, you have opinions.

Same counts for you. If you had any facts youd have arguments against me but you dont.

7 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

You may not get caught as easily 'at his house' but the bottom line is, IT'S, NOT, YOUR, ANIMAL. By law or any margin you have NO RIGHT to use, abuse, or otherwise someone else's property without permission in the eyes of the law.

Its also against the law to fuck animals so i guess its wrong too then.

Even if law sees animals as property they arent. If i decide my dog will never get any kind of attention you wouldnt be fine with that would you? Just a bored dog that only gets to eat and shit think about that.

7 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

You can not believe me if you want, and my 'dumb ways' but I bet there's a lot more here who can validate what I say, and would agree with me in this instance.

Yeah right yet youre ignoring my arguments. If you cannot even point out the faults in my arguments then how are you right? Come on then proof me wrong. Oh wait you cant.. how stubborn are you to still think youre right even if you cant even argue otherwise?

So what if others agree with you? that doesnt mean youre right. Children use logic like that. 'My friends say im right so i am!!!!!'



Im getting really sick of this attitude your keeping here. If you dont give any arguements against what i say next you agree that you are wrong. Anyone who can read this realises youre ignoring my argument and have no excuse not to give back arguements.


If they dont ever find out there is no problem. There is a chance that your dog may already have been fucked behind with out you knowing yet your not whining over it like a child AND THATS BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW.

You are already bothering our haters by saying you fucked animals in the first place so if you really cared you would be completely silent about this. I am in a situation were the risk is decreased if i have sex with his dog and not my own so YOUR LOGIC DOES NOT APPLY HERE AND MIGHT AS WELL SCOLD ME FOR HAVING SEX WITH MY OWN DOG INSTEAD.

You would convince and stop me if you actually had any arguements but you are a coward who cant accept that theyre wrong. Ill be fencehopping that dog because theres nothing wrong with it. Im not raping him yet your acting like i do. You people are sick.

Such a hypocrite. so what if you got caught then? You did it when everybody was still at home WHICH IS EVEN MORE RISKY THAN MY SITUATION.


Alright, I think that's about a wrap for me on this character.. I do have a few things to point out though then I'm done with him..

2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

m getting really sick of this attitude your keeping here.

"Oh, please, no, I'm.. so sorry.." Listen kiddo, that's just too bad too sad. If you think *I'm* hard to deal with, try talking to a group of 'normies' like I have before, or a group of Antis, then we'll see how well you fare after you've been through the loss of friends, losing a lover, and being raked over the coals like I have. You getting mad and insulting, as well as screaming at a monitor / keyboard has ZERO, all of ZERO effect on me.

Now, if fence hopping and all Bestiality are 'A.O.K' why do the admins not have Bestiality allowed here? Why to they tell us up front not to post meetups or fence hopping, as well as straight Bestiality? Could it be that, it's a problem? Caikgoch and Silverwolf have already pointed out some reasons not doing it, a good friend of mine: Eagle, as well as other Zoos in my Discord server are against it as well..

We've had more issues with Fence hoppers in the Zoo community than you can count on all your and your lover's limbs.. It's not just that 'Well fucking animals is wrong too so this is alright just the same!', it's that there's even -MORE- implications behind it, tresspass, bodily injury for person and animal, extra legal troubles, a worse public image... Even *harsher* restrictions on adopting, rescuing, or buying dogs because of animal fuckers.. You're missing the very big picture here. I did too when I was young but I learned real quick.

I learned from seeing material that involved an animal suffering because of a fence hopper, seen people nearly get shot or trampled when the early 'Online Zoo' world was the proverbial wild-west.. I vowed from then on, NO activity without explicit permission on BOTH human and animal parties, no fence hopping and no 'sneaking off' with someone's animal for a lay. 

Animals don't care about who and where, but unfortunately they live in a HUMAN world, and the humans in that world have a lot of consequences to answer to if shit goes wrong: some of them mean the end of an animal's life.

Also, another terrible cherry atop this shit-sundae: it's comments like yours that give 'normies', 'antis', 'moral righteous' ammunition against us, that make us look like a bunch of deviants who want sex and people have to hide their cats from (no shit, that's a general stereotype I had to deal with not long ago whilst talking to a couple 'normies').

2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

If they dont ever find out there is no problem. There is a chance that your dog may already have been fucked behind with out you knowing yet your not whining over it like a child AND THATS BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW.

Oh no, he wasan't.. He's had a bitch or two before me...  Anyways, there *is* still a problem, like Caik and Silver pointed out: it's betraying trust in human and animal.. 

You, yourself said you are -completely- clueless to sex, what if you hurt that dog? You've made yours bleed, again what if you hurt that dog? You don't have an answer to that. The fact that you're calling me dumb, ignorant, stubborn.. Shows who you really are.. I really don't give a shit about your 'fee-fees'.. The things I care about the most are furred, kind, have cold wet noses and four legs (or, hooves, warm noses, and four legs.. Whichever your attraction). Truth told if I caught someone hurting an animal of mine they'd have about thirty seconds to come up with a real good answer or things are going ugly real quick.

2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

You would convince and stop me if you actually had any arguements but you are a coward who cant accept that theyre wrong. Ill be fencehopping that dog because theres nothing wrong with it. Im not raping him yet your acting like i do. You people are sick.

Yep, I know what sort of person you are for sure now. Looking for a quick lay and that's it... Also we're not the sick ones as we're not advocating or practicing invading someone's private property to fuck their dog..

Oh and on silence, I don't wave flags and shit: or post on Social Media if that's what you're thinking. My stories and experiences are with close friends and other Zoos, I keep an anonymous presence otherwise AND will tell the truth if asked. I have reached out before to clear up some misconceptions about Zoos and our ethics a time or two.. But it's been brief and it's been -me- comming forward as anonymous as possible as opposed to being 'exposed' or blasting it from a megaphone from the rooftops that I like dog dick. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

Such a hypocrite. so what if you got caught then? You did it when everybody was still at home WHICH IS EVEN MORE RISKY THAN MY SITUATION.

I did make love in my own home yes. Though you seem to assume I threw myself down on the floor in front of him with a house full of guests.. It's called privacy and planning my man.. You pick a good alone time (for me, at night when everyone was asleep, two story house mind you...), a good location (my virtually soundproof bedroom on the second floor), and you  make plans (ensure you can stay comfortable for a while, use the bathroom beforehand, make sure all is quiet and calm, make sure you have enough time..). Intimacy is a private matter to a lot of us not just because of legality.. But because to a lot of US it's a bonding experience, a shared love and devotion.. 

I'm sorry you can't get it through your head but I'm officially done, with this post: I will not reply to you anymore paws.. Because me doing so, and saying what I -really- want to would probably get me banned. I enjoy my presence here and I feel I've made a few decent friends among the crowd even if they don't agree with me: they probably haven't been too 'up there'  with me on my last few posts because I have gotten a bit short-fused.. 

Point being, I'm not nuking myself here or ruining what friendships can be hard to make as a Zoo over this foolishness and your lack of understanding, even if people are trying to help you.



This is getting pretty "deja vu all over again"....... 


9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Now, if fence hopping and all Bestiality are 'A.O.K' why do the admins not have Bestiality allowed here? Why to they tell us up front not to post meetups or fence hopping, as well as straight Bestiality? Could it be that, it's a problem? Caikgoch and Silverwolf have already pointed out some reasons not doing it, a good friend of mine: Eagle, as well as other Zoos in my Discord server are against it as well..

I dont get it... We all do bestiality and we all know theres nothing wrong with it. Have you hit your head on a wall or what?

I already told you that a group having an opinon doesnt mean theyre true.

9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

It's not just that 'Well fucking animals is wrong too so this is alright just the same!', it's that there's even -MORE- implications behind it, tresspass, bodily injury for person and animal, extra legal troubles, a worse public image...

Im not trespassing, im not injuring him, theres no legal troubles involved. Injuring him and legal trouble is more likely to happen if i have sex with my OWN dog stop ignoring that. I can understand a public image being lower but they too have to realize that fencehopping is not bad.

9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

I learned from seeing material that involved an animal suffering because of a fence hopper, seen people nearly get shot or trampled when the early 'Online Zoo' world was the proverbial wild-west.. I vowed from then on, NO activity without explicit permission on BOTH human and animal parties, no fence hopping and no 'sneaking off' with someone's animal for a lay. 

I learned from seeing material that involved an animal suffering because of a not fencehopping animal fucker.

Still these dont always apply to every fencehopper. You keep ignoring my point! IF THE RISK OF ME GETTING CAUGHT AT HOME IS BIGGER THAN WITH MY FRIENDS DOG THEN WHY DONT YOU HATE ME FOR FUCKING MY OWN?

9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Oh no, he wasan't.. He's had a bitch or two before me... 

You literaly cant always know. Maybe he was indeed fucked by someone else theres no way you really know it hasnt happened which proves your whole arguement wrong.

9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Anyways, there *is* still a problem, like Caik and Silver pointed out: it's betraying trust in human and animal.. 

Betraying trust of an animal? What??? The animal consents to it and dogs dont care who you fuck.

You still ignore my arguement. Theres nothing wrong with betraying the trust of a human BECAUSE THEY DONT KNOW.

Your animal could have been fencehopped and you arent complaining either. GIVE ME AT LEAST ON ARGUEMENT WHY BETRAYING SOMEONES TRUST IS BAD IF THEY CANT FIND OUT. ANYBODY.

9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

The things I care about the most are furred, kind, have cold wet noses and four legs (or, hooves, warm noses, and four legs.. Whichever your attraction). Truth told if I caught someone hurting an animal of mine they'd have about thirty seconds to come up with a real good answer or things are going ugly real quick.

You must be really cool. But why arent you mad at me for hurting my own dog? why is someone elses dog more important?

9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Also we're not the sick ones as we're not advocating or practicing invading someone's private property to fuck their dog..


9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Oh and on silence, I don't wave flags and shit: or post on Social Media if that's what you're thinking. My stories and experiences are with close friends and other Zoos, I keep an anonymous presence otherwise AND will tell the truth if asked. I have reached out before to clear up some misconceptions about Zoos and our ethics a time or two.. But it's been brief and it's been -me- comming forward as anonymous as possible as opposed to being 'exposed' or blasting it from a megaphone from the rooftops that I like dog dick.

You made a good point. If nobody finds out theres nothing wrong with it because i wont tell anyone either! THANK YOU FOR PROVING MY POINT!!! You just addmited to being wrong.

Holy jesus, thank you.

9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

It's called privacy and planning my man.. You pick a good alone time (for me, at night when everyone was asleep, two story house mind you...), a good location (my virtually soundproof bedroom on the second floor), and you  make plans (ensure you can stay comfortable for a while, use the bathroom beforehand, make sure all is quiet and calm, make sure you have enough time..). Intimacy is a private matter to a lot of us not just because of legality.

I can do the same with my friends dog so what is the problem then?

9 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

I'm sorry you can't get it through your head

Your the one who has a thick skull because you ignore my arguements all the time meaning you cant even read. And thats coming from someone with dyslexia lol...



A "virgin" who's "fence-hopped" repeatedly, for those of you who missed it. Anyway, more'n a few personal insults in those last two replies to WGW, and though they may not bother him they are against my rules. He has of course shown his hand, and his identity, anyway if you read his replies closely. Warned, for now...


Blowjobs arent sex so yes i am a virgin. Can you also point out the insults because i dont see them. He also insulted towards me.


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