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A question from a fellow zoo

5 hours ago, mrpaws said:

 Theres nothing wrong with betraying the trust of a human BECAUSE THEY DONT KNOW.



I rest my case.


4 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

A "virgin" who's "fence-hopped" repeatedly, for those of you who missed it. Anyway, more'n a few personal insults in those last two replies to WGW, and though they may not bother him they are against my rules. He has of course shown his hand, and his identity, anyway if you read his replies closely. Warned, for now...

Eh, what can I say SW: sometimes I can be an arse.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> 

I really try to be diplomatic in as many cases as I can because let's face it: as Zoos our communities don't have a lot of internal strength let alone external support.. I'm not shy about who or what I am, and I'll be the first to say I try to think of the animals' well-being in all cases and not just the simple stuff.

That's why, as you've all seen in my previous posts I mention things like 'accidents', and 'slow down, take care, don't rush' so much... And of course you all know what would happen if someone found their dog limping or with a bleeding penis or something after an 'incident'. Oh and not to answer him, but to those curious I -know- my dog was never 'hopped' he was not only a trained police canine, but was a house dog, never out of our sight especially at night.. Hell at night he was always with me. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> 

Thanks for the 'upvotes' by the way, if you want to call them that: honestly I was expecting a bit of a tail-chewing for kind of going down his throat like that..

To paraphrase HH: There's a lot of De-ja-vu in this one for me, for some reason...



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