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My Intro

Hey everyone. Guess now is as good a time as ever to make an intro post.

I'm Equilibera. I've been a contributor over the years at a bunch of places...Zoophilesforum, Zoophiles' Destiny, Knotty.me, and the late /r/Zoophilia. I don't like the idea of people being able to string my online presence together through usernames, so I've never used the same one twice. Makes continuity kind of a challenge, but that's the price you pay to not worry about casual doxxing, I suppose.

I'm a proud, loyalty-club-card-carrying member of the equine herd, but I shamelessly have mental affairs with cetaceans, avians, cervines, and big felines from time to time. My day job is somewhere on the STEM spectrum and my favorite nerdy as shit mental time waster is cogitating on how a skilled, nonhuman, quadrupedal martial artist would fight. Being Zoo, for me, has been a huge invitation to try and understand the world through the eyes of the other species riding this planet through space with us. As a result I care very much about animal welfare, even if the organizations nominally fighting for it are frequently made up of myopic fools.

Anyway, I hope to engage with you all more in the coming weeks, months, and years. I think now more than ever we should do our best to stick together and support one another.


We've spoken, but a formal welcome to you nonetheless. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Always nice to have more zoos join the community.


howdy and welcome...i would love to see you "engage" with everyone here...can i take pictures...we have a thread for that here...enjoy yourself...


Thanks, shortleash and WGW. 

On 2/9/2019 at 3:35 PM, shortleash said:

i would love to see you "engage" with everyone here...can i take pictures

No way, I am too camera shy! And besides, I save those kinds of engagements for partners of different sort... : P


I particularly like your perspective of sharing this amazing ride with other species.

I see things through the lens of science (particularly genetics and evolution), and history myself.


Thanks Old Zoo! It's great to see you here.

I owe that bit of perspective to the experience of astronauts. A planet is really just a big, special spaceship that we share with billions of other, amazing beings like ourselves. We're all on the same team, at least from a larger perspective, at the end of the day.




16 hours ago, Old Zoo said:

I particularly like your perspective of sharing this amazing ride with other species.

I see things through the lens of science (particularly genetics and evolution), and history myself.

Well Howdy!  Good you've come here too!


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