What Animal do you prefer as a mate?
Goats/ Sheep
Monkey/ Ape
Mythical beasts
POKEMON and other fictional animals
Pigs (Porcine)
Ursidea (Bears et al) I\'m including Raccoons here.
Other undefined
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What animal(s) do you prefer as a Mate?

Pretty much Canine 100% for me. I've had my 'shifts' over the years: entertaining the idea of Equines, Cetaceans, Felines, etc.. But my attraction to canines never really left, and has gotten much stronger as I've grown older.

Even though German Shepherds top my list, I'd love go meet and even mate with a wolf if opportunity were there and he were willing..


I would consider anything as long as the are big enough to take me. My favorite would be horses, dogs. Big cats, bears. I would be on the receiving side to.


Seems I've sold my soul to the godhead that is mare tail. I mean, the whole genus equus is hot, but female horses in particular are pure fertility goddesses to me. It's hard to beat that.

That being said, I've had a background interest in delphinidae for a while, especially orcas and bottlenose dolphins, and the gateway drug to realizing I was into real world non-humans was Pokemon (wierdly). Along the way I've also found that variety is a good thing and added avians, big cats, cervines, and even fantasy dragons to my flights of fancy. Occasionally dogs too, but very rarely.


6 hours ago, Equilibera said:

Seems I've sold my soul to the godhead that is mare tail. I mean, the whole genus equus is hot, but female horses in particular are pure fertility goddesses to me. It's hard to beat that.

That being said, I've had a background interest in delphinidae for a while, especially orcas and bottlenose dolphins, and the gateway drug to realizing I was into real world non-humans was Pokemon (wierdly). Along the way I've also found that variety is a good thing and added avians, big cats, cervines, and even fantasy dragons to my flights of fancy. Occasionally dogs too, but very rarely.

Nothing wrong with that.. That's quite the impressive list.. I've had a thing (and still occasionally fantasize about) for Orcas for ages.. I sometimes enjoy creatures of larger sizes.. Well, size, or like in the case of Wolves: strength and prowess.



2 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

That's quite the impressive list.. I've had a thing (and still occasionally fantasize about) for Orcas for ages.. I sometimes enjoy creatures of larger sizes.. Well, size, or like in the case of Wolves: strength and prowess.

Variety is the spice of life! It's important to stay grounded in reality, but having a bit of fun in fantasy every once and a while helps keep things fresh.

For aquatic creatures, I think it's hard to find a better combination of beauty, power, and intelligence than an orca. Plus, their relationship with humans in the wild (at least, resident pods) is at worst live-and-let-live, and at best close and symbiotic. I think I remember a real story of some fishermen who worked frequently with a pod of orcas to bring in the daily catch...kind of unique for an apex predator species on this planet. It's really cool.

And yeah, I find it very fun to try and figure out the "dynamics" of how you might have a good time with an individual of a species much larger than yourself. There's something to opening yourself up and being vulnerable around a partner who is definitely way above your level in the places where it counts.


My main interest is in horses, but I guess you could order my preferences into a three tier system.

First Tier (Strong Preference): Domesticated horses

Second Tier: Other equines such as zebras, ponies, etc. and deer

Third Tier (Definitely wouldn't mind as a mate): This is where it gets interesting. Goats, Bears, Canines, Ostriches, Crocodiles/Alligators and Porcines. 


I voted for canine because I am naturally more attracted to canines emotionally and sexually than anything else. That being said if I could flick a switch in my brain my preference would be for fellow humans. As I've aged I've found the life of a zoo who can only form deep connections with dogs such as me is a bit of a bipolar nightmare. There are some very good highs but the lows are disturbingly crushing. I wrote somewhere else recently that it isn't good for ones long term mental health and I still firmly believe that.


canines, specifically kuvasz bitches as my name implies. 


I'm drawn to humans but that's a very complicated issue. Humans are complex creatures that lack consistency and in comparison to the canine species, they often seem to behave randomly and without any significant measure of stability. They're unpredictable and I've always found them a poor choice as a primary partner, at least.

Canines on the other hand are more than capable of exhibiting an emotional and behavioral stability that I, personally, need and desire in a partner. Their behavior feels much more familiar and comfortable to me and they can be depended on, emotionally, without question at any time.

The sensible choice and what's always worked for me has been sharing my life with a canine or two and while I still do often yearn for human interaction on that level, finding even a similar standard which is acceptable to me, in a human, has been a rough road to travel.

I honestly wish I could turn my attraction to humans off, some days, as it would save me a ton of grief and frustration.

Physically, canines win the contest without question. There's nothing more beautiful or attractive in this world than a fit bitch with pointed ears and pretty eyes, period.



6 hours ago, Thunder-Bay-Syd said:

voted for canine because I am naturally more attracted to canines emotionally and sexually than anything else. That being said if I could flick a switch in my brain my preference would be for fellow humans. As I've aged I've found the life of a zoo who can only form deep connections with dogs such as me is a bit of a bipolar nightmare. There are some very good highs but the lows are disturbingly crushing. I wrote somewhere else recently that it isn't good for ones long term mental health and I still firmly believe that.

I can't agree with this personally but it's definitely an interesting view.. I'd never change honestly. It's not only a pare of who I am, but I'm also a Misanthrope tn an extend (someone who's unhappy with humanity and it's general direction and outlook). I'm not attracted to humans one bit, and honestly never have been at all.

In the case of exclusives, mental health can be debated: especially if you consider that animals are 'used' as Emotional Support a lot of the time, now I really think the impacts of exclusivity on mental health also depend on perspective. Can you still socialize as an exclusive? Are you able to function in the most basic confines of society (a job, managing finances, health and wellness et-el.)? That's not really a discussion for this thread. Being an exclusive though I figured I'd just throw in a couple cents worth.



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