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Roll Call, let us know you're still here...

and i be watching you tru an old camera obscura

but only with one eye


watching you or watching ewe?


Hello.  I be here now...

*lowers voice*


So, what we doing?



On 4/22/2019 at 4:34 PM, cervids said:


How are you different?


Are you a nonzoo or something?

Not quite. I'm just different for a number of reasons, I guess.

The first difference is also the way I'm different from what seems like most people. I'm not a dog person, in any way. I'm also not much of a cat person, horse person, or common livestock/pet person in general. To varying degrees. Goats are pretty cute, all birds are beautiful in some way, but horses and dogs might be among my very least favorite animals. The species I do find extraordinarily beautiful are also the ones I'm a lot less likely to pet anytime soon. Like komodo dragons and crocodiles. Damn, those crocodiles. I could stare at them all day.

The second difference is, I think I'm just not built for a typical relationship with a non-human. To be in a relationship with a non-human usually just means owning them, and that in turn means absolute responsibility. I really don't like the idea of being solely responsible for anything at all. I wouldn't even want to be in a monogamous relationship with a fellow human for this reason. They would be their own, self-reliant person, but I would still be the only one to satisfy some subset of their emotional needs. I wouldn't want that. I wouldn't want to worry about them being unfulfilled if I'm ever unavailable for whatever reason. And that's just a relationship with an equal. But being a caretaker of someone with less mental capacity and/or a huge language barrier? It's been arduous enough trying to feed medicine to a family pet who's hopelessly incapable of comprehending that this is for their own good. I can only imagine how much more frustrating it would have been if the animal in question was someone I was a lot emotionally closer too.

But to end on a more pleasant note, the third difference is that I'm not too upset with the lack of prospects that my situation means. I feel what I feel, but it's not a strong enough urge to make me feel sad or desperate about being unable to satisfy it. If I have to confine myself to fiction for my entire life, so be it. There's a certain beauty to that too.




Remain on topic please. <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/2560-cognitivedance/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="2560" href="<___base_url___>/profile/2560-cognitivedance/">@CognitiveDance</a> There's a Biography section where I think your take on your very different zoophilia would make an interesting post should you feel like sharing, or even in the General section in some form similar to what you've stated above. You might be surprised by the replies. I'd hate to waste such a post, but it doesn't belong in this thread.



*Mark's territory * 



Hear and alive 





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