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What makes YOU a zoo?

We all know, and have argued (debated, whatever), the definitions of what we believe makes Joe Smith from Anywhere a Zoophile. I want to take a different tack on this. What do you believe makes YOU personally a Zoo? What is YOUR requirement to met before you feel you are truly in a zoophilic relationship? Is searching for such a relationship even necessary to YOU?

My own answers:

What makes me a zoo: For years I fought the label actually. Ebon had to shove it down my throat. Anyway, Being attracted to an individual of another species is what I believe makes me a "Zoo", and that's all that does.

My requirements to be met in a Zoophilic relationship: Full commitment to my partner first and foremost.  Safety, security, financial well-being & housing all well provided for (odd in a relationship, but important in a zoophilic one). An emotional understanding by me of my animal partners natural behaviors & that I cannot expect the same commitments from her. Understanding I am human, she is not in other words. Making these commitments because I am human.

Is searching for such a relationship even necessary: Yes, because I'm human, and that's what humans do. Being a "zoo" only means I love another species, not that I've stopped being my own.


You'll note I've not discussed sex in the above. Sex with my partners didn't make me "zoo" only a Bestialist, though I had requirements in my "zoo" relationships there too. Monogomy being the biggest.

Again, these aren't things I think others must do to be "zoo", just what I felt made me such. I'll be interested to read others replies. 





Nothing makes me Zoo.   I have had the ability, detailed communication and empathy for species other than my own, for as long as I have been aware.   Because I have this ability, I have chosen to have social relationships with individuals of other species.  The relationships have ranged from many casual friends to a few life partners.  Some of those friends and partners have had "benefits", most have not.

I call those relationships "Zoophilia" because they are with other species and of equal weight in my hierarchy of values with similar relationships within my own species.


I think you'd have to re-visit the discussion "What makes you gay?".  For some of us it worked the same way. 

I've known since even before I became aware of my sexuality.  

(Straight, BTW).  


For me, best answer I can give is simply 'born this way'. I've had platonic / romantic attractions to canines (big ones, male in particular) since I was eight. It bloomed in to noticing them sexually when I started puberty. An early experience at the age of Thirteen with a Male German Shepherd only served to reinforce my thoughts and feelings towards non-humans.

I've went through 'phases' of finding other non-humans attractive, but I soon realized I was canine exclusive.


Ahh, I've been misunderstood. I'm referring to the defining of the term while most replies are to the sexual orientation. Two differing debates in my mind, as the second can be debated to not even exist by some. I've also been misunderstood in the use of the word "makes". I too Choose to be what I am, to follow the life I lead. The use of word "makes" only implied what things you felt were necessary to you upholding your personal beliefs in your lifestyle.

To my personal beliefs on what the various replies have brought up:

Was I "zoo" since birth? No. I don't see it as an orientation, unavoidable and forced upon me by biology. I chose it, willingly. I may have had a tendency toward bestiality  at birth, but I doubt that as well. 

Do I have a certain empathy toward other species though? Yes. I've made a living out of it. I know at least a dozen others who have a better read into horses and dogs than me though who don't fuck some of 'em. Still I think I 'know' the animals better, understand their being if that makes any sense.

Again, these are my personal beliefs about myself. Thanks for playing along.





I'd say because of my love of animals is a lot more than someone who isn't zoo. Communication. Being able to read them a little better than most. 

I wouldn't say I was "born with it" but I developed a curiosity out of it when I was younger. 

Relationships: More friends than anything, but I've given up on relationships that isn't related to anything zoo. I have a few genuine friends and one of them is more of a companionship relationship. A requirement would be basically from my experience, be doing something with your life that isn't using others as your income.


7 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

....what things you felt were necessary to you upholding your personal beliefs in your lifestyle.

1)  I don't find humans attractive or beautiful.  I have no sexual attraction to them.  I find their aggregate behavior shameful and destructive.  With less than a half dozen exceptions I find them stressful to be around.  I personally strongly believe a 90% reduction in human population (by attrition preferably) would be desirable from every perspective.  

2)  I find most of the higher animals attractive and beautiful (with the exception of primates).  They are forthright and honest, in their behavior and sexuality, and I find them pleasant and relaxing to be around, even where hard work is involved.  I have also made a living of it, and related occupations. 

Legal and human social pressure notwithstanding, why would I want to be otherwise? 





7 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

1)  I don't find humans attractive or beautiful.  I have no sexual attraction to them.  I find their aggregate behavior shameful and destructive.  With less than a half dozen exceptions I find them stressful to be around.  I personally strongly believe a 90% reduction in human population (by attrition preferably) would be desirable from every perspective.  

2)  I find most of the higher animals attractive and beautiful (with the exception of primates).  They are forthright and honest, in their behavior and sexuality, and I find them pleasant and relaxing to be around, even where hard work is involved.  I have also made a living of it, and related occupations. 

Legal and human social pressure notwithstanding, why would I want to be otherwise? 




Though I disagree in finding (some) humans attractive, I have actually written Clancy-like short stories of drastic population decline. They'd sell if I could bring myself to include a "hero" willing to stop the madman causing it, lol!

I too find other primates a turn off though. I wonder about that...



8 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

I too find other primates a turn off though. I wonder about that...

I'll go there:

Too much like us.  Too much screeching, howling, throwing shit, tribal warfare, acting like a bunch of dumbass humans.  


I love animals.  Yes, that way too.


That's about all I need.


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