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How to deal with lack of contact with horses?

... and semi-rhetorically one can ask why I just keep searching for horses? because I have even stranger bar to live up to ....

But anyway, here are videos



And even more video

(search for "Sable Island + horses", this particular video a bit sad, if you ask me, but life is life ....)


i have read this threat on and off again for 2 years....and i find it mostly whiny shit....but funny at time...no matter what anybody says...this guy argues that he can't...and as long as he thinks like that he won't have contact with horses....mainly because no horse would want him....horses are very sensitive and can sense humans that are negative thinkers...i am betting that if he rolled a wheel chair up to a horse they would turn and walk away...such an ego he has....


It's true most horses are empaths, as are most animals. The majority of humans have lost that ability... Though I too have noted a trend in horses reacting to folks who had severely negative feelings of themselves, I've found it the horse's reaction depends heavily on the humans need for healing (emotional & physical). They won't even try to help one who won't even try to help themselves though, I've noted that several times. Even one who hates themselves might get approached by an equine, or a dog, or a cat, goat, sheep or cow etc. who is willing to help...

I find the posts 'whiny' too, always have. They are. They can be nothing else when all you have left is pity for yourself to fall back on so you ask nothing else here. The trick is to offer something else back and hope it get's through. Like hope. Hope's good...



Lemme suggest, instead of pointing out why you can't meet a horse start designing ways in which you could.  Take the best, edit and improve, and then implement.  (Might start with  a caretaker change.  Might start with 'Id really love to meet a horse' out loud to the caretaker you have now.  Etc.



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