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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

 CV is in my state big time, though mostly in the opposite end from where I am.  I maintain critical infrastructure, so I'm allowed to be out and about.  We're down to two people in the building at any given time with a couple of road guys who come and go.  We're not allowed to be in the same area as any other workers and all the office staff has been working remotely for a couple of weeks.  Our commercial customers are all shut down, so we're down to 3 days a week unless something big breaks.

  My boss is a major germophobe, so the building is sanitized pretty much constantly.  Any incoming packages or equipment get zapped with a UV lamp and/or sprayed down with disinfectant if they can be, then they sit in the receiving area for at least 36 hours before we're allowed to touch them.  I figure if I end up getting this thing, it will be from going out to get food. If things get really bad, I can live out of cans for a while.  Got 6-8 weeks' worth of dog food also.

 My roomie does night watch in a freight yard and almost never sees another human.  Social distancing?  Hey, I'm an Asperger's kid.  Social distancing is how I've always lived.  As Paul Simon once sang, "I touch no one and no one touches me..."


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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic - by DingoJay - 03-28-2020, 02:44 PM

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